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Guest Big Poppa Popick

iZ booking!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



ShooterJay shoutout

NA TITLE MATCH! -received!

??? vs. ???

MM vs. BO

DA appearance

The Trinity Speaks!


Stephen Joseph vs. SY

Edited by Big Poppa Popick

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Guest j.o.b. squad

unless i win the four way i will try to write


j.o.b. squad Vs b.o.b. squad Vs c.y.c. squad for ownership of the church of multitude of latter day saints


also a reminder go to

poll for background of 4th participant


to help select the background of the next person in our parade of the bizare


though if stephen joseph wants to become god i coude make it a four way

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

interesting indeed


might work


joseph just needed to beat the crap outta someone

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

PRL interview.





Puerto Rican Lightning vs. The Mad Cappa


That is all.

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Guest Bannable Offense

Bannable Offense wrestles a broomstick...or someone at least as competent as one in wrestling ability.

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Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Blurricane is winning the 4 Way. And I'm pooped out on writing matches so could the winner of the NA Title Match write this match?


Don't read if you don't wanna be spoiled on the results of the 4 Way.

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Guest Dangerous A

Expect Dangerous A to make his first live appearance on iZ!

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think School's Out will see the end of the Eski-Jingy feud, so I'll do, er, something.

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Guest KanadianKrusty

I'd like to start a long-term feud with someone, since I'm tired of beating the crap out of internet reporters...

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Guest Masked Man

Masked Man comes...




in Bannable Offense









's face and demands a curryified supertastic marshmallow wet-50 year old man t-shirt contest.


Also known as a wrestling match, in which I will write.

Edited by Masked Man

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Guest ShooterJay

"Shooter" Jay Darring has a match and a KILLER promo lined up for this IZ.

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Guest Vitamin X

And I have absolutely nothing to do. I'm kind of directionless, really...

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Guest KanadianKrusty
And I have absolutely nothing to do. I'm kind of directionless, really...

Feuding with the resident legit tough guy might just give you something to do...


::points to self::

Edited by KanadianKrusty

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

yeah sure ill write it up


if there is anything you want to have happen in it

, please pm me before sunday night

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Open challenge from Eskimo...is there a NA title match yet?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Possible Reject Promo.


I can't make any promises, though.


I'll be out tomorrow and Monday celebrating my Birthday(Not till Wednesday, but i'll be partying a little earlier).

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Open challenge from Eskimo...is there a NA title match yet?

Yes there is.

Dammit. Directionless~!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

oh cmon eski there are tons of people to feud with!

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Guest The Mad Cappa

Well, I'm writing in my last segment, which will be an interview segment.

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Guest DerangedHermit

Let's see...


Drunken Fuck will start a new talk-show type segment: "How Shitfaced Are YOU?". I need someone to be a willing participant.

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Guest y2jailbait

Willing to face anyone, do anything or just even laugh at a faces jokes in the background.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

how about jailbait drunken fuck?





Due to Memorial Day, I won't expect stuff in until TUESDAY at 5pm...


I think we should all enjoy the day off and be in remembrance of what it is about

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