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Guest crandamaniac

Injuries at JD!

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Guest crandamaniac
Injury Updates From Judgement Day

Posted By Darren Hewett on 05.19.03


Injuries suffered tonight.....


- Chris Jericho only cut his nose lightly while doing a move called skin the cat. His nose was not broke or injured in any serious way.


- Brian Spanky Kendrick apparantly went to a hospital shortly following his match. He began felling number and dizzy afterwards. The injury occured from a leg drop in the 6 man tag match.


- Referee Earl Hebner suffered a dislocated shoulder when Triple H shoved him to the mat with the sledgehammer.


Credit : 1wrestling.com


On a side note, it appeared to me that after Trish Stratus was flung to the floor, and she got back in the ring, you could see a small chip on one of her two front teeth


Good to see Jericho wasn't injured. Sucks about Spanky, cuz what little I seen of his work has been impressive. And out of all the people in the ring during the H/Nash match, the ref gets injured?

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Guest crandamaniac

Didn't see the topic below. My bad. Somebody erase this one

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