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Guest joshicho

Which do you guys prefer? single or tag matches?

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Guest joshicho

Before you guys flame me for not being a real fan or whatever, just cos I don't like Tag matches, I've watched wrestling for 10 years now, and have been a member of this board for a long time (since before the ezboard went all yellow).


Anyway, I would take a singles match over a Tag any day. I just prefer them. I'm not sure why, but it seems like I can get into a singles match more than a Tag. I'm not sure if every tag match having the same formula is the reason, but I really find them all to be well, boring. That's not to say I can't enjoy a Tag match, but it takes a huge effort from all 4 workers to get me into it.


I don't know if you guys all feel the same but in Japan there's like entire tapes of Tag tournements. Now I'll admit that I haven't seen these, and so I probably sound like I'm talking out my arse, but to me a Tag match is just a way to split up singles matches on a card, so that it doesn't get too repetitive.


I'd like to hear your thoughts everyone, but please don't flame me!:)

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Guest notJames

I like both personally, and would find it disturbingly odd if either of them were phased out of wrestling completely. There were rumours back in the day that Bischoff wanted to do away with tag teams completely.  Thank god that day never came to pass.


I think the formulaic tag team is what's soured you to the beauty that a really good tag team match can produce. The big thing, of course, is the amount of crazy double team maneuvers that can happen. I remember old stuff like when B. Brian Blair would whip his opponent into the ropes and duck down so the guy would have to jump over him on the rebound, only to fall prey to Jumpin' Jim Brunzell's killer dropkick. Or of course, the Hart Foundation's clothesline finisher. Or the Doomsday Device. I think it adds a lot of impact to a match that one-on-one action can't compete with.


Also, before the whole tag formula became the norm, there was actualy drama in tag matches, where they'd build to the hot tag after 10 minutes of the helpless face being pummeled by the heels. After that, all bets were off and you'd never be able to tell who was going to pull off the victory.


Two matches stand out in my mind:


1. The Two Man Power Trip vs. The Canadian Chrises from Raw in May of last year. It seemed like both teams gave as much as they took. All four men came out smelling like roses, and the finale where the seeming underdogs defeated the dastardly duo was simply amazing.


2. The Rockers vs. The Orient Express from Royal Rumble 1991 (I think... it was the same card where Ultimate Warrior lost the WWF Title to Sgt. Slaughter). Great double teaming on both sides of the ring, the bumping magic of Michaels and Jannetty, Mr. Fuji as the evil manager. And the finish...I could never do it justice by trying to explain it, but go find the tape and watch it. So fluid and spectacular, especially from two teams so low in the pecking order.


We really need to go back to a true roster of killer tag teams. And with so many wrestlers on the roster and not enough singles belts to go around, it would be silly of the Fed not to take advantage of  the talent this way.



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Guest AM The Kid

I've seen quite a few good tag matches but I also prefer singles matches...but not by much. Tag matches have never grabbed me as much unless there are two really good tag teams involved.

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Guest Tony149

I like both. Right now the tag division sucks. Back in the '80s the WWF & NWA/WCW had very strong tag divisions. The NWA/WCW was strong enough to have two different tag titles (World & U.S. tag titles). A lot of the times the tag matches were better than the main event itself. There's nothing wrong with liking one over the other.

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Guest joshicho

Yeah I can see where your coming from. But the CVC vs 2 man Power trip match was actually a really entertaining match, but upon viewing for a second time, it became apparent that the reason I enjoyed it was more to do with the "extra-curricular" activities (Sledgehammer if I recall, and the table spot) rather than the actual tag aspect of it.

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Guest Some Guy

I like singles matches better as a general rule but their have been so many great tag matches in the past.  The Bulldogs, Hart Foundation, Midnights, Rock n Rolls, Steiners, Owen and Bret, Rockers, Dudleys, E&C, Benoit/Jerichio, Austin/who ever they tag him with (Pillman, HBK, Foley, HHH), etc... all have had ***** matches IMO, but tag matches are not quite as entertaining to me for some reason.  I think it's because I'm not into the whole "team concept" or something.

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Guest razazteca

I can see why you dislike tag team matchs now with Billy & Chuck vs APA being on every WWF PPV in the past year.  With the WWF using the 2 bad midcard wresters = tag team champs formula.Or of the Mega Power variety of 2 main eventers on an ego trip.


Whatever happen to the tag team specialist?  Are the Dudley Boys the last of their breed?  What I mean by this is that they came into the WWF as a tag team and worked as a tag 99% of the time, the only time they wrestle in singles was to set up a feud for the PPV.  The Dudleys never went after singles gold because they worked best as a team.  Their move set had several double team moves besides their finisher.  It can be very hard to mark out for tag teams when there is only 3 teams that work well together for the last 3 years.  The other tag teams are just mix match mid card wrestlers that have no business being on tv, other than being a comedy act.




Too Cool

Lafon & Furnas


Edge & Christian/Brood

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Guest razazteca

I also like 6 man tag matches if they use double team or triple moves setting up a nice finisher.  CMLL have some good Trios teams:  Wanger & Panter & Guerrera and Los Guerreros de Inferno.

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Guest godthedog

i think i prefer the tag matches.  you've got 4 guys in there instead of just 2, so if you do it right you can keep the match going at twice the pace.  i think i also just love the formula of tag matches more.  in a singles match, the formula nowadays is usually wrestler A is getting the crap beat out of him by wrestler B until wrestler A hits his finisher out of nowhere for the pin.  the tension in that situation just doesn't seem as plausible as the tension where wrestler A needs to make the tag to wrestler B (the fresh man) or else he's a dead man.  i've been known to go nuts watching a tag match, jumping up & down all over the room; i don't think i've ever done that with a singles match.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I really couldn't pick between them, but the current WWF tag scene would push me towards singles.


I think the problem these days is that tag teams are used to include wrestlers who aren't talented enough to be decent singles stars (eg Billy, Bradshaw, Bob Holly etc). And good wrestlers who are also great in tag teams (eg Raven, Saturn) are doing nothing.

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Guest joshicho

Yeah, I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this topic.


Could you recommend some good examples of Tag matches so I can check them out please?

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ANY Tag Team Match between the Hart Foundation & The British Bulldogs are Fantastic. BUT, I don't believe WWf ever had those two teams on a PPV except Wrestlemania 3 for the 6 man tag match when the Harts had Danny Davis and the Bulldogs had Tito. If you're lucky maybe you could find a really old tape of them in Calgary Stampede.


Tag Teams aren't what they use to be. Tag matches lost most of it's psychology and only became about "Spots,"  i.e. Hardy's. btw, I'm pissed the WWF broke up the Dudley's.


I see all you guys talk about old WWF and NWA teams but what about the king of Tag Matches? Smokey Mountian Wrestling? Jim Cornette has had some great tag teams. Rock-N-Roll Express, Freebirds, Midnight Express, Hell, even throw in the Thrillseakers (Jericho & Storm).

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