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Guest Choken One

Staying Close to Character

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Guest Choken One

I was thinking...


Since Today I've been in this SOH type of mood today...


And I thought about when SOH debuted in WCW, he had cropped short hair and was a young green happy go lucky agressive grinning guy...


and now in WWE...He is a Devious, Intelligent, complex man with a goatee and an interesting Hair style...


I was wondering Is SOH merely playing an character or is he perhaps a second coming of the Intelligent Complex minded like Scott Levy?


We know that some wrestlers are VERY similar in real life as their characters...Some argue the best characters are played by the ones that are more like that.


Mark Callaway isn't performing a character as the Undertaker because that is who he is...


Steve Williams isn't playing a Rebel Redneck who likes to Cuss and Drink beer...that is who he is...


Dewayne Johnson doesn't protray a Cocky Ego-Manaical Hollywood superstar...HE IS ONE...


So I was wondering who else are true representives of their characters?

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Guest Choken One

You mean he really is a Boring, Dull block of wood? Wow. Poor Nancy.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

O'haire is intelligent?


...So why is he with Roddy Piper?

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Guest BobbyWhioux
You mean he really is a Boring, Dull block of wood? Wow. Poor Nancy.

Apparently she likes his "Rabid Wolverine."


[/double entendre]

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Guest razazteca

Would it be ironic if Sean O'Haire named himself after a bird of prey?

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Guest Choken One
O'haire is intelligent?


...So why is he with Roddy Piper?

Because Vince can't realize when he has a fucking genius character in his hands...

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Guest Choken One

I'm sorry but I can't buy SOH walking around calling himself




Hi. I am Vulture.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Transformer names are better than Birds of Prey names...


Hi, I'm 'O'-Prime...

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

i went to axxess this yr and met ohaire, and he seemed like an asshole and didnt say 1 word to me, just signed an autograph. Either hes a dick or was portraying his character really well.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

O-Prime is like that. He digs the bungee. That's how he lives his life. He grips it, and he rips it

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Guest razazteca
I'm sorry but I can't buy SOH walking around calling himself




Hi. I am Vulture.

You don't see heels just say hi my name is.....


The Vulture, would have proper verbage when speaking on camera or in public


Always & Forever the bird of prey

Ready to strike when the time is right

Analyzing & calculating the attack of choice

For when it begins

You shall beg for a quick end


Its the way of the Vulture

The Scalvenger of the midcard

Leader of the Forsaken

Made of a cast of undesirables

Who walk the path of underachievement

Ready to advance when the mighty fall


Fear it for it is predestined

There is no escape

There is no choice

Just cause & effect


Of the profit called the Vulture

He is I

I am him

Ready to walk that path of righteousness

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Guest Choken One

He was around during the Invasion with SOH and dropped the WCW titles to Hardyz.

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He was around during the Invasion with SOH and dropped the WCW titles to Hardyz.

...I thought Palumbo & O'Hare were the WCW Tag Champs when the Invasion started...

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Arn said that O'Haire looked like a warlock. Jindrak would never be confused for a warlock - he just looks like your run-of-the-mill frat boy.


BTW, it was O'Haire and Palumbo who were WCW Tag champs in the first weeks of the Invasion, and they dropped the titles to Taker and Kane.

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Guest razazteca

O'Haire became partners with Palumbo to battle the APA for a few matches.

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Guest CanadianChick

Regarding people who portray their characters, I think that RVD's character is pretty much him.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

O'haire and Palumbo were already together before the APA bury job.


They came over to WWF as WcW Champions.


I think Jindrak injuried his shoulder.

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Guest Breetai

HHH. He thinks that he is the greatest the new Flair, and that everyone else is beneath him.

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Guest EternallyLazy

we're forgetting the obvious... Vincent Kennedy McMahon

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

O'Haire has one MAJOR thing going against him when it comes to becoming a "Raven"-esque character:

Raven knows psychology.

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Guest razazteca

Raven had Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, who will put Sean O'Haire over like that?

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