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The Thunder Review 5/25 - 5/31

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Bleh its Thunder...this week match #2 of the best of seven series between Booker T and Chris Benoit.


May 29, 1998

The Barbarian def. Jim Powers

Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart def. High Voltage

Van Hammer def. Glacier by DQ

Booker T def. Chris Benoit

Fit Finlay def. Brad Armstrong; TV Title Match

Saturn def. Barry Darsow

Goldberg def. Barry Horowitz; U.S. Title Match


May 27, 1999

Kaz Hayashi def. Lash Leroux

Van Hammer def. Prince Iaukea

The Cat def. Vampiro

Konnan def. Kenny Kaos

Evan Karagias def. Lenny Lane

Chris Benoit def. Diamond Dallas Page by DQ

Buff Bagwell def. Randy Savage by DQ


May 31, 2000

Terry Funk NC Chris Candido; HC Title Match

Sting def. Horace and Billy Kidman (pinned) in a three-way match

Jeff Jarrett def. Shane Douglas; WCW Title Match

Shawn Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo def. Kronic by DQ to win the Tag Team Titles

David Flair & Vince Russo def. Ric Flair & Reid Flair

Kevin Nash & Scott Steiner def. Tank Abbott & Rick Steiner

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New feature for this week for all my Review topics, I'll post old recaps of the main event or a featured match or a major angle development from each show. Of course recaps for some shows are a pain in the ass to find (especially Thunder recaps) even on Google so sometimes the recap isn't going to be very good.


1998 - couldn't find a recap


1999 - Scott Keith, RSPW message boards


Chris Benoit (w/ Malenko's old music) v. DDP. Finally, a match with

promise! Benoit hooks the Crossface right off the bat, but DDP makes

the ropes. DDP bails and Benoit hits a suicide plancha. Chris vaults

into the ring and lands right on DDP's knee. Ouch. Slugfest erupts and

they end up in a double KO spot. They fall to the floor and brawl up

the aisle as we take a commercial. We come back with DDP in control,

although Chris quickly regains it with 10 punches of doom...oops,

ballshot. The ex-champ (hahahahahaahah!) dominates with his usual array

of punches and stomps. DDP gets the ref to check the time and then

chokes Benoit down with his tape. Tilt-a-whirl gets two. Oh, joy, a

sleeper. My, but DDP is a useless bag of shit tonight. Benoit makes the

comeback and hits the german suplex for two. Another one, no release,

for two. A third, but DDP blocks with a ballshot. DDP powerbomb gets

two. Diamond Cutter, reversed into a backslide for two. Another

attempt, reversed to the Crossface! DDP ta...oh, fuck, it's Bigelow for

a bullshit run-in DQ ending. FUCK! Flair, DDP and Bigelow beat down

Benoit. Would it have KILLED someone in the uppercard to put Benoit

over for once? ***1/4


2000 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


DAVID FLAIR & VIC VENOM (with bat) v. THE MAN & REID FLEIHR (with Beth Fleihr) - one more opportunity for the commentators to decry backyard wrestling. And now for another ironic dichotomy...Hey, look, that's Reid Flair! Father and son start offLockup, side headlock by David, into the ropes, shoulderblock by David, off the ropes, up and over, knife-edge chop by Ric. In the corner, shirt is ripped, chop, chop, chop, into the opposite corner, charging towards Russo, who leaps off the apron to avoid it. Back to David WHOOOOOSH GAB 11 DAYS AWAY right hand, chop, WHOOOOOOOSH, Flair over to grab the house mic. "Russo, I told you, you got none of these - get in the ring! How 'bout it, Boise? I'm so sure of it - I'm - you couldn't beat me ever...you couldn't beat him, pissant! Hey! Three minutes! I'll stand out here for three minutes, or I'll retire tonight - HE'LL wear your little skinny ass out. Twelve years out. Come on! Show me, buddy - woooo!" He throws the mic to Russo. "Three minutes - you stay out? You give me that little (shit)." Tag on both sides. Didn't Russo see what Reid did to Bischoff? Russo with a Shane-O-Mac-esque shuffle - oh, sorry, that wasn't fair of me to compare it to...hell, it's the same Goddam outfit, even! Russo trying a jab and missing - a crotch grab and paintbrush for Ric on the outside. Another paintbrush by Russo - and another. Russo and David share a moment of reserved celebration. Russo turns around and promptly goes down to the patented Reid Flair double leg takedown. Russo takes off his warmup jacket. Russo walks in - single leg takedown for Flair. Russo looks for some advice from David, who whispers in his ear. Russo turns back...and promptly goes down to a spear and double leg takedown. For purposes of our storyline the past 1:08 will count as "three minutes," because now Ric is in the ring and ready to mount Russo and give him some fists - he gets four punches before David comes in to save him - elbow, in the corner, elbow, chop, chop, chop, elbow and Ric goes down. David brings him up - vertical suplex. Chop, chop, chop, David struts...then shows off his biceps. Ric comes back with a chop. Chop, chop, and David goes over the top to the floor. Ric follows. Chop, taking him to the ringpost, but too close to Russo. Flair over to Russo, who has a statue of liberty, which he proceeds to conk over Flair's head. Russo rolls him back in the ring and David drags him over for a stompin'. Reid in to help out his unconscious father - putting his arms around David's waist, but he throws him off. Reid back to the waist - David shoving him off again. A third waistlock attempt - David pulls him off and puts him into the ropes, where Russo stands and pulls on the ankles. Nice bump for Reid! David putting on the figure four while Russo presses him down. Referee "Blind" Charles Robinson decides to count it - 1, 2, 3. (4:42) Russo and Flair jump for joy. Beth in to check on her son as the ring fills with concessions. Russo has THE STICK. "Get up! Get up!" He blocks a slap. "Are you gonna believe me now, or are you gonna listen to me when it's too late, Beth?" Russo and David walk off to moderate showers. Reid starts to try to follow them...and we go to break.

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