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Guest Ray

WWE should get rid of the Cruiserweight Title

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Guest vex_hecubus
I was strictly speaking of wwe cruiserweight style and division when I made the comment about it not being distinct... which it isn't, it's the same as their heavyweight style, their technical style, their 'old school' style, etc.

With that aspect it's very true...There isn't much difference right now, but it definately could change and improve.


For starters they could raise the weight limit to 230lbs instead of 220lbs, especially since Matt Hardy will not be able to stay listed at 220lbs(I doubt he's EVER been 220lbs in his Cruiserweight run).


Raising the weight limit would increase the amount of guys who could actually wrestle for the title.


From there they need to actually bring in more CW class wrestlers, and utilize them to the best of their abilities...Not by having them run around and be the BUTT-boys to the current champion. With a lightning quick divison that the CW should be...They need that many wrestlers to make it that fast paced. It wouldn't hurt to put Shane(I'll never call him Gregory) Helms back into the Crusierweight Divison(Since he got screwed over with that match against Triple H,etc)...There he can shine beyond believe and carry the divison to where it SHOULD be...After it's done than maybe he can go back to wrestling the big guys.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The key is separation and distinction: Cruiserweights should very rarely be put in the same ring as a Heavyweight. Cruiserweights should use different moves and have different finishes with different matches with a different pace. WCW used the Lucha 6 man format to differentiate the cruisers from the rest. The WWE should start doing 6 man matches as well. High flying moves should finish the match, as should quick roll ups, and nifty submissions. Hell, they should be introduced differently and they should have a guy like Mike Tenay come out and help commentate. This makes the division unique. There are *no* identifiable elements to the WWE's current cruiserweight division.

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Guest vex_hecubus
The key is separation and distinction: Cruiserweights should very rarely be put in the same ring as a Heavyweight. Cruiserweights should use different moves and have different finishes with different matches with a different pace. WCW used the Lucha 6 man format to differentiate the cruisers from the rest. The WWE should start doing 6 man matches as well. High flying moves should finish the match, as should quick roll ups, and nifty submissions. Hell, they should be introduced differently and they should have a guy like Mike Tenay come out and help commentate. This makes the division unique. There are *no* identifiable elements to the WWE's current cruiserweight division.

They often put Cruiserweights against Heavyweights...The major one that sticks in my head was Rey Mysterio defeating The Big Show back when he was "The Giant"...Not to mention Nash throwing Mysterio like a lawn dart into the production truck.


The 6 man lucha matches were definately unique to the Cruiserweight divison and were definately amazing...But so were the Triangle matches...They were extremely fast past and all over the ring...But the single one on one matches were just as great in my eyes. It allowed for more ringmoves,etc...But definately needs to go with what works for Cruiserweights...and wrestling in heavyweight style matches, isn't it.


And may you burn in the firey pits of hell for suggesting Mike Tenay! Heck while we're at it why not Tony Shivone(sp?) or Stevie Ray....Dusty Rhodes? :P

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Tenay rocked the information. I never said WCW didn't have cruisers against heavies either, I said that the key to a successful cruiserweight division is keeping the cruisers away from the heavies.

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Guest vex_hecubus
Tenay rocked the information. I never said WCW didn't have cruisers against heavies either, I said that the key to a successful cruiserweight division is keeping the cruisers away from the heavies.

Well I gotta admit one thing....At least Tenay is better then JR...Thats for damn sure!


JR makes me wanna: :throwup:

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The commentating on Raw is one of the reasons why I stopped watching it.

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