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Guest Trivia247

The Transcript of Bret Hart's promo

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Guest Trivia247

The following is a transcript of Bret Hart's promo on the WWA Reckoning PPV:


It took me a long time to get here, thank you very much.


Where do I start? I promised myself that I would not come out here and sing any sad songs. I just want to say a few words and try not to take too long here, get too long-winded. It's taken me such a long time to get down here to New Zealand. It's a beautiful country.


You have to forgive me a little bit, it's been a little while since I've been in front of a camera. It's not easy to come out here for me. It's something that I've wanted to do. And, I appreciate the fact that the WWA gave me the chance to come out here, and in a lot of ways, address fans all around the world.


You know, last year, when I had suffered my stroke, the last thing in my mind was coming down here to see anybody. When Andrew McManus called me a few months ago, I was happy to know that I'd recovered enough that I thought I could come down here and do this. This is the first time I've really ever come out in public to talk to anyone. It reminds me of a conversation I had about a year ago; about a month before I had a stroke. I was talking to a guy that was the head of WWE in Canada. He was talking to me about having seen me on a WWA show, that my stock was at an all-time low (fans clearly yell out bull sh*t). And I got news for him, cause I don't have stock anymore in wrestling. I'm happily, or was anyway, happily retired.


You know, yesterday was the four-year anniversary of the death of my brother Owen. And I know my brother Owen would be very proud to see me sitting here right now talking to you people. It's been a tough year in wrestling, lost some good friends. Lost the British Bulldog this past year. Also lost 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig. And, we recently lost Miss Elizabeth. I just want to say that they're all really decent people, and we're going to miss them. I like to think of myself, sitting here today, that I'm a survivor. I've survived a hell of a lot. Life is short and death is long. When I was in the hospital and when I had my stroke, I got emails from all over the world. I got them from fans here in New Zealand. I got them from people in places like Iraq and Russia and Philippines. I like to think that for me I was a world champion, not just a champion.


The Hitman was not just some wrestling character created in a board room by marketers or writers. I'm happy to tell you that I'm a real person. When I thought about coming out here I was worried about what I was going to wear or how I was going to look. And, I don't give a shit about any of that. I'm just glad to be here. Anyway, I'm going to make room for the main event, and I just want to let you all know that I appreciate all your prayers. And, I don't want you to ever stop worrying about me or thinking about me.


Thank you very much, New Zealand!


(Transcript courtesy of Matthew Boone)

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