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Guest ViciousFish

Byte This!

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Guest ViciousFish

I figured I'd suffer through Byte This just because its a special on Owen.


Dr.Tom says Josh Matthews reminds him of how Owen worked and Owen would like him.



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Guest ViciousFish

Quick recap time....from what I remember......


Michael Cole tells an Owen story where Owen got into his room and scared him by jumping out of the bathroom at 2 am when Cole came in the first time screaming with a towel over his head.


Dr.Tom says everyone wants to know abdout bad times with Owen but there were no bad times. Owen was always a happy guy in a good mood.


Droz talks about Owen ribbing everybody and giving the busniess away when a fan at an autograph signing told Droz that wrestling was fake.


Dr.Tom talks about Owen putting all of Henry O Goddwin's animals in Vince's office, including pigs, goats and chickens and Vince knew right away it was Owen.


A Hawk video clip. Hawk says everyone liked Owen and he had friends in every town. He would eat 3 meals a day with his friends at their houses so he could save money. The boys told him he was tighter than a fish's BUTT in water. he goes on to say that no matter how upset you were Owen would always cheer you up and he was always concerned about people. He finishes up by saying God bless the Hart family.


Dr.Tom mentions that he wants to see LOD back in the WWE to restablish themselves before going to a Mark Henry phone call.


Mark Henry talks about how the fans miss Owen. The rib he talks about is calling people doing prank phone calls because Owen was great at getting a reaction out of people. he then talks about Owen putting his bags in a plastic bag, taping it shut and putting it in the shower with all the heads spraying pure hot water. Then Josh asks him how he would describe Owen in just a few words. "Classic. Family man. Comedian. Nicest guy" he goes on to talk about how no one ever got mad at Owen because it was expected and Owen did it for a laugh never to be mean. he ends off saying that Owen taught him alot and was never worried about his spot.


Dr. Tom mentions the fact that he was on of the BBB..Bogus Blue Blazer who would walk in the background when Owen was doing interviews.


they go to Bob Holly phone call who mentions that he just got back form his 6 month checkup and is ahead of schedule and may be back before a year is up.


Then I lost the feed but it cuts back with Bob talking more about his neck and Kurt's surgery. He says he knows nothing abou the surgery and Scott Hall may have had the same surgery but Hall isn't the worker or athlete Kurt is. He then talks about the the TE3 kids and that they had their first match. Dr.Tom tries to get Bob to talk about Matt and Bob says Matt got carried away and took it further than he had too. He then says if they have a match Bob will take it further. I missed any Owen stories there may have been.




I cut back in during a Benoit video. he talks about how Owen had a cold sore on his lip and was using rubbing alcohol on it putting the bottle up to his lip. A new worker (Joe somebody I missed hte last name) saw it and ran over to Chris saying that Owen was drinking the rubbing alcohol so Benoit told Owen and he started to act drunk before going out to have his match with the Joe guy. After the match he got into the driver's seat and started to drive weaving all over the road and everyone was in on it except Joe. He then says that Owen grew up seeing every prank there was and just continued on it.


Dr.Tom talks about having a match with Owen and Bulldog during the first ECW invasion. Before the match Owen told him that he didn't like the idea nd no to let them steal their spotlight.


they then go to a HBK clip who talks about how hard it was getting used to being in the spotlight and when they were in a crowd Owen would shout out that HBK was there and was signing autographs, helping him get used to it. He then says that owen's joy will be missed and that the business doesn't have enough joy.


They then go back to Josh and Dr.Tom and Josh says that it seems that owen always ribbed it a friendly way and Dr.Tom says anyone who got mad didn't belong in the business anyways.


They go to a Bill Gunn call and he sounds like Boomhauer from King of the Hill just without all of the gibberish. he says he's down in OVW and his shoulder feels great and he's good to go. Owen's work outside the ring was always better than inside because he was so funny. He was a blast to be around and that even if you knew he did it he would always deny pulling the rib. He then says that during a match over seas Davey wanted to press Owen but he refused and then let everyone else in the match press him and just funny stuff like that. He then finishes by saying that Owen loved to go into someone's bag and steal all of their towels using them himself.


They talk about their developmental talent focussing mainly on Jindrak and Orlando Jones, before going to a Val Venis clip. Val talks about the boys standing in line at a hotel and Owen and Jarrett were behind him when this guy came up with a stack of photos that he wanted Val to sign. he agreed to sign a few but not the stack and then checked in and went to his room. Just as he was going to sleep he got a call from what sounded like the same guy who was yelling at him and challenging him so Val ran down to the lobby and saw only Owen who told him it must have been the guy who had just left. So Val ran out and looked for him before going back to his room but he was so worked up he couldn't get to sleep. He found out 3 weeks later it was Owen.


Josh and Dr.Tom talk more about Jindrak, Seven and Basham before cutting to a Christian clip. Christian talks about how Owen was respected by everyone, and that Owen always helped the new Canadian guys. He then talks about how he and Edge had the pleasure of wrestling Owen in his last match and Owen came out in his black tights and baby blue boots with his hair all crazy. During the match he was locked up with Jarrett who told him to look at Owen who was upside down in the ropes with his eyes open.


Dr.Tom and Josh go to Edge who is on the phone. Dr.Tom mentions the Edgecation article which Edge says is alot of fun and something he has wanted to do for a while. He then mentions the clown nose story from the last article and that it must have been an unconcious thing realizing that the anniversary was coming up and that he wasn't trying to capitalize on it. He then says that alot of Owen's stuff can't be explained because it was alot funnier if you had seen it yourself. Edge then tells the same story Christian did adding that Owen was in red and silver tights with a black I'm Not A Nugget shirt and that he had wrestled the entire match like Bruiser Brody.


he talks about how in Philadelphia Gangrel's watch was stolen and he was looking everywhere for it and then when they went back to the building 3 months later he found it sitting on his back. You could never prove it but there was a 99% chance it was Owen. he then mentions the story Val had told and goes on to say Owen would order people pizzas, and deadweight himself when Davey tried to press him. He hints on next week's article saying that it involved a napkin, him, Christian, Owen, Jarrett and 3000 confused Germans. He says Owen always helped the Canadian guys outside he ring. If a flight was cancelled he always knew what to do. He says Owen was a phenomenal guy.


He then tells a story about how Owen shot Christian into the ropes and yelled watch the Cobra Clutch which confused him because how are you going to put a Clutch on after shooting a guy into the ropes but Owen did it. He then told Christian to reverse it which caused more confusion becaue how are you supposed to reverse it?


He says that Owen helped alot of guys including Kurt after a dark match they had had. He then says Owen was 1 of a kind and he has never and will never meet someone like him. Owen made life on the road fun and interesting. he says Owen always did whatever he had to to get home to his family.


Then then talk about Edge's neck. Edge said he lost alot of weight not working out. He says Dr. Youndblood told him you lose 2% of your muscle mass everyday you don't work out after stopping. Edge says he has gained back up to 220lbs (wow cruiser weight) but he was alot lower before. He mentions that the pain wasn't so bad but he still has trouble turning his head really fast.


The show ends off with useless banter between Dr.Tom and Josh


In conclusion I would like to mention that Byte This! really sucks. There was no video for the last half of the show.

Edited by ViciousFish

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Thanks for posting that, i can never be bothered to check out Byte This myself as its on during Raw over here in the UK.

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