Bored 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2003 May 25, 2000 Eddie Guerrero & Chyna def. Edge & Christian by DQ; Tag Title Match Faarooq def. Crash Holly in a hardcore match Hardcore Holly def. Chris Jericho and Val Venis (pinned) in a Triple Threat Match Matt Hardy def. Essa Rios The Dudley Boyz & Too Cool def. T&A, Road Dogg, & X-Pac Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit by DQ; IC Title Match Bull Buchanan def. Al Snow The Undertaker def. Shane McMahon by DQ May 31, 2001 Kane def. Edge; IC Title Match Hardcore Holly def. Bubba Ray Dudley Chris Jericho def. Kurt Angle Rhyno def. Raven; HC Title Match X-Factor def. The Hardy Boyz & Eddie Guerrero Steve Austin def. Chris Benoit; WWF Title Match May 30, 2002 Rikishi & Rico def. Billy & Chuck; Tag Title Match Christian def. Maven Chris Jericho def. Faarooq The Undertaker def. Randy Orton; WWE Undisputed Title Match Tajiri & Chavo Guerrero def. The Hurricane & Billy Kidman Test def. Triple H Edge def. Kurt Angle in a Steel Cage Match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheBostonStrangler Report post Posted May 25, 2003 That Austin/Benoit match in 2001 and the Edge/Angle match in 2002 are two of the greatest matches in Smackdown history...pretty odd that they came on the same week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted May 25, 2003 That Austin/Benoit match in 2001 and the Edge/Angle match in 2002 are two of the greatest matches in Smackdown history...pretty odd that they came on the same week. possibly a good omen for this week's show Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lightning Flik Report post Posted May 25, 2003 That Austin/Benoit match in 2001 and the Edge/Angle match in 2002 are two of the greatest matches in Smackdown history...pretty odd that they came on the same week. possibly a good omen for this week's show I wonder who will do the honors this time, if it happens.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2003 That Austin/Benoit match in 2001 and the Edge/Angle match in 2002 are two of the greatest matches in Smackdown history...pretty odd that they came on the same week. possibly a good omen for this week's show I wonder who will do the honors this time, if it happens.... Mr. America vs. The Lie Detector of Doom! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2003 New feature for this week for all my Review topics, I'll post old recaps of the main event or a featured match or a major angle development from each show. Of course recaps for some shows are a pain in the ass to find even on Google so sometimes the recap isn't going to be very good. In the case of Smackdown its pretty easy since CRZ recapped all of them until late last year. credit: CRZ, 2000 BIG SKIPPY THE GIANT KILLER v. UNDERTAKER - More poetry from the heir apparent? Well, first, Shane uses his eyes to encourage a "Shane's a pussy" chant. "I'm sorry, have you not been watching the same matches that I have been? I've been DOMINATING here in the World Wrestling Federation! As a matter of fact, ya see, Undertaker, tonight will be YOUR Judgment Day, just as it was the Big Show's Judgment Day last Sunday night. And obviously, many of you have forgot what the Giant Killer has done to the Big Show, so let's revisit that special moment - roll the footage! There it is, oh my lookit five hundred pounds OOOOOH, man, right across the Big Show's knee, oh man, one more time, I love that footage, yes! Crushing the Big Show's knee - one more time, yeah! That's what I'm talking about! And I did it all on my own...but I wasn't done after that, no, I had one more thing to do to the Big Show, and that was defeat him for the 1, 2, 3, so I - let's roll the footage here - so I accidentally hit the Big Show in the back of the head with a cinder block, which I - OHHH! Lookit that - rendering the big man unconscious, check that out, and all that was left, yes! History - 1, 2, 3 as I was cheered on by Bull Buchanan! So, Undertaker, if I was you I'd stay in the back, 'cause obviously you want none of Shane-O-Mac." Undertaker comes out on his Beautiful Titan Bike - his entrance is sponsored by Kid Rock's upcoming CD. He's actually gonna get off the bike! No, wait, he's gonna sit there and shake his head instead. NOW he gets in the ring. Shane takes a powder. We listen to Kid Rock some more. About three minutes left in the show. NOW Shane hits the ring, bouncing around - Undertaker doesn't even seem amused by this! Undertaker with a right hand and Shane goes down hard. Better cue the run-in now...Undertaker with a choke - and a throw into the corner, Undertaker working the body, right left rightleftrightleftrightleft right left, right - back elbow - KO right. Undertaker puts Shane in the ropes - choke - chokeslam! Here's DX - see ya Road Dogg - 'bye X-Pac - down you go, Champ. DX continue to attack Black Ninja style as we see BILLIONAIRE VINCE, STEPHANIE ONO, TORI and GERALD BRISCO make their way down the aisle. Undertaker has Triple H in a choke but before he can finish the chokeslam, X-Pac gets him from behind - Dogg and X-Pac work on Undertaker in the corner - Triple H joins them. Crowd chants "Rock E." Vince in the ring now..."if ya smell..." LA ROCA runs out - see ya, Road Dogg - 'bye, X-Pac - these guys have GOT to stop attack one at a time! Undertaker punches Triple H and Shane - Rock Bottom for Road Dogg - X-Pac tossed outside - Undertaker and Rock playing pinball punchin' with Triple H. Shane gets a tombstone as Rock punches Triple H over the top rope to the floor. The ring clears of Faction members as Rock gets one more right hand in on Triple H. Undertaker decides to hop back on his bike and chase everybody up the ramp. Play the Rock's music again! Sign in crowd: "Ruck the Fock" Yeah, buddy. Credits are up and we're out. Hmm, I guess that's a (No contest). 2001 WWF CHAMPIONSHIP: CHRIS BENOIT (with "WWF: The Music [Volume 5]" CD cover) v. MY NAME IS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN ( - Hmm, once again we've got about a half hour left in the show. Looks like I'm wrong, Earl Hebner is back out. Oh, but comes BILLIONAIRE VINCE, and he's wearing the zebra stripes (and, of course, no sleeves). "Wait a minute now, wait a minute, wait a minute - allow me to introduce myself - my name is Vince McMahon, I'm the chairman of the World Wrestling Federation ...and I have assigned myself to be the Special Enforcer to ensure that the rules and regulations are indeed adhered to." Well, at least McMahon isn't Hebner's succedaneum in this match as I'd earlier feared. (I just won a bet!) Austin rolls out of the ring to have a chat with McMahon, as we take an (final?) ad break. Yes you ARE watching WWF SmackDown! on UPN Well *that* took care of ten minutes! Benoit's tired of waiting, and puts a double axehandle in the back to start. Kick in the head, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, elbowdrop, knife-edge chop, chop, chop, into the ropes, chop! Clothesline. Kick, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. It's all Benoit so far. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp - Hebner finally pulls him off as Austin rolls to the apron - Benoit wants another piece of him but Austin manages a stun gun. "Austin Sux!" Forearm across the back by Austin. Benoit into the ropes, reversed, head down and Austin hits a swinging neckbreaker. First cover - Austin gets 2. Stomp. Stomp. Austin stokes the fans with just a look. Going for a big vertical suplex...but Benoit is back to his feet, got the arm and putting on the crossface! Austin makes it to the ropes before he can lock it in, however. Benoit pulls Austin to the centre and puts it on again!! Austin crawls sideways to the ropes...and grabs it. Again, Benoit pulls Austin to the middle and puts it on again!! Austin is a little slower with his sideways crawl...but again reaches the bottom rope. Benoit stomps Austin in the head - AGAIN with the crossface! Austin's eyes bug out from the pain - crawling to the ropes again - reaching - missing - reaching - got it. Hebner forces the break. Benoit stomps on Austin, Austin rolls out. Benoit's after him now - clothesline over the commentary table! Benoit stands on the commentary table...and looks to the crowd. Now back to the floor, where Austin is lying - stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Hebner encourages Benoit to take it back to the ring - Benoit picks Austin up to his feet, and unleashes a right hand that takes him over the table again. Chop on the floor, rolled back in, Benoit follows. Running clothesline and Austin goes outside again! Benoit out and the chase is on. McMahon is noticably away from this action... Austin manages a kick in the injured ribs to stop Benoit, at least temporarily. Two more kicks to the ribs. Austin bounces Benoit's head off the commentary table and puts him back in. Austin grabs his belt on his way back in - he and Hebner tussle over the title belt - Benoit over to shove Austin, unfortunately, into Hebner, putting him down. Gutshot by Benoit, chop, chop, chop, kick and Austin falls. Pulled into the corner, gutshot as Austin comes out - DDT on the title belt! Benoit looks to the fans, who get louder...that's it! Benoit climbing that ladder all the way to the WWF Championship - SWANDIVE HEADBUTT....NO!! Austin puts the belt up and Benoit's headbutt only finds gold. Here's a Double Feature. Hebner is back up and counting...up to 4 as Austin covers - 1, 2, no! Austin hooks the leg and covers again - and again gets 2! Austin mounts Benoit - right, right, right, right, right, hooks the leg - 1, 2, Benoit gets the shoulder up! Austin spreads the legs - no, wait - it's a SHARPSHOOTER! Benoit screams in pain - looks like his cheek is opened up as well. Crowd chants "Benoit" and it looks like he's getting strength from it - using his legs - and powering out! Austin falls forward as Benoit stands up - HE'S got a Sharpshooter! And now it's Austin doing the screaming as Benoit sits back. Austin is too far from the ropes - HE tries to use his legs - and *does* get it broken. Austin goes back to *his* Sharpshooter - and just looking at his face, you can see that Austin is *possessed.* Austin sits back - Benoit tries to crawl. Benoit gets the rope! But Austin pulls him away and sits back one more time. Benoit tries again to power out - Austin is teetering - he's down! Benoit trying to put on the Sharpshooter one more time - Austin with the rope - Benoit pulls him out - again Austin crawls to the bottom rope - and this time, Benoit breaks it. Both men are down and Hebner starts his count again. "Benoit" chant is loud and proud. Hebner's up to 6...and Austin is up first. Benoit up from behind, grabbing the waistlock - nothing doing, so Benoit puts the forearm in the back - FIVE big forearms - Austin still clings to the ropes, so Benoit unleashes three more forearms. He can't break Austin free, though - Hebner trying to get them out of the corner, and Austin's trick knee acts up behind Hebner's back. AUSTIN making the "That's It" hand motion! Is he going up for a headbutt of his own?! Well, we'll never know - Benoit pops up and, as Austin sits on the top buckle, throws a right, right, right, right, right! Benoit up! Could it be? YES!! SUPERPLEX!! But that took as much out of Benoit as it did Austin - both men are down once again. Check the Double Feature as Hebner gets to 5 - Benoit with the cover - 1, 2, Austin's out! Benoit has the crossface AGAIN!! Austin sidesteps to the ropes - and gets the break. Again Austin rolls outside - he's trying to walk it off, trying to get some air in those lungs but Benoit is relentless. Forearm in the back. Austin manages to turn it around and put Benoit's head to the commentary table. Austin on the floor with a suplex - no, a FRONT SUPLEX and Benoit's ribs land right on the table! Hebner is *furious* with McMahon for letting these shenanigans go on - McMahon tells him to worry about calling it inside, HE'LL call it outside. Double Feature of the suplex. Austin rolls in, Hebner back in, Austin rolls out. He pulls Benoit up - he's got that look in his eyes again. But it's Benoit with "Iblockyourpunchyoudn'tblockmine," right, right, Austin to the eyes - another HOLY LIVING FUCK!! He dropped him *headfirst to the floor* as those injured ribs *again* hit the commentary table. Jesus Christ. What won't Austin do? Austni shoves a cameraman out of the way, climbs the steps and sneers at the fans. Double Feature of that WICKED suplex. Hebner is out checking on Benoit - Austin comes over and gives Benoit a choke in plain sight. Austin grabs what's left of Benoit's tapejob and runs Benoit ribs first into the STEEL steps. Austin back in the ring, Hebner back in, Austin back out. Again, he pulls him up by what's left of the tape job - and again, Benoit meets the steps. Rolled back in. BIG "Austin sucks" chant. Austin with a knee in the ribs. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Austin off the ropes, and driving the elbow into Benoit's heart. Austin looks to the crowd...and drops another elbow. "You see that? You see that? You see that?" Austin holds the belt close while simultaneously applying a chinlock. Pulling him to his feet - Benoit blocks the head to the buckle and puts Austin's head there instead! And again! And make it three - four - forearm to the chest, right, right! Into the ropes is reversed...Austin with the SPINEBUSTER. And just like that, Austin drops ANOTHER hammer. Cover - 1, 2, NO!! Austin can't believe it. Austin has the legs - is he going for a Liontamer?! And now he steps over into the Boston crab - Benoit is screaming, and McMahon is screaming - "give up!" Benoit won't give up - back to his back, and back to the bottom rope! Austin stomps on the ribs - stomp, stomp, stomp. Head to the buckle - Austin just SLAPPING the back of Benoit's head. Another head to the buckle - forearm in the back, forearm, forearm. Again, Austin smashes Benoit's head into the top turnbuckle. And again - Benoit elbows back! Austin gets the head to the buckle, but with a little less force this time, another elbow by Benoit. Austin again puts the head in the buckle, Benoit fires back, Austin with a right, chop by Benoit, right by Austin, right by Benoit, Austin, Benoit, Benoit, BENOIT, BENOIT, BENOIT - Austni KICK WHAM - NO BENOIT SHOVE HIM OFF - Austin tries a clothesline off the ropes, Benoit ducks it - GERMAN SUPLEX!! Holding on for two! Holding on for THREE! HOLDING ON FOR FOUR! HOLDING ON FOR FIVE!! Austin signals for timeout - Benoit doesn't think so. Two forearms in the back - ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX! And Benoit STILL holds on! GERMAN SUPLEX! And Benoit STILL holds on! GERMAN SUPLEX! AND BENOIT *STILL* HOLDS ON!! GERMAN SUPLEX!!! BENOIT WILL NOT LET GO! Crowd chanting "TEN! TEN! TEN!" AND THAT IS THE **TENTH** GERMAN SUPLEX!!!! Vince is up on the apron - oh, here we go - Benoit shoves Austin into a forearm of Vince, taking him to the floor - Benoit catches Austin as he comes back - CROSSFACE!! But McMahon is back in and he's got a chair - right hand to put Hebner down - approaching Benoit with the chair - Benoit kicks him in the 'nads! And now Benoit has the chair - WHACK! Chair in the back! Chair to the HEAD! Chair to the shoulder! Chair to the hip! Chair to the shoulder! Chair to the shoulder! Chair to the back!! But Benoit has lost sight of Austin! Austin - Austin has Benoit rolled up with a schoolboy - Austin is holding the tights - Austin is holding the tights - 1.... 2....... 3!!!!!!!! (19:39) Austin grabs the belt and heads up the ramp...and collapses. But he's still clutching the belt...and for Austin, that's all that matters. 2002 KURT ANGLE (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - 237 pounds) v. EDGE (Toronto, Ontario - 241 pounds - with Forceable Entry CD cover) in a STEEL cage match referee: BRIAN HEBNER Hey, didja notice something about this show? Think about it - I'll tell ya later if you haven't figured it out. Just before this match begins, we take a look at THE HART FAMILY in the front row - man, Stu just looks....well, like all of Lawler's jokes from nine years ago. Edge in through the door and now they're nose to nose. Angle backs off first. Lockup, waistlock by Angle - Edge with two elbows to break the hold. Angle grabs a single leg - Edge tries an enzuigiri but Angle ducks it, and Edge lands on his stomach. Angle's elbowdrop misses, Edge's clothesline ducked - stalemate. Lockup, side headlock by Angle, grinding it in...Edge manages a waistlock - and a takedown! Angle reverses to a hammerlock. Edge counters the counter and puts down Angle with a bodyslam. Angle runs into a drop toehold. Angle takes a quick breather in the corner while Edge waits in the centre. Edge comes in - kick by Angle, right, right, hmmm Angle went to the closed fists first - right, into the ropes, back elbow. Angle tries to run Edge into the cage, but Edge blocks it. Back elbow for Angle, right, into the ropes, spinning heel kick puts Angle down. And it's *Edge* putting Angle over the top rope and bouncing off the wall of the cage with his back! Edge is poised - SPEAR...misses!! Edge crashes into the wall of the cage and bounces back to the middle. Angle takes control - stomp, stomp, head to the buckle, right, right, right, kick, stomp, standing on the neck. Suplex! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, no! Pinfall or escape - over the top or out the door - or submission to win this match. Angle puts on the front facelock. Wow, that is a *beautiful* shot from the crane, by the way. Edge back to his feet...gutshot, right, breaks the hold, into the ropes, Angle ducks, off the ropes again and Edge catches Angle in a BIG belly-to-belly overhead suplex! Edge decides this might be a good time to try to climb the cage - Angle up from behind but Edge kicks him away...but then turns round to leap from the top turnbuckle with a big clothesline! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, Angle kicks out! Angle runs behind to grab the waistlock - German suplex - make it two - make it THREE before Angle unclasps his hands. Hooks the leg - 1, 2, no! Angle goes for the door (FINALLY some smarts!) but it's a little too difficult to open from inside and there's no ref on the outside in this match - Edge crawls over and grabs his ankle - Edge turns round - stomp, stomp, stomp. Picks him up - and rams his head into the cage!! Edge is taken to ANOTHER cage wall! Angle goes for a THIRD wall and Edge hits again. Angle feeds the crowd as we take a replay - Angle right, right, right, right, mount, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, I may have missed one or two there. Sure enough, Edge has tapped a gushah. Angle pulls back on Edge's hair to gives us the Blood from a Stone homage and it does look impressive. Another straight right hand puts Edge on the mat. But still Edge manages a double leg - and a WOW catapult into the cage! Edge-omatic! 1, 2, NO! Edge pulls himself up by the ropes - the blood's very impressive looking at this stage. Angle is up as well - Edge with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," right, into the ropes, back body drop, clothesline, ducks Angle's clothesline and hits the half nelson faceplant - leg is hooked - 1, 2, NO!! Angle grabbed the bottom rope. Both men up very slowly - Angle puts Edge into the ropes - Edge tries a crossbody but Angle ducks - but Hebner does not! The ref is out - Angle grabs the waistlock and hits ANOTHER German suplex. We get a good shot of part of Angle's dome as his weave has definitely shifted away from the headgear. Angle decides to climb the corner this time - Edge over just in the nick of time - shot from behind - climbing up AFTER him - shot in the back - another forearm - and HOLY SHIT! Let's check the replay - Edge with a top rope backdrop SUPERplex, but Angle did a full flip on his way down. WOW. Edge again makes the slow climb up the ropes - second floor - top rope - trying to boost himself onto the support structure - no, Angle is up...ohhhh an uppernut - that'll stop you in your tracks for sure. Right, right, right, right, right right right - OHHHHH SUPER OLYMPIC SLAM!!!!! All three men are down - no, Angle is up! Angle staggers to the corner and climbs the cage one more time - he's to the top and Edge hasn't budged from the mat this time. Angle is over - Angle is down to the floor! Your winner is Kurt Angle! YOU KNOW WHO is out...ramming Angle into the cage wall - again - taking him up the ramp for a THIRD trip into the wall of the cage! Hogan opens the door...and puts Angle back in! "Hulk Hogan is screwing Kurt Angle!" Well, Hebner's been down four minutes and counting - and without him noticing Kurt on the floor - this match isn't over! Unfortunately, we're gonna have to take an ad break here - but I'm willing to take a flyer that we won't get a decision until we come right back... *snip* When we DO come back, everybody's back up - Edge with a gutshot, wants the Edgecution but Angle reverses - gutshot - OLYMPIC SLAM AGAIN!! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, NO!! DURING THE BREAK! Edge ducked a clothesline, hit the SPEAR off the ropes - but only got 2! That each man has kicked out of a finisher says just as much for the resiliency of the wrestlers involved but also for the fatigue, as neither man can hold the cover and keep his opponent down for three even AFTER the damage of a finishing move. But it's Angle in command at the moment, waiting for Edge to get up - he went for Edge's move, but Edge steps aside and Angle spears the turnbuckle! And it's EDGE with an Olympic Slam on Angle!! Edge hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO!!! Edge can barely get to his feet - and can't, as Angle grabs an ankle and puts on the Anglelock! Edge reaches for the ropes - can't reach it - drops down and rolls, muscling Angle into the wall of the cage. And EDGE puts on an anklelock!! Angle screams in pain, but HE manages to roll to his back and kick Edge away, breaking the hold!! Edge nears the door but Angle knocks him down with an axehandle. As Edge falls, his leg tangles between the ropes! Angle takes advantage - stomp, stomp, stomp - stomp, tries to go through the door but Edge grabs his ankle. angle back to him - stomp, stomp, stomp - Angle lets up, seeing Edge still unable to get out of the ropes - flips him off and waves goodbye...he's going to climb up and over. As Edge gets to the top, Edge FINALLY untangles himself from the it too late? Edge climbs up after him - Edge standing on the top rope and Angle standing on the door - Edge rams Angle's head into the top - Angle ends up straddling the door! (X-Pac/Jericho anyone?) Edge *grabs the hair* and pulls Angle back over the top - and shoves him back into the ring! Edge stands on the top buckle, waiting for the chance - Angle tries to catch him by surprise, but before he can leap up the buckles, Edge comes off with a big, big SPEAR! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, 3!!!!!!!!!!! EDGE GETS THE PIN!!! (11:02 + 3:35) We take a replay of Angle out on the floor (quickly we're reminded that Angle should have won this match), Hogan running him into the cage, that final spear, and coming back live (to tape), Hogan is in the cage - ramming Angle into a cage wall - into the opposite wall - back to the first wall - Hogan makes the international "I'm gonna pull off his weave!" sign, but Angle rakes the face and makes a quick dash under the bottom rope and out the door (too bad he couldn't do that during the match!). Perhaps, then, Angle has the last laugh - we still haven't seen his bald head yet. Jimi Hendrix plays - even as Hogan raises *Edge's* hand. Credits are up... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted May 25, 2003 *Jimi Hendrix plays - even as Hogan raises *Edge's* hand* are you trying to suggest that Hogan was somehow trying to 'steal the spotlight???' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites