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Guest Trivia247

Smackdown Houseshow results

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Guest Trivia247

Thanks to Jamal of WrestlingManiacs.Net for the following report:


Arena was sold out to the point that the fire marshal threatened to shut the show down if anymore tickets for sold. Our civic center holds either 3200 to 4000 depending on the event so I'm not sure on the total attendance but I know there was not an empty seat in the house. Crowd reacted well to all the performers.


1. Rikishi, Bill DeMott, and Spanky defeated the FBI when Rikishi pinned Nunzio with a buttdrop.


2. Crash defeated Orlando Johnson after a shot to the head of Jordan with the Hardy Boyz book by Shannon Moore followed by Crash doing a move that looks similar to Kid Kash's money maker. Johnson is still green to a degree but it was good he was working with Crash who is a great bumper for any of the developmental guys WWE to work with during their showcase matches. Johnson has a look similar to Maven and Shelton Benjamin and it would be wise to tag him and Maven up in OVW for a few months and bring them up onto the Smackdown roster later on down the line.


3. A-Train & Kanyon defeated Doug Basham and Danny Hollie (The Damaja). Basham and Hollie were announced as being from Montgomery AL which made me snicker cause it was done to get a cheap pop. Pretty good back and forth match with Hollie and Basham getting in a pretty good amount of offense against Kanyon but little against Albert. The end came when Albert hit the Derailer on one of them. It was hard to tell them apart from my seat cause they were similar leather pants and had short haircuts. Kanyon looks pretty good and would be good as a disciple or tag team partner of O'Haire in the future. Actually seen all three developmental. guys later during intermission and no one was really paying attention to them. I looked at them and they looked at me and we each nodded at each other. I wanted to ask them about the training in OVW but I decided against it cause I didn't' want to draw unnecessary attention to them since they were blending in with the crowd.


4. Rhyno defeated Sean O'Haire with the GORE, GORE! The crowd was really into this match-up as both guys got a huge reaction when they entered the building. O'Haire is one huge guy. Wish he would get to use the Seanton bomb since Jeff Hardy is gone.


5. Matt Hardy vs. Jamie Noble vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. went to a no contest as Shannon Moore and Crash Holly attacked Rey upon his entrance and tossed him into the ring where them and Hardy and Noble proceeded to stump Rey until Rikishi, Spanky, and DeMott made the save and in the process Mat received the Stinkface. The faces then did the house show dance and all was well with the world. Well except for someone like me who was hoping I would see a great triple threat cruiserweight match. Guess Rey's groin injury is bad and not worth risking on the house show cards.


Intermission time, already talked about this and won't rehash it.


6. Eddie G and Tajiri defeated Team Angle by DQ after a ref bump and Haas attempting to hit Eddie with the tag belt and then the ref seeing him holding the belt. Awesome match comparable to a TV match up with Eddie hitting the frog splash and Tajiri applying the Tarantula and hitting the handspring elbow on Team Angle and the ref.


7. Chris Benoit defeated John Cena with the Crippler Crossface. Best match on the card. Cena cut a promo ripping both of the state's top 2 Universities and inserting the usual stereotypical humor about AL into his rap. Putting Cena into match-ups with Benoit on the house show cards will be beneficial to Cena down the line as Benoit will help fine tune is in ring ability to go with his charisma and microphone skills


8. Nidia defeated Torrie Wilson by fast count by special ref. Dawn Marie. Afterward Torrie got revenge by taking off Nidia's top and Dawn Marie's pants to make them run to the back. Guess I should have used this as a chance to try to get autographs but the lure of this being a Bra & Panties match kept me in my sit. :) By the way, all three women were hot but not hotter then the typical hot female in every city .


9. Main event time and Brock Lesner pinned Big Show with what can be described as an F-DVD cause it wasn't a typical F-5 but hey, I wouldn't want to strain myself tossing around a 500 plus pound guy 4 out of 7 days of the week either.


Lesnar, Benoit, Rikishi, Mysterio, Hardy, Rhyno, O'Haire, and Big Show got the most crowd reaction but then again, everyone except for the 3 dev. guys got a good reaction.

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