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Guest Midnight Express83

MX Hot Button topic series Vol 4

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Guest Midnight Express83

Do you think there should be a law banning stupid lawsuits or at least the British law that anyone who brings a case so frivolous that it doesn’t only get thrown out but the person who brings it up pays the court fees? I know that it is hard to label it because what is stupid to some isn’t to others. But it isn’t that subjective. I believe we can make a control.


What is your opinion on this?


My opinion: Well, this should not only be into an effect, but the lawyer who backs this gets it too. I am sick and tired of these people with retarded suits trying to blame everyone but themselves for their problems. Suing McDonald’s because you couldn’t put down that 4th Big Mac of the day isn’t their fault. Suing a gun company because their gun aided in the death of a love one isn’t their fault. Suing a fucking artist because little Jimmy did a school shooting isn’t the fault of the artist. The blame needs to go on the right shoulders.

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