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Steve austin is dead! omg!

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From the AP:


"WWF Wrestling star Steve Austin was found dead at his West Texas Ranch. He was discovered around noon, Monday, by his wife Debra. Early reports say that he was killed instantly when his own ego fell on top of him. None of Mr. Austins relatives were available for comment."

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I dedicate my 500th post on this board to you, Mr Igor, and telling you that that was very poor. Very poor indeed.

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:0   lmao!!!


Omg a "PC" wrestling board? What part didn't you guys like?

Was it in poor taste? Lack of originality? Did I have anyone believing it? Really, what pissed you off?


I put more thought into that than the entire WWF writing team did for RAW all year!!!  Roflmao!!! Ban? Holy crap calm down. I thought this was a cool board...maybe I was wrong.

I don't care if you ban me, if that offended you, well you haven't seen anything yet.


I was trying to be funny and break the Ice, cause so many people are missing the point that "IF" Steve Austin took his shovel and Pell and went home, it is EGO and that is the same crap that Hogan was accused of in WCW. You guys remember that or are you people a bunch of newbies that think wrestling began in 1998?


roflmao, come get some! :D

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I've just always wanted to say "Ban the prick".  Seriously though, I think it was in poor taste but not something to ban you over.  The wrestling community is always expecting some one to drop dead sooner rather than later and still its always a shock when someone does drop dead.

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Ok, first...I love Steve Austin. Second, I almost died last year myself so I've faced death, ain't no big thing. Third, poor taste is cool. Fourth, how was my post gay?


Was it gay because you believed it or because you didn't find it funny? I thought it was hilarious. "Steve Austin dies from impact of his own ego!" Lmao...that is some funny material man, wtf!


I mean it isn't as creative as the using a Dog Shitting on TV as a build up to Wrestlemania x8 but it was a close second. (btw, this last part was scarcasism as to NOT confuse those of you that don't practice Humor in your every day lives)


Thank you, drive through...

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Since when did the Associated Press cover wrestling anyway?

See...I gave it away as a  joke right at the beginning, this guy figured it out!  LOL!!!

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Not a good start here dick.

When I get to 136 posts (lmao again here) will I be as cool as you, dick?


BTW, what is Spidey about to do with that finger in your Sig?

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Guest nl5xsk1

Actually, I don't remember if it was the AP or not, but I heard about Brian Pillman dying in the Sunday edition of the Denver Post.  It was written very matter-of-factly, the same way they do when a college player (or not too famous pro athelete) dies in a car crash or something.  So, it wouldn't be too shocking to see the Associated Press release an blurb about SCSA dying.

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I dedicate my 500th post on this board to you, Mr Igor, and telling you that that was very poor. Very poor indeed.

Yea, having a "Bladed Hogan" in my sig would be in better taste.

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Can someone give this idiot a warning? Im thinking he may be HHH the troll back under a diffrent name.

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Come get some? Are you still in kidnergarden little boy?

Judging from the size of my "Pee-Pee" I would have to "no", not Kindergarden. And hey, I actually can SPELL Kindergarden!

OMG, this board is priceless. Nothing like some good flames to a bowl started in the afternoon.

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Guest KOR420

The post was completely retarded,I didnt believe it and your poor excuse to be funny didn't work dumbass


KOR what episode in that from? In your sig.


that was from the most recent episode entitled "Freak Strike"

they make butters wear balls on his chin so he can go on the Maury show and get them all a prize(You know on Maury they always give the people with disfigurements special stuff to make them feel better)

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:D :D


Ha I must say Igor I think that was rather funny myself.


Maybe its just me???


I don't really see what the guy has done so wrong.

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Guest AM The Kid

What a retard, it's funny how Igor is using his penis size in an argument, no.....it's sad.

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Guest One Bad Apple
Judging from the size of my "Pee-Pee" I would have to "no", not Kindergarden. And hey, I actually can SPELL Kindergarden!

No, you can't.


OMG, this board is priceless.





Nothing like some good flames to a bowl started in the afternoon.

Er ... yeah.

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Guest thebear

That was awesome dude...




If it would have been Billy Gunn he mentioned, no one would have said boo-shat to it...

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Can someone give this idiot a warning? Im thinking he may be HHH the troll back under a diffrent name.



I'm new here, not a reincarneted poster!! Lmao!!!

I found this board through Google. You sound like the lil fags in school always crying to the teacher, "Ms. So & So, Billy stole my pencil, wah, wah!!! Please stfu, thx.


I didn't turn this thread into a flame war, the guy who called me a DICK did. I posted a fake news story and people's Vagina's started bleeding. That is what happened, go reread the thread.


A for as it being a "Retarded Thread", F'n don't post in it then.

I wasn't asking a question to get a response, IT WAS FAKE NEWS STORY!!!


Get over it.

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Guest KOR420

I'll admit,you had me up until the ego thing but it still wasnt all that funny

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That was awesome dude...




If it would have been Billy Gunn he mentioned, no one would have said boo-shat to it...

OMG Billy Gun. rofl...dude that would have been even funnier!!!

You're right, people would been like..."cool". LOL, good stuff.

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Get over it? Your the dick who posted this shit. And really, you sound like such a little bitch here. The way your write things screams "little bitch that thinks hes cool"


Whats Spidey going to do with that finger? Nothing.

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Guest AM The Kid

It's looks like Rob Black decided to join our board. Now if he just started making fun of our moms.

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I'll admit,you had me up until the ego thing but it still wasnt all that funny

Well I didn't want to draw it out to the point where people would have REALLY thought he was dead. Damn man, I have standards and that would have been in poor taste. WTF are you thinking? What kind person do you think that I am?

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