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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

The SmartMarks Favorite T.V. Show Tournament

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Back once again.


We are now down to the wire. Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you the results of Round 5 of the tournament to determine The SmartMarks Favorite T.V. Show!


It has been 3 weeks of defeats, suprises, and anihilations, and we are now close to the end as 2 shows are left standing with only one coming out the winner.


Thanks to everyone who voted in Round 5. Round 6, The Final Round, shall be up shortly. But first, here are the two shows that you, TSM, voted into The Championship Round. Your vote counts and will count even more in the final round.


So, here are the results of The Final Four:


Married With Children defeated South Park 14-13


Seinfeld defeated The Sopranos 18-7


There they are! I will post Round 6 soon.

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