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Does anybody happen to know If Wade Keller's PWTorch.com Is In some kind of Financial Trouble? Recently PWTorch.com Installed a new V.I.P. Section that Is only open to subscribers of The Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter. Before that, there was always some kind of deal that offered Incentives If you subscribed. This maybe Is nothing, but I don't ever remember Wade doing this kind of thing when The Site opened up nearly 4 years ago. That, combined with Wrestlings Popularity at perphaps an all time low, and you have possible financial trouble. I could be wrong, but that's my take. Anybody else have an opinion on this?

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Guest Doyo

Well, I wouldn't say wrestling's popularity is at an all time low, maybe a low within

the past ten years. I think Wade is just trying to figure out how to keep his server

costs best paid for. Actually if wrestling is less popular now, then his server costs

should be lower than in years past, but that is just in theory. Wade knows

that he must have some internet presence in order to get new subscribers, but he

is trying to keep his expenses as low as possible.

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Guest EI Cubano

The newsletters, even now in a wrestling lull, are doing ridiculous business. Considering the fact that the only overhead the newsletters have are the publishing house costs and bluk postage it's easy to see how the Torch crew and especially Meltzer are cleaning up considering that their issues sell for a few bucks each. The Torch website has more or less turned in to a promotional vehicle for the newsletter and little else (except for Derek Burgan who rules) and they are offering a ton of incentives to subscribers now. The staff sends out about seven lengthy VIP emails to readers a week and my guess is that after a few months of doing this they just wanted to provide an archive of some sort for these as well as add another perk for subscribers.

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Guest bob_barron

I love the Newsletter Flashbacks. They're my favourite part of pwtorch.com

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Guest the 1inch punch

Same here, especially for people like me who only started watching WCW in 1998 (i know all the jokes)

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