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Guest starvenger

Comic Reviews for May 2003

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Guest starvenger
Transformers Generation One Vol 2 #2 (Of 6), $2.95

Exiles #27, $2.99

New Mutants #1, $2.50

New X-Men #141, $2.25

OK, that's what I SAID I'd buy. As for what I BOUGHT (and my ratings)...


eXiles #27 (8/10) Solid conclusion to Chuck Austen's first eXiles story arc. Clayton Henry's artwork is quite nice - you can see the manga influence but it doesn't overwhelm you. The "Hard Choices" two-parter is definitely a good jumping on point for those who haven't picked up this title


New X-Men #141 (7.5/10) Kind of a disappointing ending to the murder mystery - although it really isn't, as it flows into the next storyline. Phil Jimenez' art is just gorgeous, and makes me wish that he was the regular artist - sorry, but I just can't get into Frank Quitley's work.


Battle of the Planets: Mark (7/10) This gets a low rating because the cover price is $4.99 for a 48-page comic. Still, BotP is one of the best (top 3, I'd say) written licensed comics, and Alex Ross and co deserve a lot of credit for crafting some good stories. A solid self-contained story that helps what my appetite for the remaining issues of the maxi-series.


Transformers Generation One Vol 2 #2 (8/10) Brad Mick is a much better TF writer than Chris Saraccini. He's no Simon Furman, though. But still, he does a great job here, tying in things from Furman's "The War Within" storyline and showing us that Ultra Magnus, no matter what the medium, is still a pussy. Plus, Twin Twist and Topspin FINALLY get some love - this is the first time I've ever seen them in either the comics or cartoon...


Wolverine #1 (9/10) No, he doesn't pop his claws, but it's a very good story told from the perspective of a teenaged girl and her journal. Robertson's work is great - doing his own inks allows him to get as dark as needed with some of the scenes, and it works. I wish that they hadn't rebooted the numbering, but it's a fact of life nowadays, I guess...

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Guest pochorenella

Good thing you brought back the reviews, starvenger. Good job.


The Wolverine issue I got a chance to read in the latest Wizard magazine. Good story, but the artwork took me some time to get used to. The numbering reboot is just another cheap sales ploy in never-ending series.

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Guest HellSpawn

Thank you for bringin' back the reviews.


I'll add soon ALIAS "The Underneath" 1-6. And Batman #614.

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Guest mach7

Wait, Wolverine #1? Did I miss something (probably) or did they start his series over? WTF?

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Guest starvenger
Wait, Wolverine #1? Did I miss something (probably) or did they start his series over? WTF?

Well, they've got a new creative team in Rucka and Robertson - and, presumably, a new direction - so Marvel probably figured they'd reboot the numbers and boost the sales a bit. At least they didn't jack up the price or add a die-cut chromium holofoil cover like in the 90s...

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Guest raptor

I'd start reviewing again, but I've started getting my comics mail order, so I get them a couple weeks late.


I did miss these, however.

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Guest areacode212

Now that my final final is over, maybe I can start reviewing again. I'm pretty tempted to try out that new Wolverine series...I enjoy Rucka's work and since I dumped Elektra, Green Arrow & Punisher, I could use a new series to get into.

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Guest starvenger

upcoming capsule reviews:

Battle of the Planets #10

New Mutants #1

Uncanny X-Men #424

Voltron Defender Of The Universe #1

Weapon X #9

X-Treme X-Men #26


I'll likely put them up Sunday or Monday evening...

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Guest starvenger

A little late, since I've had to work late the last couple of days...


Voltron Defender Of The Universe #1 (6.5/10)

Did you ever notice that when people do a remake of an old property, characters are made more grey, given a darker past? That's pretty much what we've got with Devil's Due's "re-imagining" of Voltron. In this case, it hasn't hurt the story yet, so I can't tell how this will affect the remainder of the miniseries. For now, though, the story and art are good, so give it a shot.


New Mutants #1 (8.5/10)

The cover shows Wolsbane, Mirage, Karma and Magma (guess she didn't die in UXM 423) but only Mirage shows up in this one. In the vein of Wolverine #1, she doesn't really play a large role here, save to recruit the mutant teen Sofia to Xavier's. A good setup, and I suspect the next 3 issues will be more of the same, in order to get "the team" together.


Battle of the Planets #10 (7.5/10)

Well, ten issues in and we finally get to find out what's up with Spectra. Also, Mark acts like a Caped Crusader and Jason does something selfless. Heavy on exposition and light on action, this is not a book for everyone, but it's a nice change of pace from all the action that's happened in the maxi-series so far.


Weapon X #9 (7/10)

Simiar to BotP, this is a "bridge" issue heavy on plot and exposition. Jeanty's work is again top notch and I'm enjoying the subplot with the Underground. If you haven't gotten on board with this you should give it a try.


X-treme X-Men #26 (7/10)

I have to admit that the GL,MK II storyline was what made me pick up this title, plus Cannonball and Shadowcat in the story doesn't hurt either. But I'm not really digging Kordey's artwork - it doesn't seem to flow when he's doing action. I'll finish the storyline, but I'm not sure if I'll keep picking this up once the storyline is done.


Uncanny X-Men #424 (6/10)

The issue did what it was intended to do - do away with the whole Kurt-is-a-priest deal. Other than that, it's not up to par with some of Austen's other stories. Give it a pass if you're a casual reader.

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