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Guest alkeiper

The Vault Series

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Guest alkeiper

With the Shawn Michaels dvd coming out, it looks like the WWE is finally capitalizing on their tape library and putting out their classics. My question is, who or what would you like to see?


Personally, I'd love an Andre the Giant dvd. They could put a whole bunch of matches on their that 99% of us have never seen. Plus, they can give everyone another chance to get their Andre stories out of their system. I'd love to see Andre in his prime, as opposed to the '85-'90 WWF matches that most of us have seen.

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Guest Nevermortal
With the Shawn Michaels dvd coming out, it looks like the WWE is finally capitalizing on their tape library and putting out their classics. My question is, who or what would you like to see?


Personally, I'd love an Andre the Giant dvd. They could put a whole bunch of matches on their that 99% of us have never seen. Plus, they can give everyone another chance to get their Andre stories out of their system. I'd love to see Andre in his prime, as opposed to the '85-'90 WWF matches that most of us have seen.

Talking about Andre: Coolbeans.


Watching Andre: Snore.


Anyway, I'd like to see Bret, Austin, Foley, and Flair get one.

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Guest Memphis

Randy Savage would be nice, however I don't see it happening.


Obviously Bret Hart & Ric Flair are the ones the Smarks are after, however I'd like to see an Owen Hart DVD as well.

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Guest tpww7

Flair, Bret, Mick Foley, Vader, Benoit :)


BTW, what happened to the floating head of American Dragon!?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit, Eddie, Jericho. If the WWE has the ECW video rights.


A Randy Savage DVD would be nice. Bret, of course. They have a dozen Austin DVD's out already, but I'd buy one big giant hunk of Austins matches if they were selling it.

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Guest Nevermortal
Flair, Bret, Mick Foley, Vader, Benoit :)


BTW, what happened to the floating head of American Dragon!?

I am an equal opportunity floating head possessor. Or something.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Ric Flair would be awesome, a 2 disc set showing 3 decades of Flair matches would just about be the coolest thing ever.


Bret Hart would be very good also, and I think Bret and Vince have agreed to do a DVD so hopefully one will come out by the end of the year.


A Piper DVD could work if they pack the DVD with shit loads of heel Piper goodness. Best not to mention his WCW run on the DVD though.


Randy Savage, Foley (even though his last DVD will be hard to top), Austin, Benoit, Angle, Steamboat the possibilities are endless. I think the WWE are sitting on a goldmine here, let’s just hope they don't fuck it up.

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Guest razazteca

I would like to see Randy Savage, Eddy Guerrero, Foley, Flair, Brett, British BulldogS

Edited by razazteca

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Guest razazteca
I want a best and worst of WCW 2 disc DVD set.

Hey there is already the nWo DVD

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Guest Choken One

Who is next?


Steve Austin- The Ultimate Edition

Ric Flair-The Legacy

Bret Hart- Excellence of Execution

Mick Foley-The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Chris Benoit- The Crippler

Owen Hart- The King of Harts (Proceeds go to charity)

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I still say call the entire series "WWEvolution"


Stupid HHH stealin my name... or the title of a Orlando Jones movie.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

They'll probably put out a Nash one, all the Kliq need their own DVD's.

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Guest godthedog

first & foremost, i think they need to set up a consistent format. something like foley's intros in the 'hard knocks & cheap pops' extras, only lasting 2 or 3 minutes: just an introduction with the featured wrestler reminiscing, throwing in an anecdote or 2 about the match. and have at least one featured match with commentary.


i can't think of any wrestlers who need dvd's other than the ones already mentioned. but i will say that austin should take priority, if only for historical importance (and the fact that his will probably sell the most).

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Guest cynicalprofit
I want a best and worst of WCW 2 disc DVD set.

Hey there is already the nWo DVD

Yeah, but they did alot worse then just the nWo

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Guest acnx

Flair, Austin, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Angle would be my choices.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

With the ECW/WCW rights they could put on some great stuff.

From The Vault: The Four Horsemen

From The Vault: Tag Team Warfare(Best Tag Team Matche)

From The Vault: Wargames

From The Vault:Brian Pillman

From The Vault: Chris Jericho


They could easliy make a shitload of money just selling these dvds over the net.

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Guest Choken One

War Games would be a 3 Match Disc...


1987, 1989 and 1992.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

hmm your right...maybe a Best Gimmick Matches dvds...they did a tape of those back in the day called Most Unusal Matches.

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A Piper DVD could work if they pack the DVD with shit loads of heel Piper goodness. Best not to mention his WCW run on the DVD though.

The only thing from his WCW run which would deserve being included would be the post Halloween Havoc 96 debut, where he tears Hogan a new asshole in a dueling promo battle with him....

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Guest Memphis
Holy Crap Memphis, stop reading my thoughts!!

United in Macho Man love...


I just realised how unbelievably gay that sounded...


Yep, I'm leaving.



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Guest wwF1587

id want a flair, jericho, beniot, eddie guerraro, owen, bret, and foley dvds


in reality the next to get dvds will be


1.) HHH - cause the wwe loves us!

2.) UT - 10 years of no selling at best, but i do like his early days before this bad ass crap... at least his gimmick was cool

3.) Austin - wont complain

4.) Rock - once again.. no complaints

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Guest JDMattitudeV1
A Piper DVD could work if they pack the DVD with shit loads of heel Piper goodness. Best not to mention his WCW run on the DVD though.

The only thing from his WCW run which would deserve being included would be the post Halloween Havoc 96 debut, where he tears Hogan a new asshole in a dueling promo battle with him....

Agreed. That was awesome. Shame it lead to such a shitty match though.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

History Of The Cage-they talk about the cage, & it's impact & shit. Matches would cover everything from Flair/Race to Wargames to HITC & Lion's Den (logo issue though)


In Memoriam-a DVD dedicated to the dead guys (Rude, Owen, Perfect, etc.). Extras are just the awesome matches (Rude/Chono from WCW Japan & Owen/Bret WM10 come to mind)


Andre The Giant-could be awesome, & Andre with the Afro kicked ass (although not from the workrate perspective)


Wrestlecrap-a DVD of all the shitty gimmicks, matches & just general crap. i'd buy it just for King of the Road on DVD, but then again i'm a sick fuck.


As for other Vault DVDs, they're obligated to have Flair, Bret, & in my opinion, MACHO MAN! I'm a HUGE mark for Savage & Flair, so i'm fucking there if they ever do those. I'd also pay for a Horsemen, Midnights/RNR Express, History of (Insert) Title, or Best Of The Road Agents (think of the awesome there: Johnny Ace, Arn Anderson, Fit Finlay, Dean Malenko-it could rule). But there's so many options, it's sad they aren't already out.

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Guest Austin3164life

From the Vault: Who is the greatest WWE World Champion of all time?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Speaking of the Wrestlemania V Piper's Pit, is it just my copy or does it not appear on those Wrestlemania: The Legacy editions at all?

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Guest Rob Edwards

My picks would be


1. Ric Flair (obvious reasons)

2. Bret Hart (obvious reasons)

3. Randy Savage (obvious reasons)

4. Owen Hart (tribute)

5. Mr Perfect (tribute)

6. Davey Boy Smith (tribute)

7. Chris Jericho (include all the WCW heeldom and this would rock)

8. Jerry Lawler (hell why not he has a book out and I'm sure they could acquire the Memphis shit pretty easily)

9. Chris Benoit (obvious)

10. Eddie Guerrero (obvious)

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

I'd like to see an 80s/early 90s tag team DVD with a bunch of Hart Foundation, Strike Force, Rougeaus, Rockers, etc matches.

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