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Guest The Rising Star

Do you think RAW can bring on the goods?

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Guest The Rising Star

I would for one like to see a good match on RAW, like, I haven't seen a good RAW match since 2002.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Flair vs Hurricane and Flair vs HHH were fun matches, not necessarily good. Although at this point, on the Raw side of things, I'm happy with any form of entertainment.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Last 'great' Raw match I remember was Eddy/RVD..

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Guest godthedog

when was the last really good episode of raw?


the latest one i remember was after survivor series 2001, when austin turned face again & flair came back.

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Guest Skironox

You mean the one that started the whole kiss my ass angle?


Yeah, that was great alright...

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Guest The Rising Star

I also think RVD vs. Eddy was great, it's always exciting to see the sunset powerbomb from Eduardo.

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Guest bravesfan
when was the last really good episode of raw?


the latest one i remember was after survivor series 2001, when austin turned face again & flair came back.


The RAW the night after the "Vengeance" 2002 PPV.


--Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy in a ladder match to unify the European and Intercontinental titles.

--Rock, as new champ, cuts a promo, only to be interrupted by Eddy G, where they set up the ME match.

--The slow build to Brock/Rock begins, with a staredown between the two.

--The quick cuts between entrance videos, promos, etc; it felt like a quality production, (ex: right after the Rock/Eddy dual promo, Rock walks up the ramp, where he comes face-to-face with Lesnar, then Lesnar comes in for his match with Dreamer.)

--DX reformation, and the past-due heel turn of Triple H.

--Benoit and Booker T in a heated No. 1 contender's match for RVD's IC title


...and a great main event with Eddy and Rocky (Eddy counters Rock Bottom!)


From then on, there were a few above-average shows:

--Rock vs. Flair ME, with RAWisJERICHO and the Un-Americans defecting to RAW.

--HHH vs. Rock ME, with Brock and HBK running interferance.

--8-man tag show(Rock/UT/Book/Goldy vs. HHH/Un-Americans)

--and lastly, RAW Roulette


But the post-Vengeance RAW was top-to-bottom AWESOME.

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when was the last really good episode of raw?


the latest one i remember was after survivor series 2001, when austin turned face again & flair came back.

You mean the Kiss My Ass Club episode? Ugh...Flair returning was awesome, but sitting through the KMA Club almost made it not worth it.

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Guest bob_barron

The 8-man tag is the last great episode of RAW. The crowd heat for the main (and Taker) was off the charts

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