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Guest Lil Naitch


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Guest Lil Naitch

A few days ago I looked on the WWE website, and their picture of the day was Jeff Jarrett winning the IC title. 2 questions came to mind:

1. Did tehy post the pic to show how similar Christian now looks?

2. Are they trying to re-hire Jarrett?

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A few days ago I looked on the WWE website, and their picture of the day was Jeff Jarrett winning the IC title. 2 questions came to mind:

1. Did tehy post the pic to show how similar Christian now looks?

2. Are they trying to re-hire Jarrett?

1)While they do look similar, I think it's just because Jarrett probably won the IC title on this day, and it's the only picture they could get.


2) Doubtful. They showed around Christmas a picture of "Made in the USA" Lex Luger with Santa Claus, and at the time they had no plans whatsoever of re-hiring Luger. Besides, Jarrett has his own company to stroke his ego with right now.

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Guest Choken One

Why? Jarrett is an Greedy Meaningless fuck with his own COMPANY to jerk himself off...

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Guest Anglesault
A few days ago I looked on the WWE website, and their picture of the day was Jeff Jarrett winning the IC title. 2 questions came to mind:

1. Did tehy post the pic to show how similar Christian now looks?

2. Are they trying to re-hire Jarrett?

1)While they do look similar, I think it's just because Jarrett probably won the IC title on this day, and it's the only picture they could get.

Yeah, he beat Godfather on a taped Raw, right?

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Guest the 1inch punch

I wouldnt call him greedy and meaningless


He was getting more heat with his last run in the wwe than anyone else in the company, including HHH


If he was being greedy, it was because






-Fucking CHyna


decided to screw him around


turnabout is fairplay



Plus i met the guy, so i cant say anything bad about him

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Guest Choken One

OK he might have gotten heat with the fans but he is still scum for holding WWE up for money TWICE...

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Guest Anglesault
OK he might have gotten heat with the fans but he is still scum for holding WWE up for money TWICE...

He did no such thing.

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Guest MaxPower27

He didn't hold them up for money. He asked them for his PPV bonus in advance.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

His contract expired the day before the PPV (while he was still IC champ) and wanted a large ammount of money to job to the Man-Bitch. Hell, I'd have held them up for it, too.

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Guest Anglesault
Umm...Yeah he did


The PPV where he fought Chyna...his contract had expired the day before, and he held them up for money for his services.

My point went was missed by everyone.


That was in 1999.


He never did that to the "WWE"



I will fight the good fight. I am going to stop as many people as I can from rewriting WWF events to say "WWE"



And he was completely in the right there anyway.

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My point went was missed by everyone.


That was in 1999.


He never did that to the "WWE"



I will fight the good fight. I am going to stop as many people as I can from rewriting WWF events to say "WWE"

Blah...should have figured that by now.


I've just grown to accept it...sorta like when Eastern Championship Wrestling became Extreme Championship Wrestling...WWWF became WWF, and WCW was forged from the original NWA.


Which is why back in the day Ric Flair was recognized as a 14 time WCW Champion...when some of those reigns were under the NWA name.

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Guest Choken One

No he wasn't...It's called Honor and Tradition...


Someone of a Wrestling Hertige should know that...

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
No he wasn't...It's called Honor and Tradition...


Someone of a Wrestling Hertige should know that...

Honor, in wrestling?


Honor extends only as far as the paycheck does. Hell, promoters have been trying to screw wrestlers for ages now, and it's appropriate that Vince got a little payback. Jobbing to Chyna isn't exactly good for a wrestler's credibility, and I'd want financial gain, too.


When you also consider he wasn't under contract, he didn't -have- to do anything. Legally, he was in the right.

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Guest Anglesault
No he wasn't...It's called Honor and Tradition...


Someone of a Wrestling Hertige should know that...

But he wasn't legally under contract. He had no ties with the WWF. He could have left with the title and it would have been all WWF's fault.

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Guest the pinjockey

What is more honorable: wanting your PPV bonus in advance and laying down for a woman or taking the IC belt to Nitro and throwing it in the trash?


I think Jarrett was very honorable in his dealings by even giving Vince the chance to pay him to lay down for Chyna.

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Guest razazteca

I just hope they don't job Christian to Victoria anytime soon.


That would be totally reak of heinousity

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I just hope they don't job Christian to Victoria anytime soon.


That would be totally reak of heinousity

Nah, they wouldn't do something like that to boost Victoria's career.


They'll have Steph come onto Raw to beat him for the title.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Jarrett had every right to do what he did. His contract was up, Austin wouldn't let him move up in the roster, and it was the WWF's own fault for not taking the belt off the guy sooner rather than have it expire before the PPV. Anyway, that's just how I see it.


And Christian doesn't look too much like Jarrett. He's got kind of a teen idol look goin'.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Vince would never betray a wrestlers trust... never...

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, Christian and Jarrett are both overrated, so there's one comparison for ya.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

They're overrated? Really? Because I hear people saying both men are just GOOD workers, aside from their diehard fans (which nearly every worker has), but not great or outstanding or anything. Jarrett especially, particularly from the TNA crowd no less.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I knew I had seen that stupid haircut before.


And fuck that whole Jarrett is greedy bunk. It's Vince's stupid fault for keeping a belt on a guy without a contract and then telling him to drop it to a woman.


At least he did the job. Lesser people would have shown up in WCW that day with it instead.

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Guest the 1inch punch
At least he did the job. Lesser people would have shown up in WCW that day with it instead.

If I was in his position, i would have taken the belt and jumped, or done a Meng job, but in no way would i job to Chyna



As for the whole "having his own company to stroke his ego", in his first few weeks there he put a fucking singer over, then a Nascar driver


His recent non-job to Raven can be explained as a message to Raven, nothing to do with him

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Guest EsotericMaster

I would also like to point out, in the last months of WCW; Jarrett was one of the only people to watch the show for. When Jarrett is a heel he is hilarious.

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Guest the 1inch punch
I would also like to point out, in the last months of WCW; Jarrett was one of the only people to watch the show for. When Jarrett is a heel he is hilarious.

Mayhem 2000, Jarrett against Bagwell.


Both have pre-match interviews. Bagwell says whatever he says, and Jarrett does his usual, right up until (and i'm paraphrasing here)



"..........because im the stupidstar, with all the stroke around here"


cut back to the announcers, and Stevie Ray goes


"........did he-uh call himself a stupidstar"


Funny shit

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