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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Judgement Day maybe spoilers

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

HHH and Nash will probably have a rematch at Bad Blood.


Jericho and/or Booker will win the IC title and then feud over it. (maybe)


Benoit is most likely to replace Chavo.


A big angle will come out of the bikini contest. (oh god.)



from Observer.

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Guest Anglesault











Doesn't get better than this!

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Guest Heavy As Hell

Big angle coming out of the bikini contest eh?


One of the chicks shows her tits and they make a big deal out of it for the next 2 months?

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Guest AndrewTS
HHH and Nash will probably have a rematch at Bad Blood.


Oh good. HHH will likely let Nash have the most offense, making him look like shit, and get DQed setting up a rematch! JOY!


Jericho and/or Booker will win the IC title and then feud over it. (maybe)


Operation "Give the Midcarders Something to Do To Keep Them Out of the Main Event" is underway! At least we should get some decent matches.


Benoit is most likely to replace Chavo.


Benoit works double duty, including a ladder match. He isn't good enough for the mains, though!


A big angle will come out of the bikini contest. (oh god.)


from Observer. 


Whorulon vs. Skankenstein!!!

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Guest Anglesault

Benoit is most likely to replace Chavo.


Benoit works double duty, including a ladder match. He isn't good enough for the mains, though!

Anyone ELSE remember the last time they had him work double duty including a ladder match at a May PPV?

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Guest Mole

I am okay with Booker/Jericho feud.


Atleast there will be a good feud on Raw.

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Guest Anglesault
I am okay with Booker/Jericho feud.

I'm not. Not at all. Not until that feud says "For the Fake World Title"

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Guest wwF1587

ok the crowd is dead during HHH/Nash segments... YET THEY WANT A REMATCH AT BAD BLOOD! WHY ARE THEY THAT STUPID!!!!


booker/jericho fued - GOOD.... finally some good matches... perfer world title fued too


Beniot Rules


Sable/Big Angle = Kill Me Now!

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Guest Anglesault




Did he say big "angle" or big "Angle" They wouldn't...right?


:ph34r: :ph34r:

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The wrestlers are getting hurt because they are working too much, and they want Benoit to work double duty again. Why not use Rey or Dragon? Hell, why not use Matt Hardy and use it to build a Matt/Eddy feud? I would pay to see that.

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Guest Kid Kablam


Benoit is most likely to replace Chavo.


Benoit works double duty, including a ladder match. He isn't good enough for the mains, though!

Anyone ELSE remember the last time they had him work double duty including a ladder match at a May PPV?

not just a ladder match, but a 2/3 falls with a ladder match. The man's a workhorse, but workhorses only get vetern respect, as opposed to the respect they deserve.

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