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The Raw Review 5/18 - 5/24

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This week: The Owen Hart tribute show, HHH's Raw debut (he was holding down John Crystal!), and the smark's wet dream match.


May 24, 1993

Mr. Perfect def. Doink; KOTR Qualifier

Money, Inc. def. Mike Bell & Tony DeVito

Crush def. Bobby Who

Adam Bomb def. Phil Apollo


May 23, 1994

Owen Hart def. Doink; KOTR Qualifier

Duke Droese def. Barry Horowitz

Irwin R. Schyster def. Gary Sabaugh

Nikolai Volkoff def. Matt Hardy


May 22, 1995

Razor Ramon def. Mike Bell

Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. John Crystal

The Allied Powers def. Tony DeVito & Bill Payne

Kama def. Barry Horowitz

Shawn Michaels def. King Kong Bundy; KOTR Qualifier


May 20, 1996

Steve Austin def. Marc Mero by DQ

Savio Vega def. The 1-2-3 Kid

The British Bulldog NC Jake Roberts


May 19, 1997

Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Crush; KOTR Qualifier

Bob Holly def. Owen Hart

Scott Taylor def. Leif Cassidy

Rockabilly def. Goldust by DQ

Faarooq def. Rocky Maivia

Steve Austin NC Jim Neidhart


May 18, 1998

Val Venis def. Scorpio

Terry Funk def. Marc Mero

D.O.A. def. L.O.D. 2000

Dude Love def. Dustin Runnels

Dick Togo & Men’s Teioh def. The Headbangers by DQ

The New Age Outlaws def. The Rock & Owen Hart; Tag Title Match

Steve Austin NC Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco in a handicap street fight; Special Guest Referee, Sgt. Slaughter


May 24, 1999

Jeff Jarrett def. Test

Kane & X-Pac def. Gangrel & Edge; Tag Title Match

The Hardy Boyz def. Taka Michinoku & Funaki

Ken Shamrock def. Hardcore Holly

Mankind def. Mr. Ass

D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry def. The Acolytes

Triple H def. Al Snow

The Big Show def. Goldust

The Rock def. Val Venis


May 22, 2000

T&A def. The Hardy Boyz

Eddie Guerrero def. D’Lo Brown; European Title Match

Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian def. Rikishi & Too Cool

Chris Benoit def. Val Venis by DQ; IC Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. The Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan

Bradshaw def. Crash Holly in hardcore match

Perry Saturn def. The Godfather & Essa Rios in a handicap match


May 21, 2001

The Big Show def. Rhyno to win the Hardcore Title

A.P.A. def. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn

Matt Hardy def. X-Pac

Hardcore Holly & Crash def. The Dudley Boyz

Eddie Guerrero & Jeff Hardy def. Edge & Christian

Kane def. Kurt Angle; IC Title Match

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Steve Austin & Triple H to win the Tag Team Titles


May 20, 2002

The Hardy Boyz def. The Big Show & X-Pac

Trish Stratus def. Jacqueline; Women’s Title Match

Bubba Ray Dudley def. William Regal by DQ; European Title Match

The Hardy Boyz def. Booker T & Goldust

Jerry Lawler def. Raven by countout

The Undertaker def. Rob Van Dam; WWE Undisputed Title Match

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1. The Perfect/Doink match is on the Raw Prime Cuts tape and it is fucking awesome. Doink's best match ever.


2. RIP Owen. We miss you man. Plus on that Raw Owen did a great thing by requesting that Holly go over because it was in Holly's home town. Nowadays Booker T, in his hometown, is jobbing in the opener to 3MW.


3. This week was the teased RVD Undisputed title run.


4. Quad Tag match was good. Overrated though and not as good as a tag match from next weeks Raw review.


Good week for Raw.

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Guest Stunt Granny

I didn't realize Matt Hardy has been with WWF/E for so long. Almost 10 years.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Hardy was an occasionally jobber in 94. They didn't get signed officially till like '97 or so.

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Guest tank_abbott

May 23, 1994

Owen Hart def. Doink; KOTR Qualifier

Duke Droese def. Barry Horowitz

Irwin R. Schyster def. Gary Sabaugh

Nikolai Volkoff def. Matt Hardy


I think I had this on tape for a LONG time, can someone confirm IRS's oppenent was the "Italion Stallion"?



PS Doink was a sub for Earthquake here!!!

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Guest Trivia247
Money, Inc. def. Mike Bell & Tony DeVito


Guess there was a Da Baldie that worked for the WWF other than Vic Grimes...


I wonder when the all Purpose Angel debut will be.

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I think I had this on tape for a LONG time, can someone confirm IRS's oppenent was the "Italion Stallion"?

From an old CRZ recap:


"Irwin R. Schyster vs. Gary Sabaugh - Joe tells me that Sabaugh is the

Italion Stallion. I can believe it, Rocky didn't win in the first movie

either. Writeoff, no penalty."


So there ya go.

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Something that's sad to think about...


This week will mark the 4 year anniversarry of the saddest death in Wrestling History.


R.I.P. Owen Hart. We still miss ya.

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