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Guest oldschoolwrestling

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Most people around here may not value the source that they came from, but there were some insightful things written in that article.

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Wow, what a ride....


Sakura. violence is human nature. I don't see us as a species truly mastering those urges for thousands of years. Violence is defense of yourself or others is tolerated, sometimes necessary, but violence against those weaker than yourself for no other reason than self-aggrandizement, is not and should not be tolerated.


I have to admit there were places in that rant that question marks were popping on over my head, but the man makes sense in quite a few others.....


If it isn't already, this needs to be posted every time he spouts off, if only for the challenge of disseminating and translating it. ^_^

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Guest godthedog
Well he sure knows how to use big words.


Glad to see someone say something decent about Savage for once after he got unnecesarily bashed on Confidential.


Warrior's right about Hennig but he forgets that roids got him famous too not just Luger. Meh usual crap.

warrior does not know how to use big words. half the time it's incredibly obvious that he just wants to sound smart, using 20 syllables when 2 syllables will do, and he throws completely unnecessary things in that make no sense in their context. like when he used ergo for no apparent reason. i was like, "what the fuck? 'ergo' means 'therefore', it's not just a filler you stick in there to sound smart."


he's got some interesting ideas; but if you let a monkey with a big vocabulary sit at a typewriter long enough, you'll get some combinations of big words that seem to have meaning and insight.

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Guest papacita

Damn...that's a long winded mothafucka!


I agree with most of what he said...the Bret Hart line was a little weird though. Just because Bret says Shawn's disingenuous means it's true??? Alrighty.

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Guest Addy

When Henning died many stepped forward to talk about how funny he was. I found it funny that none of his immediate friends or colleagues stepped forward to add that he was obviously very, very stupid and disturbed, as well. A forty-four year old family man with a wife and 3-4 kids depending on him, sprawled out on a budget hotel room bed OD’ed on cocaine is very stupid and irresponsible. I wonder if he still got charged for the room.




I love the Warrior.


Let me first assure you, at almost 44 years of age, I’m not buying into the voodoo jinx of it all -- in fact, I dare the grim reaper to take me before I finish this post -- come on you ugly bastard -- STOP MY CLOCK! Just try it! I spit in your face -- oh, forgot to take my pills and do my cocaine.


Just imagine him saying that in full makeup, with those ropes around his arm, in his pink undies.

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Guest mach7

I think the only thing that annoys me about this column of Warrior's, is that he can't spell "Hennig" correctly.

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Guest mach7
Damn...that's a long winded mothafucka!


I agree with most of what he said...the Bret Hart line was a little weird though.  Just because Bret says Shawn's disingenuous means it's true???  Alrighty.

I actually think he was being sarcastic about how everyone believes anything Bret has to say....


I mean, even Bret Hart, a guy who recently paid a very close to visit to the Almighty, doesn't believe Michaels has truly seen the light, ergo, doesn't believe Michaels -- what more evidence do we need to have? If Bret thinks so, who are we to disagree? That would be like arguing with God, wouldn't it? You experts figure it out...


...reeeeeks of sarcasm...

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Guest Cerebus

How much can you expect from a guy who legally changed his name to "Ultimate Warrior"....

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Warrior might be half insane but at least he's honest, unlike 90% of other guys in the business.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
UW is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for.

no.........he isn't.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
Nobody in the WWE cares. And guess what? They aren’t obliged to. The person least likely to say it, I must. It takes a lot of effort not to feel sorry for Vince sometimes. He really does have to deal with a ton of pathetic personalities. Guys with no real guts, just fake ones. Guys who don’t have any principles, no personal self-worth or power. Guys who won’t stand up for anything. Of course, these kinds of character traits are prerequisites today to be qualified to work for the McMahons. And they never go out of style. In fact, It is very clear some previous generation guys have bottomless pits capable of swallowing loads of their own rancid pride and plenty of Vince's s#%&. Still, juggling all the human deficiency must be tiring.




Man, UW reminds me Zoolander.

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Guest NoSelfWorth
UW is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for.

no.........he isn't.

Yes, he is. He's pretty intelligent. People would realise this if they didn't let their contempt of the man cloud their views.

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Guest cabbageboy

Warrior is a goof for ragging on Luger to such an extent. Before this happened I read about Luger wanting one last run in WWE, so that's why he had all the roids. It wasn't just so he could stay ripped, though that may have been part of it. Who knows.


I bet if Vince called Warrior tomorrow he'd be glad to come back and prove himself a hypocrite.

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Guest EternallyLazy



While he makes some good points, most of those points are clouded over by his obvious bitterness and paranoia. Why do I get the image of him sitting at his computer with a thesaurus browsing through it adding random big words, trying to convince us all that he has a superior intellect?


This is strange, but while reading his column, I'm reminded of Eric S. from 411wrestling.com... bitter, paranoid, rambling, extreme in the nature of his thoughts, and in need of medication and a psychiatrist (I believe Eric has this covered)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I as well get the *checks* inkling that the UW is *checks* scrutinizing the *checks* book-full of-related-words-that-also-mean-the-same-or-similar-put-in-an-alphabetized-fashion...


..but I actually like that and appreciate that he, while not having the intellect to properly use such words, makes the effort in doing so... However, truly intelligent people would know their audience and therefore write towards them, not over their heads just to sound smart ((er) than they really are)).


Still, an enjoyable read nonetheless.

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Guest Breetai

Y'know what... fuck it; I think that Warrior has a lot to say that the smark community doesn't give him credit for. OK, his choice of words is always.... interesting, but I don't think I read much in there that I can honestly say "That's bullshit" or "That's not a valid opinion" to.

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Guest Redhawk

Of the few that I've read, that was Warrior's most coherent and sensible article. I think he's really changed and stopped taking himself so seriously. There was a part in there where he even pokes fun at himself for being so theatrical when he said something like, "Uh oh, almost went in UW mode."


And I think he's so honest because he's NOT in the busines anymore and he knows Vince is never going to call him. And even if Vince did, why not take advantage of the situation and make some cheese? The true hypocrites of the business are the ones who are like, "Vince is a bitch," then if they get rehired, kiss his ass like Animal. Warrior seems kind of like Nash. He knows it's all crap, he's just playing the game, which I can respect a lot more than Animal, who just seems like a tool.

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