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Guest HVilleThugg


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Guest HVilleThugg

Ok, so as most of you know, I graduated from college last Friday. This means that shortly, I will no longer have the webspace they provided for me. In turn, this means that soon, all the banners and title belts and other images I was hosting will no longer be working. To solve this problem, I have moved all images over to my personal server for hosting. This means that if you are using any image hosted by me, you need to change the URL for the image. This means...


- the SWF Banner

- Title Belts

- Chris Raynor's Avatar


...and probably some others I can't think of right now. So, if you have anything where the URL is:




where {image} is some gif or jpg, you need to change the URL to:




The name of the images stayed the same. I just packaged them all up and moved them. Also...if you have the banner in your sig and you've hyperlinked it to our website (or anything else that you have hyperlinked to our site), you need to change the URL for our site. I've noticed not many of you have made this change, and your links are still pointing to:




which no longer works. Please change your links to:




If you have any questions, post them here and I'll be happy to answer them. There will be word as to what we are doing with the space Dames provided for us when I get back from New Jersey on Monday.


Da "makin' a cameo DJing appearance at Princeton U." H

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Speaking of the leafnode address not working, many of us (Including El Thuggo) have it as their homepage thing at the bottom of each and every post.

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Guest HVilleThugg



I forgot about that one. Thanks GOdrea!


Da "fixes it at once!" H

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Guest TheAntipop

Yes, I have a question. Why did java all of a sudden stop working on my computer? If I ever meet Bill Gates I'm going to poke his eyes out and skull fuck him to death. So I guess my question is where does Bill Gates live?

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Maybe you should ask our old buddy, Nathan Lee, G-Man.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Well, for starters, Bill Gates didn't invent Java...this other guy did, whose name i can't seem to remember right now. So, he may not be responsible for your problem...









...but he probably is. Bill Gates is the devil...and if you can manage to kill him (like so many before you), you will be my personal hero and I will bestow upon you many bitches, liquors, and drugs. He lives somewhere in Washington State...try Redmond and start working your way around the state until you find him. Once you've located his position, contact me and I will tell you how to kill him. CALL ME FIRST! If you do not follow my instructions to a "T", you will perish rather quickly.


That is all.


Da "this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds or when my windows 2000 crashes, whichever comes first....doh!" H

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Guest TheAntipop

Hmmm, I have my doubts that they'd let someone like me over the border.

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