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Guest goodhelmet

tomzenk.com off line

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Guest goodhelmet

www.tomzenk.com is offline.


has anyone heard why? is this just another diabolical plot by the mcmahons to eliminate their critics? (j/k)


i enjoy zenk's weekly commentary and would be bummed if he doesn't continue his scathing review of the mcmahon business practices.

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Guest The Bad Guy

Hmm... I don't know why it would be offline. Probably a bandwidth reason or something of that nature.

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Guest goodhelmet

it doesn't appear to be a bandwidth problem. his zenk shop is still available.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

It's probably for the best, his columns were getting more boring and nonsensical by the week. :throwup:

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www.tomzenk.com is offline.


has anyone heard why? is this just another diabolical plot by the mcmahons to eliminate their critics? (j/k)


i enjoy zenk's weekly commentary and would be bummed if he doesn't continue his scathing review of the mcmahon business practices.

Possible ideas as to why:


1. Zenk was threatened by Vince and the WWE legal department for slander over last week's column (which was a parody piece where Steph dies and HHH is more worried about Vince punishing him than he is over his fiance being dead) and the site is down while Zenk deals with Vince's legal sharks....


2. Zenk is revamping his site and rant archive and taken it down until he gets everything reorganized


3. Zenk's big tell-all book deal came through and he's taken off-line his website down in order to work on the book, which will keep him from doing a weekly column until further notice...

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