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What was the last really good feud?

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What was the last really great feud you can think of?


Theres been some good ones since then, for sure, but one of my favorites from recent years was Rock/Austin  which culminated at WM15 then Backlash. Rock was great as a heel.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Chris Jericho vs. The Rock from 2001-2002 was the last good feud.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, the Jericho-rock feud really only lasted for a month or so but it rocked in the short time they were given. Everything else has been crap.

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Guest Some Guy

I agree with Ramsus.  Other than that one Angle/Austin was the last good one I can think of.

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Guest godthedog

the last good ones i can think of are jericho/rock and austin/angle, but i don't think they've had a truly GREAT feud since trips/rock.

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Guest TheDames7

I think the HHH/Austin fued was AWESOME....up to the point where they joined forces.  2001 sucked.  



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Guest Brian

Austin/Rock both times around was awesome with the exception of Debra. Rock/Jericho was good. Undertaker/Flair had some cool build-up; I think the pay-off is still impending.

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Guest LooseCannon

last good feud? Jericho-Rock, and then Austin-HHH before that.


last really great feud?  HHH-Foley

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Guest Tony149

I also say Rock/Jericho in late 2001. Austin/Angle & Taker/Flair was pretty good too.

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Guest razazteca

Angle vs Beniot had good matches but the "guess where I put the gold metals angle" was tastless


Flair vs Vince?

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Edge v. Christian started off great, but got fucked up.  They blew it off with the ladder match way too quickly.

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Guest Cataclysm911

Austin/Angle was good.

Jericho/Rock was good.

Cactus Jack/HHH was good.

RVD/Jerry Lynn was good.

Awesome/Tanaka was good.

Angle/Benoit was good.


There have actually been quite a few.

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Guest nl5xsk1

There's not many really good feuds anymore because they basically have a shelf life of about 1 month.  There are very few that last more than one PPV, and the ones that do are ones like Edge-Regal that have no real hatred behind them.  The closest would be Austin-McMahon, but since VKM isn't a wrestler I don't think it counts.  

Feuds that I'd consider great:




Von Erichs-Freebirds

R&R Express-Midnite X-Press


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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Rock/Hogan has the potential of being a good feud.  As it stands now the feud is dead and they are friends.  However, if Rock turns heel this could turn into a really hot feud.


The night Hogan came out and called himself an icon, only to have the Rock come out and get in his face.  Followed by challenging him to a match at WM18.  The ambulance angle sucked but everything leading up to it was good.  The match itself, while not high on workrate, was high on emotion.  JR trying everything in his power not to confirm that Hogan was getting all the crowd behind him while the Rock was getting booed.  Rock winning and Hogan shaking his hand.  The WWF admitting they turned him face because of the crowd response.  I'm hoping the fans in the US take note of what happened in Canada and continue to boo The Rock so that the WWF has no choice but to turn him heel.  And if he does turn heel, he'll have to attack Hogan to do so.  I look forward to that.

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Guest caboose

the last truly great feud- a good start, a good middle and a good blow off was probably foley and hhh.

jricho and rock had a crappy finish as they basically ended up fighting every week.

angle and austin was lame as they added rvd, cos angle started losing heat.

before foley and hhh, rocky and hhh from 1998 ending at summerslam was a truly great feud.

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Guest mastermind

Well, what about wwf vs. ecw/wcw? *LOL*


Seriously, I think HHH/Foley was the last true great feud.  You see this is the only one which has really transcended multiple years. Triple H and Mankind started their war at Canadian Stampede in 1997. Triple H brought back Dude Love and Foley's desire to follow his childhood hero in Superfly during their cage match at SummerSlam 1997 in New York State. Then in September 1997 Foley brings Cactus Jack to the wwf for the first time against Triple H. You see Foley put this guy over from way back as Trips was a nobody.


Fast forward to 1999 and Triple H is starting with his mission of it's his time. He attacks and puts Mankind out of action with what would become his trademark the sledgehammer. He wins his first world title against Mankind on RAW. Then HHH starts to be an asshole against Foley because he is married to the boss' wife. Foley and HHH go for the wwf championship title at MSG the place where Foley saw his first wwf match. Close to his home he could have won the title, but Triple H won the match. Foley then challenges Triple H in a match he thought for sure he would win. The match that made him famous hell in a cell. He even puts his career on the line and loses. He returns as a favour by Linda Mcmahon and Trips puts his stamp over superiority over Foley by pinning him at WM 16. THIS IS A GREAT FEUD!


I think Jericho/Rock has potential to be in this vein. Jericho enters the wwf and he interrupts Rock's interview. He says he is here to save the wwf from boredom. 2 years later Jericho and Rock are top faces and Jericho gets jealous of why fans would cheer a prick like Rock in the situation they were in. Jericho who was deprived of the wcw title and was a big reason why he jumped to the wwf in the first place beats Rock for that said title. Jericho it seems has Rock's number. The wwf doesn't explain things like this, but it can be percieved. The feud is still pending and that's why I think sometimes the wwf leaves some open.


Triple H/Rock is another one. This rivalry is still open ended because Rock never truly got the upperhand on Triple H because Mcmahon lost Triple H his title. Whether the wwf picks up on this when they resume their rivalry is another topic. Someone stated in another thread that he felt that some wwf writers didn't even watch probably in 1998 and 1999 and thus is a reason for lack of logic which could be true.


I think Rock/Hogan was a good feud, but the truck incident was really dumb. Austin/Rock can still get the biggest story for the top rivalry in WrestleMania history if the wwf builds it up correctly. Rock and Austin is still open ended although I think the wwf was stupid in having Austin/Triple H/Rock teaming with one another this year without bringing up their past. It adds drama even if the wwf thinks fans have short memories. Austin/Triple H is also open ended. Actually, these two should have the most heated feud since both men tried to KILL each other and then teamed only because of their selfish ways of kissing Vince's ass.


I liked Flair/Taker's feud, but you can't call one match a feud really.

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Guest Singular

I thought the HHH/Angle feud for Stephanie was good.  


I'm still waiting for a good tag team feud.  So far all I've seen is Billy and Chuck feuding with their sexuality...Not that their's anything wrong with that.

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Guest notJames
I'm still waiting for a good tag team feud.  So far all I've seen is Billy and Chuck feuding with their sexuality...Not that their's anything wrong with that.




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Guest mastermind

Yeah, I liked HHH/Angle/Steph, but the wwf screwed it up. It should be open ended, but as this year has shown the wwf doesn't do it. The wwf has screwed up that on-going feud since they never followed up the night after SummerSlam in a credible way.

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I think the last truly great feud was Edge vs. Booker T.  Contrary to popular opinion, I think a bottle of shampoo is a perfectly good reason to get in a fight.  You see, I have fabulous hair....no 2000 Edge, but I daresay the ladies like it.  I use head and shoulders refresh to clean my hair, and then condition my hair with Suave herbal selections.  Therefore, if some piss-shitter like Edge stole an endorsement deal for MY shampoo, I'd start with my version of the Worm(I'm white, so I usually just knock myself unconcious) and then introduce him to a world of pain.  Needless to say, I was on my feet for their match at Wrestlemania.  I gave it ****, ** for the match, *** for the hair, and deducted * because Edge is from Canada.

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Guest thebear

The Austin/Angle fued was awesome from last summer/fall... and they were able to get an extra month and a half out of the fued by adding RVD...


but he's not over so, back to the midcard with him *L*

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Rock-Jericho was the last great feud, I think. I can't think of anything great after that. Austin-Angle was great too, despite the crap angles (Angle being Austin '98).

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Guest Austin3164life

The last good feud would be Jericho vs. The Rock.  Before that Austin vs. Angle.  Then Austin vs. Triple H.  To me, the last REALLY GREAT feud that i have seen between two wrestlers would have to be Austin vs. Bret.  They both had (together) three great singles matches, made Canadian Stampede better, had awesome promos, and all together had an excellent feud.  After all of the 1995 shit the WWF was putting out, in 1996-1997, the Austin vs. Bret Hart feud really got all "feuds" on the right track, and also changed the way faces and heels were looked at......

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