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I'm surprised nobody's pointed this out

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But Chris Benoit got drafted *before* Hollywood Hogan, and no one's showing a minor hint of celebration.


C'mon guys, it doesn't guarantee anything, but hey, it sounds like a good sign... :)



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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I mentioned it, but it might have just been in the chat room.


Yes, I am very happy about it.  Even if it is worked.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I mentioned it briefly somewhere. It's great. And the way he was chosen implies a big push on his comeback...at least it does to me :)

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Fingers crossed for Beniot.


Yes and we can look 4ward to


Beniot vs Angle

Beniot vs Jericho

Beniot vs Storm.


Happy Days.

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Guest Brian

WTF? Vince has the wrestling roster pretty much. He's got Kidman, Tajiri, and Hurricane as the main cruisers. He's got Benoit, Angle, Storm, Jericho, Christian, Edge, and DDP among other guys. There's going to be some weird trading, I was thinking Benoit, Angle, and someone else for the NWO, to piss off Angle. Or the rights to signing Austin first. But this is totally unexpected. I'm guessing the trade-off is Hogan and NWO with Rock on one side with the strong undercard wrestling, and Austin gets put with the strong upper mid-card (if the trade goes through) and Undertaker gets to choose who he wants to put over. Of course, this all depends on a trade.


What pissed me off was that Tajiri was totally ignored as a champ. What was the point of picking Lita if the other Hardys don't get picked on air.


Another thing, if Steph was pinned closer to the ropes they could have had Jericho throw an arm, or hold down her legs and they could have done the double pin. A rotating champ is so stupid on so many different levels.


I was entertained last night, but pretty pissed off with the little things.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

I hope Vince doesn't trade any of his major guys. I like the look of Smackdown so far with Rock and Hogan as the top faces, Angle and Jericho as the top heels, Benoit lurking there ready to come back and go either way, and Edge in the "Kane" position of a guy who could main event but isn't really required to at this point.

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Guest Pidgerii-4q2

I have to admit - when Kurt mentioned "a guy who hasn't been around in a while" a started to mark.  While I'm not always in the camp of those who think Benoit is God and should never job again, ever, I am admiring of the way his in-ring performances are pure artistry.  Nobody sells, executes a match better than Benoit and WWF TV has been lacking for want of his presence on TV.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If they made a straight up RVD and Booker for Hogan and Rock trade...that would please me.


Then Smackdown can have all the wrestlers...and Raw all the sports entertainers.


Drop Austin into Smackdown...let Lesner run over all of the hosses on Raw...


And I'll be able to watch something else on Monday nights.


As it is they put my favorite wrestler on one show...and everyone else on the other.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"If they made a straight up RVD and Booker for Hogan and Rock trade...that would please me.


Then Smackdown can have all the wrestlers...and Raw all the sports entertainers."


The Rock is a much better wrestler than either Booker or RVD.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The Rock is a much bigger star.


He isn't a great wrestler.


but then neither is RVD...


I was talking about putting all the people I hate on one show to make me happy.


Keep up.

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Actually, I wasn't terribly excited by the fact that Benoit was drafted before Hogan...the guy is a bit overrated.  I mean, if you've seen one Benoit match, you've practically seen 'em all.  Hogan, on the other hand, has been going full tilt since his return to the WWF.  I know everyone says it's nostalgia, but I believe it's his improved workrate.  I don't know if he toured some in Japan or what, but Hogan sure has expanded his moveset lately.  At a recent house show in my hometown, I saw him wrestle Lance Storm for 20 minutes, breaking out moves like like the cross-face chicken-wing and the reverse brainbuster ddt before finally finishing Storm with the Tiger-Driver '91.  I gave the match ****, ***** for the match, but deducting * because Storm is from Canada.  But I digress, I just wanted to point out that Benoit kind hide behind better workers forever.

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But I digress, I just wanted to point out that Benoit kind hide behind better workers forever.

That makes no sense. But then again, neither did the rest of your post. It wasn't funny either.

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Guest alfdogg

"The Rock is a much better wrestler than either Booker or RVD."


I'd say they're about the same, actually, as far as technicality goes...Rock's sharpshooter is horrible, but Booker or RVD don't do any technical wrestling moves either.  RVD & Booker definitely have the bigger movesets, though.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I mean, if you've seen one Benoit match, you've practically seen 'em all.  


How can you say that?  Angle/Benoit at Insurrextion is about as far removed from Benoit/Jericho at Royal Rumble as you can get.


Benoit can work any style.  If you like Hardcore, then watch is stuff in WCW with the Flock, if you like SE, then you will like his match with Rock at Fully Loaded.  You want spotfests just look at TLC3.  You want pyschology look at his match with HHH at No Mercy.  Benoit is the most versatile wrestler around.  Dean Malenko is one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, but he never had the flexibility that Benoit has.

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But I digress, I just wanted to point out that Benoit kind hide behind better workers forever.

That makes no sense. But then again, neither did the rest of your post. It wasn't funny either.

What's with the hostility Rabid Pegasus?  I was simply stating an opinion, not trying to be funny.  Of course, you did point out a typo...I meant to say that Benoit "can't" hide behind better workers instead of "kind" behind better workers as it appears in my original post.  That may have caused you some confusion....I know they don't teach you how to find context clues in middle school.

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Sorry, I guess I expected too much for people to type in proper English so that I don't have to "find context clues" and other detective work. My mistake.


Humor me: name better workers than Benoit that he has hidden behind.

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"Humor me: name better workers than Benoit that he has hidden behind."


Well, Rikishi, for one, and I think that's a damn good hiding place.


Also, not to make you do more "detective work," but try looking up the definition of "sarcasm" and then reading my original post again.

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Guest Pidgerii-4q2

Rikishi a better worker than Benoit?  Next you'll be trying to tell us that Nash is a luchador.:D

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Turbohonky how the fuck is Rikishi a better worker than Beniot.


Thats like saying Mariah Carey is a better actress than Julia Roberts.


If you don't like Beniot fair enough, but back it up with something logical for Christs Sake.

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Guest Singular

Hogan doing a 20 minute match. LOL

Hogan doing any of the moves mentioned in the post. LOL

Hogan even knowing what a Tiger Driver 91 is. LOL

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Rikishi a better worker than Benoit? That's like saying people on Welfare have a better work ethic than anyone else.


I'd like to see a Suplex Table match between Angle, Tazz and Benoit. First person to suplex their opponents through a table 2 times wins. Could be fun, although, I'm sure The Dudleyz wouldn't be too happy about it

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Guys, if you've read Turbohonky's first post, I think he's hardly being truthful (especially about the Hogan-Storm match). I wouldn't bother with the "Rikishi is a better worker than Benoit??? Are you nuts???" reply, as all his posts are his attempt at unique humour. Whether or not they were successful is under your interpretation, but we don't need 50 replies defending Benoit against an opinion that was never serious to begin with.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I think it was probably a typo anyway, he probably meant rikishi is a better *eater* than Benoit

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