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Guest the holy grail

Waiters & Waitresses

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Guest the holy grail

Generally when i dine at a resturant, I paticually don't pay attention to the service, as long as the food gets to my table within a suitable time, i'm happy. But some people get really irate if the service from the waiter is poor, its like they expect little miracles. We have to remember that they are not our slaves and they can introduce alien substances to our dishes.


Any good story's please tell

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Guest Youth N Asia

Not a lot...I don't tip if the service is shitty.


BUT...Myself, Slingshot Suplex, my brother, a friend, and a brother of a friend all went down to Cincinnati for the 2001 Pillman show. We stopped at a Bob Evans for breakfast the day after the show. (9 hour drive, so we got a motel room the night before...whole nother story)


I think it was my friend Ricky who went to the restroom, while he was gone we loaded up his drink with salt. he came back, took a drink and his face changed shapes in an instant. So we all tried it after and it just makes the damn oddest taste in your mouth and makes you want to spit instantly


So before we leave some waitress sets her water picther on our table...so we load it up with salt.


Sadly we were bailing before we saw anyone's reaction, but I did see her fill up other glasses on the way out.


Food was so damned overpriced, they deserved it.


I know it's not a funny story...one of those "you'd have to be there" deals.

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Guest MaxPower27

All I ask is for them to have a good idea of what they are talking about/aren't bullshitting me because they don't feel like answering an inquiry. (story coming)


I don't care about how long it takes as long as (1) I'm not in a hurry (which I NEVER am) and (2) as long as the food isn't cold.



As for my story. My mom and I went to a seafood resturant that has a GREAT all-you-can-eat fish and chips. So, I ordered that, and the waitress told me that they didn't do that anymore. OK, but we had been there the previous week, and it seems far-fetched that a small seafood resturant would suddenly change a large part of their menu (they have all-you-can-eat every thing: calamari, scrod, plus a ton of other stuff). So, I let her know that we had been there the previous week, so she told me that they "don't do that on weekends". OK, but you just said that you don't do it anymore!


We asked for ourselves when the owner came out (something he does from time to time during the meal. He'll come strolling out of the kitchen with a plate of free samples varying from pieces of expensive entrees to chocolate cheesecake.) We asked him, and he simply said "Oh, it's not the season for that. We stop doing that during tourist season." See? A simple answer that the waitress could have gotten if she had gone and asked. Instead, she lied because she didn't feel like finding out.


We gave her a shitty tip.

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The waiters/waitresses that tick me off are the ones who blatantly act like you're ruining their night by coming in, especially those working in a late night diner like Denny's. Then after they are done being rude to you and most likely messing up some of the order, they act like a born-again Christian when it's time to pay the check and leave a tip. As if the fake smile at the end of the meal will make my friends or myself forget the horrible service and treatment.



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I'm a bit paranoid about people in the service industry. I always tip, no matter what they do, and never complain, because they can and will fuck your food up at the slightest provocation. Actually, if the service is really bad, I won't tip, but then I never go back to that restaurant. Luckily, at my favorite restaurant you can see the kitchen from where you're sitting so I can relax about that stuff a bit more.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I am more attentive now than before I had waitressing experience. I didn't really pay much attention before, but now there are certain things that are expected since that's what I would expect from myself. I hate it when waitresses are tooo attentive! Don't come by the table and ask me how everything is going every 5 minutes... don't refill my coffee if I have only take 2 sips, but please refill my soda if I am getting low. Actually, unless the service is REALLY horrible, I generally tip the standard 15%. More if I really like ya!

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Guest the holy grail

The dreaded have they or haven't they scenario. I'm still getting over a program i saw about how resturant chefs mess about with your food, and especially Mcdonalds staff who like to leave a little momento for you if you have pissed them off.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

I used to cook in a Perkins Restaurant for a good 5 years, and never once put anything "alien" in any of the food I prepared. Sure, I joked about doing it to customers who were particularly fussy, but I had the decency to refrain from such activities.


I also never saw any of my fellow cooks do it, either.

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Guest Choken One

Perkins sucks. I just wanted to get that out of the way first and foremost.



I rarely ever tip much unless The service was FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC.


The other Night...Me and Mrs. Choken One went to Outback.


I ordered just The Blooming Onion and she had one of those salad deals.


It wasn't a big meal...Just light dinner.


Well..We got this waiter...I even remember his name...Karl.


He was clearly Gay but that wasn't any concern to us...But he was that ANNOYING Jack from Will and Grace Gay guy and just kept fucking blabbering about stupid shit i don't even remember and came over every 2 minutes and asked how we were doing...


Fuckin Annoyed me but I just smiled and gave thumbs up...


Anyways...The bill comes around 15 bucks or something I dont remember...


The Wife just goes ahead and lays down 7 bucks for the dinner (she always overtips shit)..and I get all pissy because the service was unbearable. I took away 3 bucks and she put it back and Karl the fucking waiter came in during the arguement and did the shifty smile and take the bill while it was loaded with more money before I caught it and it was too late...



Fucking Outbacks...

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Guest Choken One

No it doesn't the food is good for the cheap price...Just that particular one has a really annoying gay Waiter that bugs me...

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Guest Nevermortal

Funny story.


One time I ordered one of those big ass salads at Applebees. When they brought it to the table, the waitress decides it'd be a good idea to deposit the damned thing in my lap.


My whole family ate for free that night.

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Guest phoenixrising

I have no problems tipping as long as the service isn't bad. As long as I get the food, the waiter/waitress comes along fairly regularly to check and the waiter/waitress is cordial, I have no problem.


The last time I can remember not tipping was when I went out with a group of seven to eat at a T.G.I. Friday's in San Bernardino. It was around 8. We got drinks, and then got served. I finished my water expecting the waitress to come around...but nothing. A different server brought us our food. Looking around I see a group of guys at another table...and our waitress sitting with them chatting away without a care in the world. We decided not to tip and just leave. As we are leaving we're bitching about the service. Then my friend and her boyfriend decide to go back in and talk to the manager. Never did find out what happened to the waitress, but they told us the manager apologized for the bad service.

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Guest El Satanico

You don't have to pay attention to notiice bad service. If it's terrible service you'll know it regardless of your attention level.


The service you don't notice is usually good service.


I'm always a good tipper unless it was truly awful service. When I go out to eat with my one grandfather I'm always getting on him to tip better. He's the typical old fucker that thinks a dollar or two is all the tip you ever need to leave. I really hate it when he does that, because my grandmother worked as a waitress for 20 some years, so he knows how important tips are.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex
Not a lot...I don't tip if the service is shitty.


BUT...Myself, Slingshot Suplex, my brother, a friend, and a brother of a friend all went down to Cincinnati for the 2001 Pillman show. We stopped at a Bob Evans for breakfast the day after the show. (9 hour drive, so we got a motel room the night before...whole nother story)


I think it was my friend Ricky who went to the restroom, while he was gone we loaded up his drink with salt. he came back, took a drink and his face changed shapes in an instant. So we all tried it after and it just makes the damn oddest taste in your mouth and makes you want to spit instantly


So before we leave some waitress sets her water picther on our table...so we load it up with salt.


Sadly we were bailing before we saw anyone's reaction, but I did see her fill up other glasses on the way out.


Food was so damned overpriced, they deserved it.


I know it's not a funny story...one of those "you'd have to be there" deals.

I was not bold enough to taste test that disaster.


Damn I wish we had a reason to do a sequel to that road trip.


Generally, my service has never been bad that I recall. I think the worst was waiting about 45 minutes for the bill once.After 10 it just became an experiment to see how long it would take this chick to notice that I was just sitting there not eating or anything. And I had nothing imperitive to do.


:bonk: Damn that Ricky and trying to steal from the hotel.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I used to cook in a Perkins Restaurant for a good 5 years, and never once put anything "alien" in any of the food I prepared. Sure, I joked about doing it to customers who were particularly fussy, but I had the decency to refrain from such activities.


I also never saw any of my fellow cooks do it, either."


I did, although it was at a fast-food place.


Just last night a group of us went to Applebees and our service was bad. Since there were eight of us the 15% tip was already included in all our bills, which was fine with me because it would have been LESS than what I would have given our waitress. I wasn't going to double-dip when several of my co-workers didn't even get their meals.


Generally though my opinion on a good waiter/waitress is my opinion regarding a good referee -- the best ones are those you don't know are there.


However, I can understand why some are obnoxious. For every person like me that wants to be left alone, there's one that demands such mindless banter...

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Guest Youth N Asia
:bonk: Damn that Ricky and trying to steal from the hotel.

I thought he would of.


Ricky and Sean also added their names to that thing in the lobby that all the employees signed.

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Guest tank_abbott

Whenever I go out to a restarant I ussually take the glass, and "special spice" shaker (not the S&P)... I leave a dollar tip regardless (but if the service sucked I leave the waiter a note) Then right before I leave I fill my pockets with Jellys, Creamers, and sugar packets, then if i'm in a corner by myself, I'll open the salt shaker and dump it on the seat and floor.


I'm almost 21, but I like to be a ass

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Guest the holy grail
Gay men make great hairstylists though!

hey i hope you are not sterotyping :P

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Guest JHawk
Gay men make great hairstylists though!

hey i hope you are not sterotyping :P

Her hairstylist is actually gay, though. But he does a nice job.


Having bussed tables at a Bob Evans (which I'll never do again, but that's another story) and hearing the waitresses bitch about tips both justifiably and not, I generally tip a little higher than 15% if the service is competent. Don't act rude, give me my food in a timely manner, and I'll treat ya well.


Or work at Hooter's. Either way. :D

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Guest the holy grail

Hooters what a palace that place is, a dreamland for all that wanna just drool!

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Guest NoCalMike

Well me and my friend just got a Denny's waitress to give us her number to go hang out at a local bar sometime this week. She looks a lot like Lita.


As far as funny moments. Once (I forget which resteraunt) the service was shitty, so when I left a two dollar tip, I smothered mashed potatoes in-between the dollars.

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Guest nl5xsk1

I have no problem with over-tipping if the service deserves it, or if it's a bar that I frequent ... leave a few big tips at a bar and they learn your name, your drink, and stop carding your dates (which helps when dating a 19 year old)


But I also have no problem not tipping at all for shitty service. When I lived in Colorado I went out with a few friends and rang up a bill of about $250.00 - but the service was absolutely atrocious. (waiter lied and said that they didn't do double jack and cokes, even though other people were getting them/didn't ask how I wanted my steak and gave me a piece so fucking rare it mooed when I cut into it/ignored us to stand there and flirt with a hot blonde waitress/just general shit service) So, I put it on my credit card just to have the privelige of writing a big $0.00 in the tip space (with a smiley face in the first and last zero) ... the look on the piece of shit waiter was priceless.

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YNA you guys weren't the ones the hurt poor Jeff Hardy's feelings at Pillman Show '01!


Also at Applebee's me & my sister both got salads and she found a ladybug in her's. She got a shitload of apologies, and it might have disgusted me enough not to eat it if I wasn't so damn hungry!

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva
Gay men make great hairstylists though!

hey i hope you are not sterotyping :P

Her hairstylist is actually gay, though. But he does a nice job.


Yes, this is true. I wasn't stereotyping, but the guy who cuts my hair is gay and he does a fantastic job! Well, it better be fantastic for what I am paying for it! :D Plus, he is soooo funny. It is always an enjoyable trip when I to get a haircut!

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Guest Grand Slam

I always tip at least 20%. These servers make crap cash for hours of non-tipping work.


At least here in Ohio, most servers make $2.13 / hour plus tips. And there is always wrok to do after the store is closed and the tipping cutomers are gone.


I do occasionally tip poorly, but the service has to be atrocious. And there is a difference between bad service from the waiter / waitress and bad service from the kitchen. I never tip badly when it is the kitchen's fault. I just speak with the manager and leave the poor server a good tip if they handled the situation well.

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