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Guest Big Poppa Popick

feedback for iZ

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

no comments on how it was put together, today has royally sucked at work and im still dealing with a color copier thats more annoying that dj jeff and alina's love-child


someone shoot me


for all that i read, id like to give mad props to The Mad Cappa and Puerto Rican Lightning...I'm sad their feud had to end, but I know Cappa is here in spirit and it will be a good day when he is back


I can also single out Jay and Masked Man for writing some really good matches with Blurricane and Bannable Offense...Thanks for helping each other out fellas

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Guest The Superstar







I'm *STILL* laughing at Masked Man's match, and it was the first segment~!


Dames getting manhandled by a lackey? Boooooooooooooooooo.


Good show, none the less.

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Guest Masked Man

Masked Man comes...



and says why must you keep your Trinity promos italicized, while my bold commentary and italics were, as they say on this message board, "no sold"?


In any case, I thought I wrestled the greatest match of my young career out there tonight, and I would like to thank Bannable Offense for such a challenge.


By the by, as I write this...I am lying in a hospital bed at 50% condition.


Vince McMahon Mask....










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Guest SP-1

I thought it was a good show. I'm digging Sonic Youth and Jay especially.

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Guest SP-1

I couldn't tell you bro. I didne post. if BPP has it, I'm sure it can be edited in.

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Guest The Superstar

Oh, Poet. Your stuff was great, and it's really getting bizarre...in a good way. I can't wait to see how this concludes~!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



cot damn


sorry la parka, ill edit it in...


its been a rough day

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

if it means anything parka, i really liked the promo


here it is for everyone


its edited in






(Blurricane is seen walking backstage, shaking hands with people he meets. Teddy Long runs up to him to get an interview.)



Hey Playa! Let me Holla at ya for a second!



Holy Peanut Head~! Teddy Long??



In the hizzhouse playa! Tonight you get a shot at the North American title against Shooter Jay. I know you'll be thuggin and buggin, but what is your strategy to beat tha Shooter tonight?



Well Citizen Peanut Head...I mean Citizen Long, I'll just go out there and do what I do best. Whether that's thuggin and buggin, stylin and profilin, or straight up trippin PLAYA!!! (Blurricane gives the "hokey thumbs up")



Fo Sheeze B-Cane!! Fo Sheeze!



Bless you!



Say what playa? (Gives Blurricane a funny look) Well all I know is this match tonight will be off the hizzle fo shizzle!



Whazzamaddawityou? This match isn't taking place at the Sizzler.



Boy are you mocking me? Don't be haterizin'...don't be drinking that Haterade!



Don't worry Teddy. Blurricane only drinks milk...cause it does a body good!


(Blurricane gives a hokey thumbs up and Swooshes~! away)

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Guest Dangerous A

Good show overall, considering the crap BPP has been going through.


SP, you are fucking out there, man!

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Guest DawnBTVS

Very solid show...


-Masked Man's match...just priceless comedic gold, laughing my ass off at that one. Great job

-Spider Poet's promo....oh my...can't wait to see where it's headed

-I got a rollup....whooo~! :P Can't wait to contribute to Featured Attraction, solid promos Shooter, good job

-I dug the Banky/Dangerous A promo

-Loved the Mad Cappa vs PRL match, dug the Vitamin X angle and thought it was a very solid end to a feud that'll hopefully resume someday

-Good Blurricane Promo

-Fun Drunken Fuck interview segment with Jailbait, enjoyable read

-Thanks SP for the confidence booster there


I'm blanking out right now so to whomever else contributed to the show, good job

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Guest y2jailbait

Nice job Popick, messed up you had to go through all of that. Still a great job though. The segment I was in was cool considering I've had no character development in what seems like months. So hopefully this'll get me going.

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Guest ShooterJay
I've been wondering this for awhile.  Is the whole Shooter Jay "Doring" thing a running joke or something or does BPP just not know it's Jay "Darring"???

Well, Jay Doring is my real name. Jay "Darring" is my gimmick name here and in the future when I get around to kickstarting my real pro career, as well as a running joke from high school.


Why Popick keeps using Doring when I clearly put down "Darring" in everything I write is a mystery to me too. It could either be simple confusion (my AIM SN is "JayRDoring" for those of ya who ever want to chat, Popick might just keep remembering that) or a running gag that I haven't been clued in on. I have made it pretty clear in the past that I HATE my real last name, so it could be a heelish running insult, like a Jericho mangled names thing. I'm as clueless as you guys

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

it better


and yes, its just me being mean to doring..err darring



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Guest ShooterJay
Um, where is IZ? Am I blind or something?

Oh, this is the thread for last week's IZ- this week's will be up tomorrow night, due to SP's dedication to Jesus. :P

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