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Guest snuffbox

Cowboy Bill Watts

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Guest snuffbox

Ok, this totally hypothetical here, but how would things work out if Vince gave Bill Watts the book and near-total control? Would much of the bullshit stop and money drawing storylines return?


Also, had he been hired, would the wcw have done any better with Bill Watts in charge?


And, since this is total fantasy(and inherantly ridiculous), Bill Watts NEVER had a son. ;)

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Guest cabbageboy

Watts WAS in charge of WCW at one time (1992)...and for the most part the company still sucked. The actual in ring work was hard hitting and realistic, but Watts had so many dumbassed ideas (like the top rope rule, pushing his son) that it killed any good will he had.


I heard somewhere that Watts briefly did book the WWF in 1995 or so, but I don't know to what extent.


Watts' time in WCW consisted of pushing unappealing heels that would actually win matches cleanly, like Williams and Gordy, Vader, etc. I've never understood that, heels totally dominating the faces (Sting, Steiners).

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Guest snuffbox

Im refering to had Watts been in charge at times when the inmates were running the asylum.


WCW in its dying days and the WWE now.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

They could do far worse than give Bill Watts the book. And what's wrong with heels winning cleanly over top faces ? I'm not talking about a Cripple H style win, where he dominates the match and wins. I'm talking about an evenly fought match, where the heel actually triumphs clean. And the top rope rule was a good idea, it was just poorly executed. The idea was to make top rope moves illegal, so that when heels did them, they would get heat. The mistake Watts made was to make all top tope moves illegal. What they should have done, was run an angle were a specific move, say a top rope kneedrop, badly injures a top face. Watts would have then be able to come out, and ban it. Heels would then be able to get heat by doing the top rope kneedrop. Ironically, the top rope kneedrop was kept illegal when the top rope rule was rescinded in late 1992, and was never actually made legal again.


Edited for inadvertant Patterson joke.

Edited by NoSelfWorth

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Guest alkeiper
The idea was to make top rope moves illegal, so that when heels did them, they would get head.


I thought that was Pat Patterson's idea.

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Guest tank_abbott

Watts's old UWF and Midsouth was Headlined by One Man Gang/ Big Bubba/Dr. Death and Hacksaw Duggan.... Do you guys really want some one who spawned JR's "Hoss Love"?

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Mid-South stretches back beyond 1986. Watts booked so many great angles and matches, and some of his work drew great houses, and had awesome heat. Not forgetting that the Freebirds/JYD blinding angle led to what remains the all time attendance record in New Orleans for the Hayes v JYD match.

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Guest tank_abbott

So how old would the Cowboy be now 60ish? I wonder what he thinks of the T and A and other filth that other old timers complain about...


Plus he's racist "he sees only green" and has a history of public drunkenness

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Watts's old UWF and Midsouth was Headlined by One Man Gang/ Big Bubba/Dr. Death and Hacksaw Duggan.... Do you guys really want some one who spawned JR's "Hoss Love"?

I used to watch those shows and the crowd heat was tremendous.

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Guest cabbageboy

I think there is plenty wrong with heels winning a match cleanly over the top faces. Sure, heels can crush jobbers or JTTS, or even win a contenders match clean....but heels shouldn't EVER defeat top faces the way Vader would stomp Sting and Williams and Gordy maimed the Steiners.


2nd, the top rope rule was retarded under any circumstance. Do you seriously think anyone would buy an angle where a top guy was hurt by a kneedrop as an excuse to ban top rope moves? It reeks of lameness.


Watts did book some good angles in WCW (the Ron Simmons/Vader title change is the best thing I ever saw on a WCW show). But the Cowboy is out of touch now and likely wouldn't be much good.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Why shouldn't heels win cleanly? Are we to believe that every face is a better wrestler than every heel? If Vader were to wrestle Kendall Windham should Vader only win if he cheats? I loved when Vader beat the crap out of Sting cleanly. Made it that much sweeter when Sting fought his ass off to beat Vader back. I hate seeing the same screwjob ending where a heel can only win if the ref is stupid or gets knocked out. Way too predictable.

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Guest ravman77
but heels shouldn't EVER defeat top faces the way Vader would stomp Sting and Williams and Gordy maimed the Steiners.


Funny you should say that, but I think the Gordy/Dr.Death vs Steiner series of matches is what really got me into wrestling.

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Guest ViciousFish

I wish heels would win cleanly over faces. Not just because I usually cheer for heels but because it builds them as a bigger threat. Honestly, say for example Nash and HHH (first two that came to mind) have a few matches and Nash wins 1 but the the 2 other ones HHH wins by cheating. Does it honestly convey that HHH could beat Nash fairly in a match?

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Guest EternallyLazy

Call him racist... but I have no doubt that Booker T would be the RAW champion if Watt's got the book, since he loved putting the title on a black babyface

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Call him racist... but I have no doubt that Booker T would be the RAW champion if Watt's got the book, since he loved putting the title on a black babyface

I thought he only did that to deflect criticizm that he was racist, not because he really wanted to.

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Guest EternallyLazy
Call him racist... but I have no doubt that Booker T would be the RAW champion if Watt's got the book, since he loved putting the title on a black babyface

I thought he only did that to deflect criticizm that he was racist, not because he really wanted to.

I don't know... I'm just going by what Foley said in his book

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Guest AllCanadian

It's because his biggest draw in Mid South's glory years was black.

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Guest RedJed
I heard somewhere that Watts briefly did book the WWF in 1995 or so, but I don't know to what extent.

Yeah Vince actually DID give him full control of the book in around late August - Sept 95, but it didn't last long. Watts immediately disagreed with the plan of action to have Michaels be booked to win the world title at Mania that next year, and once Watts really took a stance on letting Bret be the number one babyface past that time, Vince basically let him go.


I know the first show he booked was the first Raw to go head-to-head with Nitro, if anyone is curious to see his short lived booking ideas.

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Guest tank_abbott

Watts booking sheet:


Nitro had SEPTEMBER 11TH 1995:

Alex Wright defeated Sabu by Reverse Decision

Sting pinned V.K. Walstreet to retain the WCW United States Championship

Randy Savage pinned Scott Norton

Hulk Hogan defeated Lex Lugar by DQ to retain the WCW Championship



The American Males defeated Harlem Heat to win the WCW Tag-Team Championship

Paul Orndorff pinned Johnny B. Badd

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defeated Brian Pillman by Submission



Alex Wright pinned Disco Inferno

Kurasawa pinned Sergeant Craig Pittman

Kevin Sullivan defeated Randy Savage by DQ

Meng pinned Lex Lugar



Lex Lugar defeated Randy Savage by Submission

Eddie Guerrero pinned Dean Malenko

The American Males battled The Nasty Boys to a No Contest

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defeated Arn Anderson by DQ


Watt's RAW had:



The British Bulldog defeated Razor Ramon by DQ

The Smokin Gunns defeated The Brooklyn Brawler & Rad Radford

Isaac Yankem pinned Scott Taylor

Shawn Michaels pinned Sid


SEPTEMBER 18TH 1995: (I have this one on tape yet!)

The 1-2-3 Kid pinned Razor Ramon

Kama & Tatanka pinned Savio Vega & Bob Holly

Jean Pierre Lafitte pinned Brian Walsh

Yokozuna & Owen Hart defeated Men On A Mission



Marty Jannetty pinned Skip

The Smokin Gunns defeated Yokozuna & Owen Hart

The Undertaker defeated The British Bulldog by DQ



Razor Ramon pinned The 1-2-3 Kid

Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Barry Horowitz

P.G. 13 defeated Al Brown & Sonny Rogers

Bret "the Hitman" Hart defeated Jean Pierre Lafitte by Submission

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Guest tank_abbott

Not to go off topic here but:



The British Bulldog, Yokozuna & Owen Hart defeated Diesel, Shawn Michaels & The Undertaker in a 6-Man Tag-Team Match


Fatu pinned Skip


2 matches! I hope that 1st one was 20 mins+

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