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Guest The Superstar

OAOAST: The Music Volume 3~!

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Guest The Superstar

Disc One - IntenseZone


1. As Heaven is Wide - EvenflowDDT

2. Requiem - JINGUS

3. Headstrong - Orion

4. Hell's Bells - El Dandy~!

5. Come With Me - Stephen Joseph

6. How I Could Just Kill a Man - Y2Jailbait

7. Let Me Clear My Throat - The Mad Cappa

8. Also Sprauch Zarathustra - Andrew Hyland

9. Hate Me Now - Reject

10. The Fake Sound of Progress - Shooter Jay Darring

11. Bulls on Parade - Puerto Rican Lightning

12. Little Crazy - Job Squad

13. By_Myslf - SpiderPoet

14. Trans-Magic - K NESS

15. Sober - Vitamin X

16. 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall - Drunken F(Shut yo mouth~!)

17. Rock You Like a Hurricane - The Blurricane

18. Come Out and Play - Sonic Youth

19. 2 Legit 2 Quit - Bannable Offense

20. Mr. Brownstone - Dangerous A

21. Crack Addict (OAOAST Remix) - Masked Man

22. Walk on the Wild Side - Banky

23. Too Cold - Mystery Eskimo


Disc Two - HeldDOWN~!


1. Sexy Boy - Some Guy

2. Back Up - Slacker

3. Oh Hell Yeah - Peter Knight

4. Cochise - Caboose

5. Fighter - Shattered Dreams

6. Satan - Hex Machina

7. Higher - Mad Matt

8. California Love - The Parka

9. I'm Just a Girl - Crystal

10. Kick Start My Heart - K Money

11. War Ensemble - Brock Ausstin

12. Seizure of Power - Lupus Canis

13. Dream On - Anglesault

14. Everybody Dance Now~! - MISTER WARRIOR

15. I Ran, from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, now available on Playstation 2 and PC - Totally Endorsed

16. That's Amazing - The Amazing Rando

17. Komodo - Boogie Knights 2k3

18. Imaginary - Black Widow

19. Working Man - Mongoose Foshi~

20. Attitude Adjustment - The UnStable

21. Enter Sandman - The Beard

22. Bring Me To Life - Zack Malibu

Edited by The Superstar

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Guest Zack Malibu

Just a reminder:


Zack Malibu will be AUTOGRAPHING copies of the OAOAST Music:Volume 3 at Strawberries locations across the nation. Stay tuned!

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Guest What?

What's Strawberries?



Is that some kind of store?




*holds up his copy of OAOAST The Music: Vol. 3!~*

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Guest SP-1

*ninja kicks Zack and takes over the autograph booth*


You know you want the Poet's autograph.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



Puhleese...they want an autograph from YOUR NEXT OAOAST CHAMPION!

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Guest SP-1

Sucka plz. *no-sells the chairshot and TILDEBANG'S~! BPP!*


Now, who do I make this out to?

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Guest ShooterJay

Oh please, who is the mainstream superstar around here? Yours truly.


*STIFF~! Superkick to SP.*


"Who wants to hold the North American title?"


Oh, SS, awesome work on that compilation. I might actually put together that CD.

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Guest Lightning Flik

*Rushes out of nowhere and nails Shooter with the Slack Off* I'll be taking this *Steals the NA title and takes it back to hD's HQ*


Now onto seriousness, that's pretty neato CD. I'd love to see someone create a cover though. Come on, someone get the balls to do it.

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Guest Some Guy
What's Strawberries?



Is that some kind of store?




*holds up his copy of OAOAST The Music: Vol. 3!~*

It's a CD store but most around here are gone, there are only two left that I can think of. It's basically a Sam Goody type store.


::Marks out for being track #1 on the hD disc::

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Guest Jimmy Beard

::can't help but think he has seen rev's sig in a porn movie he owns::


can't wait to sit down and listen to the new volume hey might get some revision done

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Guest caboose
Sorry guys I just used the Original Split pic for the cover.

Yeah I figured, I was just kidding. I'll make my own cover and post it later...

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Awesome cover.....we should do Special Edition covers for the OAOAST veterans. Only thing about yours SP is that I can hardly read the writing in the bottom right corner.

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Guest SP-1

Yeah, but I'm too lazy to try and fix it.


For those who can't make it out, it says,




The inclusion of that track alone makes it the Spider-Poet edition.


And the cover.

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