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Guest ISportsFan

Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest ISportsFan

Attendance: Floor and 1st level was full, 2nd level was 2/3 full, upper deck was 1/3 full (the rest was blacked out by huge tarps)




(1) Joey Matthews pinned Crowbar (w/Daffney).


(2) LOD beat CM Punk & Doug Delicious .




(1) Spanky pinned Crash


(2) Rhyno pinned Bill Demott


(3) Chavo Guerrero went to a No Contest when Chavo appeared to hurt his arm on the first spot of the match.


(4) A-Train pinned Kanyon. They announced the next show in the area would be July 5th in Frederick, Md.




Vince McMahon issued an open contract for anyone vs. Mr America at Judgement Day-FBI came out, showed clips of their greatest 'hits' (Rikishi, Taker, Jones, Lesnar, Benoit) and they offered to take out Mr America. Rikishi then came out and we had our first match...


(1) Chuck Palumbo pinned Rikishi after Johnny the Bull stopped the stink face which allowed Chuck to hit the superkick for the pin. The big screens then showed Brock entering the arena and he soon hit the ring and cleared the ring of the FBI.


(2) Stephanie McMahon was seen giving Brock a 'pep talk' backstage.


They showed a clip of "Mr America" visiting the US troops.


Torrie came out in a bikini as a tease for Judgement Day.


(3) Vince & Steph were seen backstage bickering over who should apologize. Steph showed off her ''red & yellow'' roses that Hulk Hogan sent her and a bouquet of red & white roses that Mr America sent her. Steph left and Vince smashed both bouquets.


(4) Matt Hardy pinned Tajiri.


(5) Chris Benoit beat John Cena by DQ when the FBI interfered. Rhyno & Spanky made the save setting up a 6 man tag for the PPV.


Piper's Pit with Mr America. Piper was chastising a 'fan' in the crowd for waving a huge US Flag. Sean O'Haire eventually grabbed the kid and threw him into the ring after he & Piper worked over Mr America. Piper went to grab the kid by the leg, but 'yanked' his leg off. It was Tenacious Z's debut.


Hogan & Z walked off. Z with the flag and Hogan with Z's leg.


(6) Shelton Benjamin pinned Eddy Guerrero after Charlie Haas distracted Eddy with a ladder. After the match, Vince was shown backstage with Piper & O'Haire and he was upset with what Piper did to the 'fan' and announced that Piper was the man he chose to

face Mr America at Judgement Day.


Sable came out in a bikini to tease the PPV


They showed JR & Jerry Lawler hyping the RAW matches for the PPV.


They had a backstage interview with Rey Mysterio Jr. where he talked about his injury and how scared he was that he wouldn't be able to return. Big Show interrupted the interview, grabbed Rey by the throat and carried him out to the ring. He was beating on Rey (Rey got in a bit of offense briefly) and eventually Brock Lesnar hit the ring and made the save, closing it out by hitting the F5 on Big Show.


From: pwtorch.com/artman/publish


Jason, who has to go to bed because of the AP government test (my 3rd of 4 these 2 weeks) tomorrow morning.

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Guest AndrewTS

Good matches surrounded by steaming crap. Thank God for the invention of video tape.

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Guest Mole

Uh oh, it looks like Big Show will win at JD.


And JD looks like the worst card since...Backlash. Who wants to see America/Piper?????


Rhyno on Velocity? Chavo looks to be hurt? Kanyon jobbing to A-TRAIN???


This is the death of WWE. I can't wait to get home so I can watch NWA TNA.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Didn't the WWF take the piss out of WCW for doing Hogan/Piper? Now 5 years after "age in a cage" they are doing the same thing.


Looks like Chavos injury is legit then, but they didn't name a replacement so maybe its not to bad. All in all sounds like another subpar show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Hey Curry, Benoit beat Cena but he didn't really *beat* Cena... :) Man, 2 weeks in a Row! WHOOO HOO! You may be able to call Raw, but Smackdown is all mine!


...It's funny cause he has no leg.

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Guest Downhome

I didn't read the results of the matches, I just skimmed to get to the Piper's Pit segment. If any of you know the history of Z, then you know that Hulk Hogan is the man that he looked up to as a kid, as did many others.


When he had cancer, which led to his loosing his leg, he was able to meet Hulk Hogan. I'm sure that what happened on Smackdown was simply outstanding for him. Not only did he debut, but he did so with his "hero". There isn't a one of us who could possibly understand how great that was for him.


Congrats Z, you deserved it!

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

The matches look decent enough, even though there's only 4 of them.


More Vince/Hogan stuff - ugh

Tenacious Z debut - ugh

Rey's back...and gets beaten up by Show *again* - ugh

Piper/Hogan announced for JD - UGH!

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Good to see they did something stupid with Tenacious Z right off the bat, i was afraid we were going to have to wait for them to do something dumb like 'ripping his leg off'.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

...at least he isn't a pirate...




Palumbo/Rikishi lasted 3 minutes

Hardy/Tajiri lasted 4 minutes

Benoit/Cena lasted 10 1/2 minutes

Eddie/Benjamin lasted 5 minutes

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Guest Mole

I've asked this like 5 times, but is Z really a good wrestler? How can a man with one leg wrestle??

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh, and we see 2 Torrie Wilson skits, and *7* Vince McMahon/Mr America skits.


Yeah, this isn't Al Wilson, THIS IS WORSE!

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

People who've seen him say he's amazing, and they can't believe some of the stuff he does considering he has 1 leg.


Personally, I don't want to see him at all, considering there are perfectly good 2-legged wrestlers wasting away and/or jobbing to less talented guys.

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Guest Nevermortal
I've asked this like 5 times, but is Z really a good wrestler? How can a man with one leg wrestle??

He's very spot-tastic.


From what I've seen he hits his signature stuff, but I am not sure if he's able to wrestle a decent length of time.

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Guest Space_Cowboy
...at least he isn't a pirate...

It's only a matter of time, i'm sure Gerwitz or Vince or whoever are already salivating at the thought of doing that angle.

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Guest Downhome
I believe he can only do spots but not ACTAULLY wrestle.

I bought his "Best Of" tape from him personally, and trust me, he CAN wrestle.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

He would be a great evil Villain to the Hurricane.


They could have him try to be Hurricanes sidekick, but he can't help out very much on account of the leg, so then he gets offered a 'magic leg' by some evil wizard and it turns him bad...

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I surprised no one has pointed out that there are FOUR matches in a two hour show. Now granted three of them should be pretty good but that is just inexcusible.

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Guest Downhome
I surprised no one has pointed out that there are FOUR matches in a two hour show. Now granted three of them should be pretty good but that is just inexcusible.

Isn't that the norm pre-ppv?

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Oh and now just noticed that Chavo was injured in his match on Velocity. If he can't go at JD and they have to cancel the Ladder match they are FUCKED.

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Guest Nanks
Didn't the WWF take the piss out of WCW for doing Hogan/Piper? Now 5 years after "age in a cage" they are doing the same thing.


What's your point?? This is Piper v MR. AMERICA, not Piper v Hogan, it's not the same thing at all. Don't you listen????


Good to see they did something stupid with Tenacious Z right off the bat, i was afraid we were going to have to wait for them to do something dumb like 'ripping his leg off'.


I suppose you'd have him debut in an iron man match with Benoit or something. He's a gimmick wrestler, he's got ONE FREAKIN' LEG for God's sake, he's not coming in to be a legit threat to anybody.


Palumbo/Rikishi lasted 3 minutes

Hardy/Tajiri lasted 4 minutes

Benoit/Cena lasted 10 1/2 minutes

Eddie/Benjamin lasted 5 minutes


So there is a total of 22 1/2 minutes of wrestling on Smackdown! this week??? A fairy just lost its wings. At least Benoit v Cena could be good, although it sounds overbooked at the end. I'm not complaining about Benoit/Spanky/Rhyno v Cena/FBI (If Nunzio wrestles), mind you, I'm not watching it either, so it matters little

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I pointed out that there were 4 matches and 7 Mr America segments.


Actually, this smackdown was like smackdown last week - about 23 minutes or ring time for a 2 hour show.

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Guest deadbeater

Who wouldn't want to debut with a rub from the most popular wrestler ever? Guess some of you guys.

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Guest the pinjockey

I'll wait and see where this goes for Z first. If they actually go somewhere it will be fine, but if they just treat him like a charity case (which is my guess) it is retarded.


Oh well, I'll be at the Matrix anyway during this pantload.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And that some how justifies doing it in such a tasteless way?

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Guest the pinjockey

It was obvious as soon as they signed him they were going to debut him by doing a yanking the leg off bit, so I wasn't expecting anything better from them then that.

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Guest Downhome
It was obvious as soon as they signed him they were going to debut him by doing a yanking the leg off bit, so I wasn't expecting anything better from them then that.



I'm glad they've went ahead and got it over with.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah! Exactly! Why expect something good and classy out of the WWE?

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Guest Sakura

OMG, what an awesome spin. "I expected them to do this anyway, so I am just glad they got it out of the way". That OWNS.

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