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Guest razazteca


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Guest razazteca

Its been a long time since I have seen this show and it started out good with Spanky vs Crash V1. One funny thing I notice was that Crash looks like a Mini Brock :D .


The Vince, Piper, SOH vs Mr America segment where Piper tore off the leg of Mr America's #1 fan. Not a bad way to work in the One legged wrestler Tenacious Z into a program.


The Kurt Angle tribute in the vein of NFL Films was entertaining.


Then it down hill with A-Train vs Kanyon................Sadly Albert is betta than Kanyon :angry:


The T&A segment of the bikini match between the blonds is bleh. Do the people really want to see a 40 year old Sable in a bikini? I know there is a market for the MILF lovers but its not for me.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Sable is only 34, I believe. She just looks older because of the sickening proportions of her fake breasts, her lack of body fat, and muscle tone. And her face hasn't aged well for some reason.


I'll reserve further Velocity comments for the SPOONFUL OF VELOCITY~, posted on this very site!

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Guest razazteca

If Sable is 34 then Crash is a Heavyweight. Rhyno vs Bill Demott as the main event? Whats wrong with this picture?

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