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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

The Situation With Me

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Alright, I consider a good sum of you to be my friends (well, an entire different category from my real life friends, but still) so I'll keep this pretty informal, and it's not a "pity me!" cry for help or anything like that. I suppose what it is, is a "I know that you don't care but I want you to know" (as Weezer would put it) heads-up of sorts, just in case some of you DO care, and just so everyone understands my behavior and whatnot.


Anyhow. My Dad has had cancer for... whenever, now; since November of 2001 I think. Throat cancer to be specific, though he doesn't smoke. Several of you already know this and I'm going to leave it at just "my Dad has cancer" rather than getting into any stories or long explanations of how I've reacted to this and stuff, but I will say that I was quite relieved when the he seemingly beat the cancer. He just got his food-tube out less than a month ago, in fact.


Now, I won't say that my Dad is always my favorite person; in fact he personally is one of those fathers who comes up with bullshit punishments that really make no sense, like taking away my computer because I don't do many sports and what have you. But, he's still my Dad, and so I guess anyone (well, maybe not Zed) would understand why I'm still really quite upset about this whole cancer thing, and why I was really quite relieved when it was seemingly gone.


However, I've recently been told that in one of his monthly/whenever-ly check-ups, something came up on his scan. It's either scar tissue or cancer, and if it's the latter, then he's dead, period. They don't want to do surgery to find out so for some odd reason they won't know for sure until September, but I'm a pessimist and I get depressed easily and... etc.


That's pretty much it, but the point here is that if I noshow or flake out occassionally from now on, then this will probably be the cause. I'm very sorry about this because I take this fed more seriously than I should and up until my return I had noshowed maybe... twice, or three times at most. But if anything happens, whether it be me acting strange, or me noshowing a match (hell, more often than not I work my ass off and DO get something in, but honestly, most of my writing has SUCKED recently)... it's most likely some sort of side effect of this. You don't have to try and console me or whatever, just understand why I might not be my overly-reliable self occassionally from now on, and well... that's all I ask, pretty much.


It's 1:30am and I've had a long weekend already so this might have come off in a way that I really didn't want it to, but whatever, the facts are there, and I'm sure that you all get the point. Thanks for always being there though, and to be honest, a lot of you are much more cool about this stuff (or anything) than my RL friends are ususally, so I hope this won't be any different.


Oh, and I will be noshowing TBS/TNT I think, so Strangler better get something in, even if it involves the BUTT Puzzler. :) Sorry about that, but I'm just in a mood this weekend that doesn't really involve me being compelled to write a solid match of any sort.


Thanks again, and keep up the good work; I'm sure that I'll be trying to. ;)


- Taylor "Teh Sad Yet Hopeful Face" Thompson

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I'm sorry about your situation. Hopefully, everything will work out for the best, and you get your shit together. Take all the time you need to deal with it, as life is one hard mother.




"Hollywood" Spike "Steal from Thugg and Fight Club is WAY WAY Overrated" Jenkins

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Good luck to your dad and your family. Cancer sucks.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I also give my best wishes to you and your family. But man, can I call a double no show or can I call a double no show. :)


CCBB for life!

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Guest Tod deKindes



Color me disappointed and sorry to hear that. In no specific order.

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