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Guest BA_Baracus

Okay...what the fuck's the problem?!

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Okay, that's fucking it.


Only 1 out of 8 people decided to write for Smarkdown.  That's fucking pathetic.


So...what's the problem?  I notice that there's more than twice as many posts on the JL boards and I'm thinking that more than 1 out of 8 people writes for JL shows too.  What the hell's the problem in the WF?


With the current level of no-shows there's really no point in going on.  It's certainly a waste of my time and energy, and I'm very temped to just quit.


Oh...and don't give me any bull about 'being too busy'.  I'm pretty sure people were no more busy this time last year, and yet people managed to write regularly.  I don't care if it's your best work, just get something the hell in!  Yes...there's a chance the other person might write something and beat you when 'you're not at your best', but that's the way this fed is supposed to work!


This...'I'm only going to write when a title's on the line or when I'm sure I can win' shit has to end.  That's not how this fed works and it's getting out of hand.


Anyways, if there's some other horrible problem with the fed that I'm unaware of, speak the hell up.


Mothernature says, blah..."

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Ummm... I dunno about mine and Sacred's match... uhh yeah...


I'll say sorry for now, but I need to know the full story as well.

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Guest TheSatanicAngel

How about people let their opponents know if they won't show?  That way the other person can put something together?


Unfortunately, I tried that through a marker once and the idiot didn't even tell me the other guy no showed.  I WAS going to throw something together so we wouldn't both look like idiots.


I also tried to send Spider a private message, but he never responded.  It'd help if people did that.  Responded.  Communication is key.


EDIT:  I'm gonna say it again, the days the shows are on should be changed.  This Smarkdown was short (two nights to write), but not only was it two nights, it was the weekend.  I was lucky to get ten minutes to myself over the weekend.  Let alone time to ponder any type of match putting together.  About changing the shows, move Smarkdown to Tuesday and keep Storm on Friday.  It gives those of us with busier lives time to write for the weekend show.


Or, I'll even throw out another idea ... have three shows every two weeks.  Ever notice how lovely PPVs are?  That's because we have a week to write.  Five days is almost a week.  Sounds good to me.  Shows on Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday.


For Crusen.



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Guest Tyler McClelland

That's pathetic.


At least make sure the other person's writing if you're gonna no-show.


If they aren't, at least do a promo.


Even I, the no-show God, know that.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Well...it would be appreciated if you could contact the other person if you're no-showing.


Of course most people secretly hope the other person won't write so they don't get beaten.


I don't mind too much if you have a reason for no-showing.  But having only 1 person write for a show, and having barely half write for almost all shows is a little much and it's obvious a good portion are just being lazy.


Getting more people would definitely be a help.  That way people can be rotated in and out of cards more.


Mothernature says, hmmm..."

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Honestly, that would be great if we could rotate in and out of shows.


There comes a point that people simply run out of ideas, and obviously I've come to that...


If we have people rotating shows, it would definitely help that.


Now, to find more people...

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"I think I'll post the IGNWF post on the WWF board.


Of course without it being pinned it will probably drop off the board in 10 minutes...oh well.  Hopfully that will bring in a person or two.


Mothernature says, warg..."

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Guest Xstasy

Yeah, overbooking is definately a problem that needs to be addressed.  We need more people.  And I'm not talking recruiting, I'm talking a MAJOR bump.


Anyways, I was doing a X/ Pound collab, but it got mangled somewhere in the mix.  Long story.  I finegaled a match (is that how you spell it?) and got it to you Stubs, in the case that Sacred and JD didn't have the chance to put anything together.

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Guest crusen86

I'm so tempted to come back, just so I can win the world title. Then again, the world champ is the only guy in the fed that never no shows. Oh well.


I don't see how it's so hard to even thrash out 1000 words in about 15 mins if you are stressed for time.


And Sarah, thank you so very much.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

2 new WFers will be up here come PPV time, and I'd like to have another 2-4 ready to go within the next month.  I think it's feasible, too.  The influx of talent has been great over the past couple weeks, and it's definitely on an upturn.


Also, I personally know of no less than...lemme count...5, maybe 6 people looking at *returning.*  If you're reading this, you all know who you are.  Come baaaaaaaack!


Card rotation would be nice, though.  We're gonna put these JLers through the ringer ASAP to try to toughen them up into thick, leathery, WF-ready bastards...

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Yeah, sorry Crusen.


No world title for you.


But you could come back and win every *other* title.


I know it won't happen soon, but around 25 people is about what we need for things to run smoothly.  We're about 10 below that now.


Mothernature says knock strangers over the head and drag them to the SWF!"

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Well dudes... I got in an 1800 worder... not the best, but at least it's something.



And the 3 shows in two weeks thing could work, if we all could comprehend the dates... don't forget. You can request to be booked for one show and not to be at other times.

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Guest Xstasy

This is HVT!!!


It's funny you should say that Crusen because I am actually one of the people that no showed this show.  However, I did tell Stubby and explained my situation...but regardless...sorry about that everyone...and sorry to Mark too (he knows why).  


And, let's not forget that there are people (other than me) that continue to work hard.  But they seem to get lost in the mix of all the no showing because they don't have a title or a high profile angle.  So, we have people that write for most shows, it's just that we're at a very tough time in the fed.


I mean, I'm like the rest of you.  I'm getting annoyed with all the no shows, late shows, and all that shit too.  And I can empathize with those people who have been no showing because I've had a hard time cranking out matches as of late.  However, I still don't think burn out or whatever is an excuse.  I mean, a no show every now and then is ok...it happens.  But if you don't write consistently, then you may have some evaluation to do.


It's a tough time right now with the small roster consisting of people who have been writing for this fed for a long time.  We do need some young talent...people eager to write and do some things here.  I've been talking about it for a couple weeks now...I think we should combine the JL and the WF.  The people in the JL are eager and hardly ever no show.  For the most part, I think they'd be a great addition, and they would really help to fill out our roster so people like Fallout and Sacred don't have to stay at levels that may have out  grown.  But that's probably not going to happen, so a big bump would be good too.  I'm not sure who's returning, but I've noticed that when people return, they don't stick around.  So, I don't know that waiting for that is the solution....but a bump would be nice.  


Since I've had to stop and start this post several times, I've forgotten the point I was making so I'm done.


Da "posting under Xstasy's name cause he's too lazy to log on under his own name" H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Actually I've been thinking that combining the JL and WF (temporarily) is a possibility.


Although only as a last resort.  If we really couldn't go on without doing it.


Mothernature says, many ideas..."

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I think we should keep most of the recruiting/roster/whatever stuff on this thread rather than on the JL one.  If I knew how to move relevant posts, I would, but anyway:


We could combine the WF and the JL.  It'd give us about 35 people in one League.  We wouldn't have a beginning league, though, and I for one think this is a bad idea.  Newbies keep rolling into the JL--though several people left, we've had 6 new arrivals and several returns since making the Smarkboards, and that's without much promotion.  We haven't had our newsboard post yet, and we haven't put anything up on the WWF board yet.  Stubbs should do the honor for that whenever we wants, but as soon as TheSmarks gets their server problems under control and we get our news post, there's going to be a biiiig influx of guys.  That's almost a guarantee, considering the huge amount of hits TheSmarks gets per day.  We're talking thousands of unique hits per day.  It's one of the biggest wrestling sites on the net, and people who see an E-Fed on one of the biggest wrestling sites are going to take notice, and fast.  When we start getting new people, and suddenly we have 45 or 50 people in the League, I don't think anyone would want to be the one to split the fed and decide who goes back down to the JL to work their way back up.


Also, I don't want to do a big bump.  If we bump 8 JLers to fill the gaps in the WF, then the JL takes a big hit, and it's in as bad a situation as the WF.  We've got a number right now where we just need to sit tight, I believe.  Crusen and myself are going to do all we can to get people moving through the JL faster than they have over the past 6 or 7 months, where we've had very few bumpees who've stuck around.


So, the Cliffs Notes: Hold on for a little while longer.  If we get a news spot and somehow don't get a big influx of guys, then maybe we'll have to do some more serious thinking.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Well...the SWF post is now on the WWF board.


If you're on that board and notice it's slipped down to the second page or something, give it a bump.


Mothernature says, bump..."

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Guest Shawn

Also, in the Joining Message, have a little something about the SWF bomb shelter (ignwfed.proboards7.com) so they know where to go if the Smarks ever go down again.

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I write my matches! That would be a real big problem at WF and JL PPVs if only one person wrote.

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Guest Ace309

I believe the point was made earlier in the thread that JLers like you, me and Brody do tend to write, Cutthroat.


Aside from that, thank you for rehashing the entire thread in a few short sentences.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);



...I got Admin to pin the topic on the WWF board.


So uhhh...there.


Mothernature says, good job Stubby boy..."

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