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The Death of King of The Ring

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Guest Hulkamania Fan

The King Of The Ring was a good event. I always liked it.


Many people made there names at this evert.

Some Wrestlers who won the King Of The Ring made it big such as Stone Cold,Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar and some others.


There are also some other memorys from the King Of The Ring that stand out.


Yokozuna got his push after he beat Hulk Hogan

Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect was a great match

Bret Hart vs Diesal was good

Rvd vs Y2j awesome match

Undertaker vs HHH also great

There have been good memorys from this PPV.


I dont think the King Of The Ring is dead. I belive it will be back one day.

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Guest croweater

I was never a big fan of King of the Ring. The winner gets a title match at the next PPV made me sick when Mable won.


I think that the 1995 KOTR is a perfect example at how it should not be booked.


Firstly, a relatively good worker NEEDS to win...... Mable needed a break and it just made him go over less..... if that's possible.


Wrestling and winning 3 matches in one night is enough to get almost anyone over unless they are completely crap.


I'm wont mourn its loss, but tournaments are always a good thing, they provoke intrest and can set up a number of feuds..... oh..... the WWE wont want that!

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Guest Hulkamania Fan

Back then Mable was a top heel. Now fans say like Mable won Mable like he is so shit but he wont in 1995.


Mable was at the top of his game in 1995.

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Guest undisputedjericho

I liked the King of the Ring...I went to the 2001 one actually...but I can see why they killed it, since it has been pretty meaningless and/or very predictable of late.

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Guest Some Guy

The evemnt had so much potetnial. Look at 93. Bret vs. Hall, Bret vs. Perfect, Bret vs. Bam Bam. 3 matches, all against very different opponents. Hall=power type wrestler, Perfect=mat wrestler, Bam Bam=super-heavyweight. Bret beat them all. He showed his versatility. He showed that he could beat anyone who was thrown at him. That is how the tourney always should have been. They followed the WM 4 formula. Savage over Butch Reed, Greg Valentine, One man Gang, and Dibiase. They never really got it right after that. Obviously the most botched one was 2000 with all the talent they had in there.

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Guest croweater
Posted on May 28 2003, 07:40 AM


Back then Mable was a top heel. Now fans say like Mable won Mable like he is so shit but he wont in 1995.


Mable was at the top of his game in 1995.


Mable was not a top heel.

Mable may have been at the top of his game... but that isn't saying much.

Mable had no heat

Mable had no charisma

Mable couldn't work a match to save himself

Mable had no place winning KOTR

Mable had no place Main Eventing Summerslam

Mable wore a purple and gold body suit.... like a baggy gay goldust.

Mable is smelly....... nuff said

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