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Guest cynicalprofit

Since they arent offically calling him Hulk Hogan

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Guest cynicalprofit

Since he isnt being billed as Hulk Hogan, do the WWE still have to pay Marvel for the Hulk name? I'm assuming so because its probably like a yearly deal, but could it all have been done as a cost saving measure?

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Guest razazteca

There is alot of merchandise out there with Hulk Hogan's name on it, so I would think so.


If WWF complained about its logo, I would think Marvel would do the same about its property.

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Guest cynicalprofit

They have to pay for it, Hulk is a registered trademark of Marvel Comics, they paid for it back in the day, dont see why they wouldnt have to now.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

I have noticed on several occasions where the tradmark symbol and Marvel is displayed on Hogan merchandise and programs. But with the merchandise being envolved, I'm sure that Vince is still paying.

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Guest El Satanico

If WWe is selling merchandise with Hulk on it and haven't worked out an agreement with Marvel, then I'd assume that they'd still be paying them.

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Does Hogan own the name or Vince? cause i've seen interviews with Hogan, and he made it seem as he pays a % of $$$$$$ to Marvel, himseld to use the name.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I think they didn't pay at first because he was always "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, even after he ditched the NWO gig. Now that the black beard dye is gone, he's been regular old Hulk Hogan again.

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Guest converge241

yes they are still paying (as in usually I believe Hogan just has WWE/WCW/XWF whomever work it into the contract that they pay that seperately) and then when Hogan is/was not employed he pays a yearly due to Marvel..IF Hollywood Hogan had caught on that would have freed him up but everyone still used Hollywood Hulk Hogan



Im really surprised Marvel didnt try to make Hogan/WWE re-up at an increased rate with the movie coming out


im also surprised that no one ever tried to get out of it by now as well.. as stuff like that goes legalwise there should be some leeway as its not like Marvel invented the word and the character was always used as Incredible Hulk (or sometimes Savage) and he's Hulk Hogan..its not like he goues by "the hulk" its always hulkster or what have you..Teh only time Marvel should have legs to stand on is when another comic compabny made a character like that.. as in when theyve sued over use of the letter X before by Liefeld and what not

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