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Guest Cassius Atkinson

PROMO - Looks Can Be Decieving

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Guest Cassius Atkinson

The ever growing SJL has recently found many new recruits. For one man, the SJL just seems like an obstacle on his path that he hasto clear. Out on a quest to fulfill his deepest and wildest dreams...to become the champion once again. For over 25 years he has been in this business. You can never have too many friends, as this man knows...


The SJL cameras open up in a silent room, possibly an apartment in a tower block. The room is eerily quiet. There is a small round table with around five or six chairs scattered around it's circumference. There is a long black sofa made out of leather in front of that, along with two matching armchairs. A small coffee table is nearby, with several empty and discarded cans of beer spread across it. The wide-screen TV is complete with DVD/VHS player and a VCR, which continues to blink 12:00 over and over. The dingy walls have been poorly covered in magnolia paint. Three separate doors lead to a water closet, a bedroom and of course the kitchen. Without warning, the main entrance door swings open and slams against the wall. From the darkness walks in two men. They both look exactly alike, wearing the same 'BoA' shirt and jeans. They both look around their mid-twenties. They immediately reach for a cool-box located behind the sofa and pull out a beer for themselves. They sit on the sofa. A third man walks in. His head would scrape against the roof if he didn't crouch so much. He must be at least seven foot tall, if not bigger. He sits up on the leather sofa. Finally, an older man walks through the door. He is reading trough some papers. He flicks the lightswitch and re-positions the glasses in front of his eyes. He too sits. The twins breaks the silence.


Steel: This sucks. We get kicked out of BAW for being too extreme. It's unheard of.


Blade: You took a sh*t in Adam Jacob's office! On his desk! It was innevitable that we'd get fired.


Steel: How did he know it was me.


Blade: Gee...I don't know...how about you were the only person drinking that night and also the fact you spray painted 'Steel Roks' on the wall.


Steel: (laughing) Oh yeah.


Blade: And so you got everyone else fired as well, just coz they were in your stable.


The giant man reaches for a beer and snaps it open. He scowls at Steel.


Steel: Hey, just for the record you were going to quit anyway, Dominic. I don't see what you're so angry about.


Dominator: How about the fact that I had a shot at reaching stardom if I beat Chris Collosal on Rush?


Steel: You couldn't have beaten him anyway.


Dominator: What? How come?


Steel: He's taller than you...he can bench 600lbs.


Dominator: Oh right...so when he tried to press slam the Big Show that time and he crushed his ribs...yeah, ok.


Cassius: SHUT UP!


The room goes quiet and all eyes turn to the newest SJL addition, Cassius Atkinson.


Cassius: Look...I've just got this new contract for a Smartmarks' Junior League...this is a real budget-even for me. Hell, i may not be a Junior, but we all have to start somewhere. My son's even decided to manage me.


All eyes turn to Dominator...


Dominator: What? I was gonna quit anyway.


Cassius: Anyway, I've got a match on the next card according to my sources. I don't know who it'll be against, or what stipulations there'll be. I've got to expect anything in this business.


Dominator: I don't know about you, but I reckon there'll be a triple threat match. 'The Everlasting' Cassius Atkinson against Scott Solomon and Mark Kinxx.


Cassius: Why's that?


Dominator: Well, the last two newcomers were pitted against each other. It's a tradition, like Thanksgiving...only it involved beathing the crap outta someone and there's no turkey.


Cassius: I suppose that makes sense, but let's wait for an official notice...


There is a knock on the door. Cassius stands up to answer it, however, Blade has already answered it. He talks for a moment, as Cassius sits back down. Blade shuts the door and walks back over and sits down with...


Blade: Anyone for pizza?


Cassius: Yeah.


Steel: Sure.


Dominator: I'll have some. What topping?


Blade: Ham and Pineapple. My favourite.


Dominator: OK.


As the group begin to tuck into their pizza slices, Steel asks...


Steel: Hey Cassius...what are you gonna do from now on? Are you staying here forever until you're a crippled old man?


Cassius: No. I wanna go on to SWF, but I have to earn their respect first. No...we'll see how it goes. But I assure you of one thing though. My impact on this place will be ... EVERLASTING.


As the group continue to dig into their pizzas, a voice shrieks out from behind the camera.


Gus: Uhh....we're running low on film.


Dominator: What!? I thought you had it changed this morning.


Gus: I did, but I went on a fishing trip with my family and...


The film cuts.

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Guest Powerplay

Feel the Rainbow!


Nice promo. It's cool to see guys come in with past history in other feds and play off it (Janus is probably the most notable right now since he's using it right now in the WF for a feud). Very nice stuff, a cute finish, and a nice introduction to the leagues. Welcome aboard!

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Guest Crowe

Nice promo to start off your SJL career with. It's good to see you're providing us with some character history and I look forward to seeing how you develop your character and how you develop as a writer in this league.


Good luck.

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Guest Cassius Atkinson

Thanks for all the comments. I was kinda rushed at the end, so hopefully my next Promo will be better

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Dang... if he writes a wrestling match that well I might be in trouble...

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