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Guest tpww7

One and Only NWA:TNA Week 44 Thread

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Guest BoboBrazil

Please don't make the luchadore Trinity...Please don't make the luchadore Trinity...Please don't make the luchadore Trinity...

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Guest tpww7

I can tell by the lack of people here that no one really cares about this week.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Red had it for like...three weeks. He's just been in tag matches.


That was actually pretty clever recruiting right there.

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Guest RedJed

Well the three way was good, but that tables match was NOT. Talk about an underwhelming finish as well.


I have a feeling we're going to see SEX run-in after run-in tonight, all apparently to put the group over strong by the end of the night or something. Meh.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Will Bischoff really come to TNA? That would be interesting if true, but I feel this is a swerve and it will probably be someone else.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Never believe anything that Erik Watts character says. He is the fool character...and therefore only says foolish things.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"Sonny." "Ace in the Hole?" "Out."


Konnan brought up the DISQO duck. lol


That attack on Konnan looked brutal. The selling of it by Tenay definetly helped.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's a good use for Konnan.


Let him do commentary during Truth matches...then get beat up to set up future Truth matches.

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Guest RedJed
Never believe anything that Erik Watts character says. He is the fool character...and therefore only says foolish things.

What will probably be the story there with the whole Eric thing is that he's so out in left field that Watts is actually talking about himself the entire time, living a pipe dream that he will become commish down the road or something.


Didn't mind that Kash-Truth match, but once again hated the finish. F'n Harris Boys run in, and then Kash is applauding them. Makes no sense since just 3 weeks ago the Harris Boys attacked Kash (an angle which never went nowhere)


Here we go, bonzo gonzo faction brawl, yay.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Someone nailed Glen right in the side of the heat with a cheeto.

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Guest RedJed
* * Russo sighting as they enter the arena * *

Was that him trying to hide from the camera? lol

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Saturn is actually the perfect person to put Gilberti over for a few reasons. First Saturn has been built up as a tough guy...so if booked smart Gilberti should come out looking tougher. Also...Saturn hasn't really lost yet.


I know I'm in the minority...but I like the Gilberti push.

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