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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

One and Only week...um...46? thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The menacing FBI Warning is taking it's time again.


I feel it will be the next #1 contender as it is the most over heel on the show.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Apparently Gang Warfare 2K3 starts tonight.


Raven points out how pissed everyone was about him losing.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo




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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm going it alone tonight.


I guess this is what I get for not doing a preview.


4 way X division elimination match.


Jason Cross, the returns of CM Punk and Kid Romeo and Paul London.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo



Fuck yeah baby!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Man...Romeo hasn't been around since week 6!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Everyone here has had a moment or two of sloppiness, but...


Paul London gets pushed off the top rope and into the guardrail!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Holy shit, that Crossover Neckbreaker ruled!


CM Punk is eliminated :(

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Punk is gone with a nice looking move from Cross...who the crowd boos anyway.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

There's a nice little group of smarks at the show, and CM Punk > Jason Cross.


Nice crazy, twisting dive from Cross.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

TNA is having somekind of 2 tournament thing to try and stop the S.E.X. vs. TNA vs. New Church vs. Team Extreme wars that are going on.


They haven't really elaborated yet.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Big tournament with all the different factions doing a Battlebowl.


Romeo looks old with that hair. Romeo eliminates Cross with the Last Kiss.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"He bit his tongue there!"




But yeah, London's eye is nasty looking.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The crowd is asleep tonight.


They woke up briefly for moves...but overall silent.


Nice SSP to win it for London.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

That's what happens in these four-way, five-way, six-way X Division matches. None of the guys in the match ever had a promo in TNA, a reason for being there, a real feud, etc. Hopefully they'll warm up to the other items tonight.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

"That's right Goofylocks."


"GilbertEddie is not here tonight."


"House of Pancakes."


And the Hard 10 is a Hardcore Tournament with a point system. Just to keep things straight, here is the scoring system of the Dupp Cupp, which we'll hopefully avoid...


1. If you put your opponent through a table, you get 2 ½ pts. A flaming table gets you 5.

2. If you put your opponents head in a toilet bowl, you get 2 ½ pts. “If there’s shit in it, you get 3 ½ pts.” It only gets worse from there too.

3. Goose a woman – 2 ½ pts. Goose a man, you get 3 ½ pts. How in the world is that Hardcore?

4. If you nail Jeremy Borash, you get 2 ½ points. Ok, thats pretty funny. If you nail Sara, the elderly ticket booth lady, you also get 2 ½ pts. Sounds fair enough.

5. If you use a farm animal, you get 2 ½ pts. Oh boy.

6. If you spank your opponent, bare assed with “Horsey-Poo” (Stan Dupp’s horse on a stick), you get 2 ½ pts. If your opponent enjoys it, you LOSE 2 ½ points. I swear to you, if that ever happens, it would be the biggest mockery to Hardcore wrestling.

7. If you introduce your opponent to Jar, you get 2 ½ pts.

8. “If you cry like a big pussy in the ring”, you LOSE 5 points.

9. If you put your opponents head in the cotton candy machine, you get 10 points and the match is over.

10. If you use an item given to you by a fan on your opponent, you get 1 point. Fair enough.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I love XXX.


As is obvious by my sig.


This is a 6 man of some kind.


Skipper and Daniels vs. Justin Credible and Slash and Red


The weirdness begins...but I'm not gonna complain since Daniels and Skipper rule.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Probably **. Not sure of the running time, though.


Cue the Prong rip-off music!


We've got Triple X (minus Low Ki, who is injured) vs. Red, Slash, and Credible.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The 4 way had some nice moments...but it didn't have anyone to hold it together to look like a match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You were right.


The crowd's awake now since they know everyone.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Ugh... I know everyone hates SEX, but you had Disciples and Extreme fighting for weeks, and now they're teaming up with no problem.


The LEAST they could've done was had one of those staredown backstage promos where they agree to disagree when it comes to a match like this, but when they get out there in the Hard 10 or whatever it is, all agreement disappear.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's funny...the crowd chants ECW at Credible and he's trying to get them to chant TNA instead.

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