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Guest Nanks

Sting in WWA

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Guest Nanks

Saw Sting work a house show match for WWA against Disco Inferno a couple of nights ago, and he's in OK shape. The match was nothing special, mostly Disco working the leg before the Sting comeback and Scorpion Death Lock. The result of the WWW/TNA unification match tonight from NZ should be interesting in terms of whether or not Sting is planning to stay with WWA and if there's any truth to the rumours of him heading to WWE.


On an unrelated note, Bret Hart was at the show and he came out and sat on a chair in the ring and just spoke for about 10 minutes. He said he's only gonna work for WWA now coz he respects Andrew McManus and vice versa. It was great seeing him and he mentioned how he wishes he could have that "one last match" which sent the crowd WILD, he seemed pretty depressed in general, but it was cool of him to come all the way out here so the fans could see him.


Either way, here's some shots of Sting for anyone who might be interested.







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Guest NoSelfWorth

He looks like a normal person is all. Not "fat" or "old", just normal.

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Guest Steviekick

Sting looks kinda chunky in the last picture...maybe it's just a bad camera angle.

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Guest Nanks

You reckon that's a gut, you should've seen Shane Douglas!! You changed your sig AS, I loved that old sig..... As for Sting looking chunky, I don't reckon the photos really do him justice, I thought he looked in alright shape live

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Guest Memphis

This really has nothing to do with WWE, but anyway.


Sting looks good considering the time off he's had and how that has affected other wrestlers like Lex Luger.


That still doesn't mean I want him in WWE though.



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Guest Nanks

Oh yeah, I didn't actually think of that, Memphis. Although it's about a rumoured future WWE worker and a former WWE worker, I suppose I just didn't want it lost in the misc. wrestling folder

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Guest Memphis

I highly doubt it would get 'lost'. As far as I know every thread posted there recently is in perfect viewing form for all of us.



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Guest Anglesault
You changed your sig AS, I loved that old sig.....

Fear not. The old sig will be rotated in and out as it's one of my faves.

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Guest Choken One

He looked Fine...But if he returns he better Be Bleched Blond Surfer STING!

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Guest AndrewTS

He doesn't look to be in "WWE shape," that's for sure. Hard to really judge if he's in good condition from those pictures. Although judging by 97 it looks like he easily gets unmotivated and ends up out of shape.


Anglesault: I agree...nice little banner, but looks rather bare bones compared to before.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1
Oh yeah, I didn't actually think of that, Memphis. Although it's about a rumoured future WWE worker and a former WWE worker, I suppose I just didn't want it lost in the misc. wrestling folder

Sting has never worked for WWE.

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Guest NoSelfWorth
Oh yeah, I didn't actually think of that, Memphis.  Although it's about a rumoured future WWE worker and a former WWE worker, I suppose I just didn't want it lost in the misc. wrestling folder

Sting has never worked for WWE.

I think Bret Hart is the former WWE worker he is talking about. Even though Bret has, technically, never worked for WWE.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1
Oh yeah, I didn't actually think of that, Memphis.  Although it's about a rumoured future WWE worker and a former WWE worker, I suppose I just didn't want it lost in the misc. wrestling folder

Sting has never worked for WWE.

I think Bret Hart is the former WWE worker he is talking about. Even though Bret has, technically, never worked for WWE.

Ha Either way I am right!


Yeah now that I think about it it was Bret he was talking bout.....my bad

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Guest Coffey

He doesn't look fat or old to me. At least not in those pics. I'm not saying that he couldn't use some cardio...

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Guest Nanks

Well there is a miniscule chance of that tonight, but it would be a strange move to have Jarrett drop his belt off NWA TV. More likely he'll lose his WWA belt and get training for WWE. I hope so anyway, it was exciting seeing him the other night

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You know...Sting is coming to WWE WAY too late...


If he were to come, the best time was when it was still WWF...and Taker was still in Darkside Mode, not Biker Mode.


Picture "Crow" Sting vs. "Darkside" Taker....


THAT'S a feud right there.


But now...eh...maybe Sting would be good, maybe not.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You know...I don't think he looks that out of shape at all.

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Guest Insanityman

I think he looks in shape... until the last one, it looks like he's got a gut. But he looks normal- Hell, I don't want him in WWE though. I'd say NWA:TNA if I actually watched the show.

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