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Updated Judgment Day Card

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Guest razazteca

I think it was the Fake Sting who was the driver. And Jericho has evidence of it which will be shown on the next Highlight of the Night segment. But due to poor photoshop work all you see in the pictures is an out of focus shot of a man with face paint.


So Goldberg goes around the backstage attacking Hurricane, Goldust, LOD. Then out of F'N nowhere comes The Warrior & Sting to the rescue.

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I think it was the Fake Sting who was the driver. And Jericho has evidence of it which will be shown on the next Highlight of the Night segment. But due to poor photoshop work all you see in the pictures is an out of focus shot of a man with face paint.


So Goldberg goes around the backstage attacking Hurricane, Goldust, LOD. Then out of F'N nowhere comes The Warrior & Sting to the rescue.

And then Vampiro does a blood bath on all of them and lights Sting on fire.

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Guest the pinjockey
But due to poor photoshop work all you see in the pictures is an out of focus shot of a man with face paint.


So Goldberg goes around the backstage attacking Hurricane, Goldust, LOD. Then out of F'N nowhere comes The Warrior & Sting to the rescue.

Then walking by comes another unknown painted man.


JR: BY GAWD! Who is this? Oh sorry folks, it's just Jake Roberts, and he threw up on himself again. Let's move along.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

Worst. RAW. Ever.


With all those Run-Ins and Returns, there wouldn't be a single match on that card. Might be humorous but it would get old after the first hour me thinks.

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Guest Coffey

I thought Shawn Michaels wasn't in the IC Battle Royal. Lawler said he was, but then corrected himself later on RAW. HBK is in Nash's corner...so the only person pulling double duty is Test.


Lance Storm, Booker T., Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Goldust, Test, & Christian = 8

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Worst. RAW. Ever.


With all those Run-Ins and Returns, there wouldn't be a single match on that card. Might be humorous but it would get old after the first hour me thinks.

Whatever...sure it'd be boring until the Unholy Union of Darkness where The Undertaker tries to sacrifice Stephanie...oh wait they already did that. But but this time he succeeds! What a show!

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I thought Shawn Michaels wasn't in the IC Battle Royal. Lawler said he was, but then corrected himself later on RAW. HBK is in Nash's corner...so the only person pulling double duty is Test.


Lance Storm, Booker T., Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Goldust, Test, & Christian = 8

Maybe they'll have Undertaker ressurrect Dino Bravo, Rick Rude, Davey Boy Smith, and Owen Hart...then it'll be entertaining!

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Guest Blue Bacchus

I've changed my mind... I think that show would have at least a 6 Beer Minimum to make it enjoyable. :cheers:

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Guest Blue Bacchus
I thought Shawn Michaels wasn't in the IC Battle Royal. Lawler said he was, but then corrected himself later on RAW. HBK is in Nash's corner...so the only person pulling double duty is Test.


Lance Storm, Booker T., Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Kane, Goldust, Test, & Christian = 8

Maybe they'll have Undertaker ressurrect Dino Bravo, Rick Rude, Davey Boy Smith, and Owen Hart...then it'll be entertaining!

Screw That! Dig Up Andre! Smell the Ratings!

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Guest razazteca

but it will soon be revealed that HHH did it, resulting in a Warrior vs HHH Raw match up.

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Guest the pinjockey

And HHH finally has Warrior return the WM 12 job to him.


Thus completing this whole elaborate plan to get that job back.

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Guest wildpegasus

I saw the spoilers at 1wrestling.com (watch out for pop-ups) and Eddy was in the back saying that he was all alone for Judgement Day. Is there anyone that wants to speculate who his partner's going to be if Chavo doesn't make it?

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I saw the spoilers at 1wrestling.com (watch out for pop-ups) and Eddy was in the back saying that he was all alone for Judgement Day. Is there anyone that wants to speculate who his partner's going to be if Chavo doesn't make it?

The Gobbeldy Gooker.

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Guest the pinjockey

Well this person needs to be able to lie, cheat, and steal so it is obviously.........


The Repo Man

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A mexican Nathan Jones.

Nathan Jones in a sombraro leading a marichi band consisting over Silver King, La Parka, and Villano IV.

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Guest razazteca
A mexican Nathan Jones.

Never speak of Rayo de Jalisco ever again.

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Oh and an idea for Mr. America is have Funaki come out on Smackdown as Mr. Japan! Then at SummerSlam have Mr. America vs. Mr. Japan and during the match the ghost of FDR wheels out...and gives Mr. America a low blow! SWERVE BABY~!

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Oh and an idea for Mr. America is have Funaki come out on Smackdown as Mr. Japan! Then at SummerSlam have Mr. America vs. Mr. Japan and during the match the ghost of FDR wheels out...and gives Mr. America a low blow! SWERVE BABY~!

And we have a winner!


I'd pay top dollar to see that!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Christ, this is worse than Backlash. Of course, the buyrate will be a little better thanks to Goldberg. Oh wait, he's not on the card. :lol:

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So you really like that Freddie Blassie segment from Raw?

FUCK YA! Speaking of guys in wheelchairs...I say D-Von returns to the collar as a preacher but this time he's one of those t.v. preachers. Droz wheels out and the Rev. D-Von places his hand on Droz's head and asks the lord to heel him. Droz...gets out of his wheelchair and walks BAH GAWD~! But then...suddenly D'Lo Brown comes out of the crowd and hits a piledriver on Droz and breaks his fuckin' neck again! JR: BAH GAWD THE NWA:TNA HAS INVADED!


Later of course Droz is wheeled back and Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire don't say hi so Undertaker has Vampiro burn Palumbo and O'Haire alive and then the ashes go into Taker's urn, THEN Kama Godfather Shango steels the urn and melts it and makes a gold cockring out of it. :headbang:

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Guest NoCalMike

I was SO hoping RVD/Kane would drop the belts so RVD could win the I-C title. Now I doubt it will happen. Jericho better win now. Is this ppv this Sunday?

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Guest Coffey

WWE Judgement Day

Sunday, May 18, 2003


WWE Title/Stretcher Match

Brock Lesnar © Vs. The Big Show


Mr. America Vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper


World Title

Triple H © w/ Ric Flair Vs. Kevin Nash w/ Shawn Micheals


WWE Tag Titles/Ladder Match

Team Angle © Vs. Los Guerreros*


WWE Women's Title/Fatal 4-Way

Jazz © Vs. Jackie Vs. Trish Stratus Vs. Victoria


Bikini Contest

Torrie Wilson Vs. Sable


WWE Intercontinental Battle Royal

  • Chris Jericho
  • Christian
  • Booker T.
  • Test
  • Kane
  • Rob Van Dam
  • Lance Storm
  • Goldust
Test & Scott Steiner Vs. La Resistance


Chris Benoit, Rhino & Brian Kendrick Vs. Chuck Palumbo, Johnny "The Bull" & John Cena


* Chavo Guerrero might be replaced due to injury.



Is that the final card?

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Guest edotherocket

Billy Gunn might replace Chavo perhaps? Isn't he cleared to go?

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Wasn't Jericho in his locker room talking to HHH about 20 seconds before Goldberg got ran over? If so it can't be him (remembers this is the WWE we are talking about). Okay maybe it was.

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