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Guest Zack Malibu

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 5/29/03

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Guest Zack Malibu



The latest installment of the hottest show in OAOAST history is only a little while away!


Coming off of a tremendous Pay Per View this past weekend, members of the HeldDOWN! roster are ready to turn it up a notch as we head into the hot summer months.


Scheduled for tonight:


OAOAST World Title Match:


Zack Malibu vs. The Purist


-The former X Champion has made no bones about the fact that he feels Zack has avoided him. Tonight, the fighting champion proves why he is the OAOAST Franchise when he defends the title in a one on one contest. Throw in the ringside presence of the sly James E. Cornette and the gorgeous Alison, and you've got the makings of a melee!


Brock Ausstin vs. Lupus Canis


-The monster of HeldDOWN~! and confidant of the former World Champion, Anglesault, tangles with a newcomer who's intensity is equalled by his determination. Tonight, Lupus goes against the Unstable Monster in his OAOAST Debut!


In Your Dreams


-If Totally Endorsed think that their issue with The Parka and Peter Knight is over, then they've been drinking too much Pepsi. After last week's incredible Brawl At The Wal, nothing was really settled at School's Out. Tonight, Parka and PK have an announcement for Totally Endorsed and the OAOAST fans, and have promised it to be one of the most shocking revelations in OAOAST history!


Back From The Dead


-HeldDOWN~! has rejuvenated the careers of OAOAST mainstays Some Guy and Caboose in recent months, and tonight, another sentimental favorite will arrive at the arena to speak his piece. CWM has returned from a layover for one night only to discuss why he left, and why he will not accept the recent challenges of The Blacker Scorpion.




All this and more in just a few short hours!

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Guest Zack Malibu



May 29, 2003




After the opening video, set (as always) to Tommy Lee's "Hold Me Down", we join our co-hosts at the commentators booth.




MC:"Welcome to OAOAST HeldDOWN~! I'm Michael Cole, here with The Coach, and we're just a few days removed from School's Out, where we saw Some Guy and Anglesault do battle in a hard-hitting 2 out of 3 falls matchup!"


Coach:"Don't forget Shattered Dreams picking up a big win over The Slacker, and The Amazing Rando winning the X Title from the now former champion, The Purist!"


MC:"That's one of the most important developments to come out of the PPV, Coach. Rando is not here this week, as he's fulfilling some contractual obligations overseas. However, the former champion, The Purist has been bashing OAOAST World Champion Zack Malibu as of late, and TONIGHT, those two will face off in our main event!"


Coach:"Also tonight, we'll have the debut of Lupus Canis, who tangles with Brock Ausstin."


MC:"That is not who I'd want to face off with right out of the gate..."


Coach:"And The Dream Machines have told us that they're going to take a major step in the war against Totally Endorsed!"


MC:"Can't forget the other major announcement as CWM returns TONIGHT to speak out against the mysterious newcomer The Blacker Scorpion!"


Just then, a stagehand drops a note on the commentator's table.


Cole:"...oh boy."


Coach (leaning over):"You kidding?"


Michael Cole takes a deep breath.


MC:"Fans, it appears that HeldDOWN newcomer Jimmy Beard is no longer with the company. According to an anonymous source, Jimmy was caught engaged in relations involving the daughter of a high-powered network executive...from this network. In order to keep HeldDOWN~! on the air, we had to let him go. We wish him the best in his...er...adventures."


Coach (whispering):"Are you ALLOWED to do that with a feather duster?"


MC:"Not now!"


(Cole crumples up the note, and we go to the ring for our first bout.)

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Guest Zack Malibu

Announcer: In the ring, from Paris, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds, Ricky Lee Givens!


Ricky Lee raises his arms to a hail of apathy.


Cole: This young kid is looking ot make a name for himself here in the big leauges, but he has some pretty stiff competition here tonight.


'Cochise' hits and the crowd erupts as Caboose lowers to the stage. He releases his harness and strides to the ring as the crowd continues to go wild.


Announcer: Coming down the aisle, from Derby, England, weighing in at 230 pounds... CABOOSE!


Caboose perches on the ring ropes, and Ricky Lee's eyes go wide. Ricky Lee backs across the ring.


Coachman: It looks like Ricky Lee Givens wants no part of Caboose.


Cole: And who can blame him?


Coachman: If Ricky Lee can somehow manage the upset victory tonight, think of what it would mean to his career. A pinfall over someone the caliber of Caboose at this stage in the game could be just the boost this newcomer is looking for.


Cole: But not if Caboose has anything to say about it.


The bell rings and Ricky Lee tries for a clothesline, Caboose ducks, and spins him around right into the End of the Line. Ricky Lee bounces back, out on his feet, and Caboose springs up and superkicks him right over the ropes and to the floor.


Cole: OUCH! Welcome to the OAOAST, Ricky!


Caboose leans over the ropes, beckoning Ricky Lee to get back in the ring, but Hex Machina suddenly emerges from the crowd and slides into the ring behind Caboose. The crowd reacts in a mixture of boos and surprise, and Caboose starts to turn, but too late. Hex hits him with a German suplex. Caboose rolls through, regains his bearings, and it's a staredown.


Cole: What is this? Hex Machina... has been lurking around the past couple of weeks, causing trouble for OAOAST security... but what is his business with Caboose?


Coachman: Hex mentioned Caboose last week, and it looks like he's made good on his threats. I don't know if Hex understands what he's gotten himself into. Something tells me this isn't going to end in a handshake.


Caboose moves toward Hex and they trade rights and lefts before Caboose plants him with a ddt, but Hex is right back up. He irish whips Caboose into the ropes and catches him in a hurracanrana. Caboose slides under the bottom rope, but Hex is still moving and launches over the top with a corkscrew plancha.


Cole: Did you see that?!


Meanwhile, Ricky Lees Givens has regained his senses and makes his way over to where Hex and Caboose are brawling. He dazedly goes after Caboose.


Coachman: Get out of there, kid! Your life is more important than your career!


Hex pulls Ricky Lee off of Caboose, plants one foot in his chest and spins upward with a kick to the chin. Hex backflips onto his feet gracefully and Ricky Lee is out like a light.


Cole: Oh my GOD! We need EMTs out here now!


Caboose nods in approval and holds up one finger, signalling that Hex should wait a moment. He picks up Ricky Lee's motionless body, raises him in the air, and drops him in a shattering Emerald Fusion. Hex smiles and nods, and the crowd blares it's approval.


Cole: NO! Caboose has MURDERED Ricky Lee Givens!


Coachman: Security, what the hell are you doing back there, shooting craps? Get your asses out here!


Hex picks Ricky Lee up once more.


Cole: Stop this! Hex Machina and Caboose have turned whatever isses they may have had into a sickening game of Can You Top This? Ricky Lee Givens has a family!


But Hex is pulled away by a host of officials before he can add the coup de grace, and EMTs attend to Ricky Lee. Security surrounds Caboose, who levels a finger at Hex as he is being escorted up the ramp.


Coachman: Thank God! The head of security for this facility should be fired!


On the stage, Hex indicates that he is under control and will leave of his own accord. Security pulls back, and Hex grabs a mic.


Hex: Yeah... that's right. Hex Machina. Hex motherf---ing Machina! Remember the name! Hey Caboose... here's a name you might remember: Naz Mistry.


Caboose is taken aback and the crowd begins chanting his name. Caboose raises his arm to a huge pop, then gestures for Hex to continue.


Hex: Sure, sure... Caboose sent Naz out on his ass. (pop) I remember him running home with his tail between his legs. You see, Naz and I used to work for the same company down in Mexico. He came home on a Greyhound bus, because he was such a failure he couldn't even scrape together the fare for a plane ticket! That sorry son a bitch looked up to me. He came to me crying... crying like a little girl! "Hex they brutalized me! Hex I can't cut it! It was this bastard named Caboose, Hex! Caboose kicked my ass and made me like it! He made me a shell of a man!"


Caboose smiles.


Hex: So what? Naz Mistry was a sorry excuse for a man to begin with! He wasn't fit to lace my boots! But after that day, after he came to me in tears like a bitch with a skinned knee, Naz Mistry was not a man at all. I sent him out in the cold. He starved to death for all I know. I carried that company on my back, but that's all over now. I find myself at the door of the OAOAST, and who should I find waiting for me? Why, it's Caboose! The name poor little Naz kept repeating through choked sobs until I cut him loose. Whining can be so irritating, Caboose. So who better to get started with... who better, Caboose?... than the man who finally finished off my 'little buddy'? You, me, next week, that ring.


The crowd goes wild.


Cole: Next week? Caboose and Hex next week?!


Caboose holds out his hand for a mic, and is given one.


Caboose: You're on.


Hex: See you then. And that sorry punk lying there on his back like a cheap whore?


Caboose gances at Ricky Lee Givens.


Hex: What happened to him is going to look like a glass of lemonade on the front porch compared to what's gonna happen to you.


Caboose starts toward Hex, but security holds him back. Hex is escorted off the stage.


Cole: Caboose! Hex Machina! One on one! It's going to be an explosion!




::Cut to the back as Some Guy is shown mildly limping down the hall to a big pop::


SG walks into Commissioner Moysey's office.


SG: What's up, Tim? Long time no see.


Tim: Hey


SG: So you saw School's Out, right?


Tim: Yeah, it was a great show.


SG: And I'm assuming you saw The Body Shop, correct?


Tim: Yes, so what?


SG: OK, now I know we haven't always gotten along all that well outside of the OAOAST but we do have a mutual hatred for someone in here. You saw what Anglesault, Tony, and Joseph did to me and you saw that it cost me my match. So, I want to ask you one favor.


Tim: And what's that?


SG: I want a rematch with AS at The Great Angle Bash.


::Crowd pops::


Tim: I think we can do that.


SG: OK, cool. Thanks.


Tim: Oh, SG one more thing since you had a 2 out 3 falls match at the last PPV and I want more people to buy The Bash, I'm going to have to add a stipulation.


SG: Fine by me, what do you have in mind?


Tim: ::Smirks:: HELL IN A CELL!


SG smiles and starts to walk out of the office.


Tim: Wait. I've got something else you might want to know.


SG: What's that?


Tim: Well, FOSHI has just come back off of tour, and I figured I would give him a little 'welcome back' match. I think you'll be pretty interested in who I've chosen to be his opponent.


SG: Who is it?


Tim: ::Smirks:: Anglesault.


SG: ::Smiles:: Oh yeah.





(Commerical Break)





[Near the back entrance to the arena.]


[Enter: Lupus Canis.]


[Lupus, dressed in tattered blue jeans and a sleeveless blue denim shirt, makes his way through a set of metal doors. The way he walks, it almost makes him look as if he's stalking someone. Perhaps looking out for an encounter with Brock Ausstin before their match with one another later tonight.]


[Lupus turns a corner and stops in his tracks. Dropping his gymbag, he lunges forward at the figure standing before him.]


[Winding up with his fist, he stops. Realizing that his emotions got the better of him, he now notices that this is in fact Josh Matthews.]


JM:Lupus! Woah! You know, for a cruiserweight, you're pretty damn vicious.


LUPUS: ....cruiserweight? Don't make me laugh. Weight is never an issue. Send me someone 100 pounds, or send me someone 700 pounds. Don't matter. *grits his teeth* I'll carve 'em up.


JM:Well, tonight, you have none other than the CURRENT BIG THING -- BROCK AUSSTIN -- in the ring! He's got quite the size advantage on you. What's your strategy?


LUPUS: Ain't need a strategy, kid. I've got these. *balls his fists* I got in there an' hit anything that moves. 9 times outta 10, I'm the guy left standin'. Just ask those chumps in the bar..


JM:Alright, Lupus, it's been great talking with you! Welcome to the OAOAST and good luck in your first match!


LUPUS: *snorts* Luck. Right. Next time, kid, you might wanna be a bit more careful. A guy like me usually doesn't hold back... next time they might be pickin' your spleen up outta that pile of trash in the corner. Later...


[Lupus walks off, leaving a visibly shaken Josh Matthews behind.]

Edited by Zack Malibu

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Guest Zack Malibu

(Institutionalized by Suicidal Tendencies begins to sound over the arena; met by huge boo's from the crowd. A well-groomed ATM walks to the ring the conventional way, avoiding the crowd.)


ATM: Thank you for that warm welcome ladies and gentlemen. As you know, my career has had its share of problems. I was teamed up with King Kong Bundy JR. as the Little Big Men. Well I was more than willing to support the team, but there was a small problem. The man dropped the ball, not showing up once. Now I'm sure that Bundy, God bless him, had a valid reason. It's just that we could have been a successful team, I just know it. You may not know it, but before he left the fed, we had a match, in which I was victorious. Sure there was a fair amount of cheating, but I debuted the six-count, which could have been a popular gimmick. However, for a reason I cannot fathom, the powers that be refused to acknowledge it much less air the match. Well, God bless them, I'm sure they had a valid reason. I'm not really what you'd call a good wrestler and he, God bless him, is less.


(the crowd is getting restless.)


ATM: I apologize for ranting like this, it's just that I wish to get some stuff off my chest. You see for as long as I've been here, I've been a team player. I've been willing to do anything for this fed. You may think I'm bs-ing you but I'm swear I’m not. If someone needs someone for a match or a skit, I'm there for them. If someone -


("boring" chant)


ATM: Please do not do it.


Cole: Maybe you should quit being so boring.


ATM: I've always tried to be completely honest with everyone and speak my mind. Unfortunately, my peers, God bless them, have not always treated me in kind.


(crowd has the urge to buy food and piss)


Coach: This is bombing badly.


Cole: You said it. People want the drunken obscenity-spewing violent borderline-retarded midget, not this sober cleanly peaceful borderline-retard midget.


ATM: Despite all the indifference and even hatred that I have faced, I've still felt a part of the OAOAST. However, today I was stunned to learn that the man I was in the midst of a feud with had been unjustly fired. I had been hoping that this feud would give me that badly needed push. Unfortunately, I'm still at the bottom; a comedy figure who no one truly respects much less likes.


(The crowd is beginning to throw things)


ATM: Sometimes I don't even feel like a human being. I don't think anyone cares about me at all. My mom hated me, my dad must have hated me, he couldn't bear to see me.


Coach: Can someone please get this guy to stop?


ATM: And my "step-dads", they thought it was funny to stick my head-


(Pedro Roma and Texas Oilman comes out)


Pedro: Damn it kid! Why must you always embarrass us like that? We have spent our money and resources to make you a success, and yet you keep screwing up.


Texas Oilman: From now on boy, you'll listen to us and do what we say! Got it ya lil shithead?


ATM: (Trying to suppress a mix of rage and tears) Well God bless you anyway.


Oilman: And what's with this God crap anyway? God doesn't love you. You're a mistake! You're a filthy little shit! No wonder your mom tried to miscarry.


(Crowd is now cheering the two men)


Cole: Well the midget did say he likes honesty.


(ATM turns his back to leave)


Pedro: Damn, he's even more pathetic than his sister.


(ATM snaps, biting both men's dicks. Acid drops for each. He pulls out the hammer)


Coach: He's got the hammer! He's back!


Cole: He has a sister?


(The crowd chants "HAMMER")


ATM: You want me to use the hammer?


(crowd cheers)


ATM: I said do ya want me to use this hammer?


(crowd cheers louder)




(Crowd is going insane)


(ATM lifts his hammer up, and-)


Cole: I can't stand the wait! DOIT DOIT DOIT!!


(ATM pulls back)


ATM: I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore.


(The deafening cheers turn to deafening boos. The crowd resumes throwing stuff at the little person.)


Cole: Damn you! I actually cared about you. We all did. You can't play with our emotions like that.


ATM: I hope in time you realize why I must go. Consider Andre the Midget to be no more. My name is Andre Rogers. Goodbye.


(Andre walks away)


Cut back to Cole and Coach, who are amazed.


MC:"Is he...I mean, is he for real, or is this just another one of his gags?"


Coach:"The man once pee'd all over another competitor. We're not talking about Thesz levels of sportsmanship, Michael. Anyways, time for our next match..."


Michael Cole: Yeah! OAOAST Helddown! Yeah! Brock Ausstin! Bad. Brock Ausstin! Next!


Coach: What the hell are you talking about?


Michael Cole: Brock Ausstin will take on Lupus in Lupus debut match, here on Helddown!




:: The house lights dim to a near pitch black as the opening bassline and guitar riffs of "SEIZURE OF POWER" begin to pump through the loudspeakers. As the music kicks into full gear, four bright white spotlights coming from four different directions converge on a figure in the centre of the entrance way. Lupus walks out, making his Helddown! debut, wearing normal black tighets, looking very uncomfortable in them. Lupus walks down towards the ring, when pyro explodes behind him, nearly knocking him to the floor. He turns to look at the pyro, with an annoyed expression on his face, but continues walking to the ring. ::


Coach: He doesn't look like he liked that pyro.


Michael Cole: That seems a little odd.


:: "War Ensemble" by Slayer begins playing, as "The Current Big Thing" Brock Ausstin makes his way down towards the ring, with "Good Ol'ECDub" Jim Heyross walking behind him. Brock walks up to the ring, and leaps up in a single bound, onto the ring apron. Brock begins doing his HAPPY HAPPY HIPPO~! dance. Brock enters the ring, but Lupus quickly charges at him, and gets a quick elbow to the side of the head. Lupus goes to whip Brock across the ropes, but Brock reverses, sending Lupus into the ropes. Lupus bounces into the ropes, and comes charging back at Brock, who lifts Lupus straight into the air for a tilt-a-whirl, but Lupus spins around Brock, and drops down, driving Brock head first with a DDT. ::


Michael Cole: Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Lupus!


:: Lupus quickly slides under the bottom rope onto the apron, gets up, and climbs to the top rope. Brock jumps back up to his feet, a little dazed from the DDT, and turns towards the corner Lupus is in. Lupus leaps off the top rope, and dives at Brock, hitting him with a Cross body, knocking them both to the ground. ::


Coach: Top rope crossbody, One....Two.....NO! Brock kicks out!


:: Both Lupus and Brock get up to their feet. Lupus charges at Brock, and leaps up into the air, wrapping his legs around Brock for a hurricanrana, but Brock throws Lupus backwards, off of him. Lupus lands on his feet, but nearly gets his head knocked off, as Brock drives his arm into him. ::


Michael Cole: Clothesline of Mass Destruction!


Coach: What about what happened earlier today, with Brock, Jim Heyross, and Crystal? Wasn't that sickening?


Michael Cole: Brock and Jim Heyross shouldn't mess with someone like Crystal. She is a women who can take care of herself, AND kick some ass!


:: Brock lifts Lupus up to his feet, wraps his arms around Lupus, and tosses him backwards with a overhead belly to belly suplex! ::


Coach: Hossly Goodness by Brock!


Michael Cole: Jim Heyross is screaming at Brock to end the match and use the I JUST ATE YOUR SOUL~!


:: Brock lifts Lupus up to his feet, and pulls him into a powerbomb position. Brock lifts Lupus into the air, and prepares for the I JUST ATE YOUR SOUL~!, but Lupus slips backwards, with his legs wrapped around Brock's head, and flips Brock over with a Hurricanrana! Brock jumps up to his feet, trying to no sell the Hurricanrana, but Lupus follows it up with a few elbows to the side of Brock's head, knocking Brock into the corner. ::


Michael Cole: Lupus is making a comeback! Can he pick up the win in his Helddown! debut over the undefeated, Brock Ausstin?


:: Lupus backs away from Brock, before charging at him. Lupus runs up Brock's chest, and back flips off of him, landing on his feet. Brock charges out of the corner, trying to clothesline Lupus again, but Lupus ducks under it, and runs full speed into the corner. Lupus leaps up onto the ropes, and back flips off, as Brock turns towards him, hitting Brock with a moonsault, knocking him to the mat! ::


Coach: Moonsault off the top rope onto Brock! ONE....TWO.....THREE..........NO!


Michael Cole: Brock just got his shoulder up in time!


:: Lupus slides under the bottom rope, and onto the apron, where he gets to his feet, and climbs to the top rope. Brock slowly gets up to his feet, as Jim Heyross screams at him from the outside to turn around. Brock turns around, as Lupus leaps off the top rope, with another Cross body, but Brock catches him in mid-air! Brock tosses Lupus up into the air, onto his shoulders in a DVD position, before spinning him off, and driving him face first into the mat, with the F-Stunner-5! ::




Coach: Brock Ausstin picks up the win, and is still undefeated in the OAOAST!


Michael Cole: Brock welcomes another new guy into the OAOAST, the hard way!


:: Brock gets up to his feet, as Jim Heyross enters the ring. Jim starts screaming, as Brock lets out a murderous yell from destroying Lupus. Jim tells Brock to continue the attack, and Brock does! Brock grabs Lupus around the neck, and lifts up into the air, choking him. The referee tries to stop Brock, but Jim just pushes him away. Lupus struggles to breath, but Brock show's no signs of letting go, when out from the back, runs Crystal holding a steel chair! She slides into the ring, and lifts the chair back, slamming it into the back of Brock. Brock drops Lupus, and turns towards Crystal, who wacks him with another chair shot, across the skull! Jim jumps out of the ring, not wanting to get in the middle of this, as Crystal smacks the chair across Brock's head again, knocking him backwards through the ropes, onto the floor. Brock lets out a yell, and tries to get back in the ring, but Jim pulls him away, and towards the back, as Crystal holds the chair up, ready for Brock. ::


Michael Cole: Crystal saved Lupus, thanks to the steel chair, and Brock is ANGRY!


Coach: That is not good for anyone!


Brock growls at Crystal, pointing a finger at her. The Female Phenom stands tall, as the cameras fade out.

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Guest Zack Malibu

::Scene opens in Black Widow's locker room, where she's heading for the door. She opens it to find SPIDER-POET standing there! The two look at each other for a long moment, though his eyes are obscured by his mask::



Hi . . .



Do you have a moment?



Yeah . . . yeah, sure.


::She motions for SP to come in, and she closes the door behind her. The locker room is empty, save for the two of them. He stands in front of a mirror, unable to face her, and she stands on the other side of the room, her arms crossed::



Did you watch IntenseZone?



Yeah. (She frowns) Who is he?



. . . I haven't figured it out yet. But I think I know. And if I'm right, I'm afraid of where this is going to go.



I thought it was him, too . . . some memories never go away.






(Takes a step forward, but hesitates and stops, unsure of whether to approach him or not)



. . . I don't blame you. I tried to take you out a few times.



You weren't yourself.



Maybe I was more of myself than we've ever known?



(Shakes her head) No . . . no, I know who YOU are. And I know what you're capable of. I also know your limits.



(Looks back over his shoulder)


Widow (Cont.)

Even when I was under threat of a chair, or you interrupted a match and attempted to throttle me, I said a silent prayer for you. I wasn't afraid, Spidey, and I never will be. Not of you. Not of who you truly are. Stephen Joseph took a need in your heart and prodded it, twisted it with falsehood and deception and horrible promise. He exploited you and your frustration. I went along with it because I kept hoping and praying that you would snap out of it and come to your senses and stand up to him. But even I have my limits. I had to leave.



(Nods) I know . . . I know you had to leave. I don't know what Joseph has done to me, I don't know anything about myself right now. I've never been more confused and alone and aggravated than I am now. I've hurt you, I've failed you. I've failed myself. I've failed Joseph and I've failed Dandy. I hope I don't fail this Monday.



(Covers the distance between them and gently turns him towards her.) I believe in you. (Widow gently lifts the mask up, but Poet stops her just as it comes up over his nose. She smiles and kisses him.)



Just like that?



(Nods) I never stopped believe. Or loving. Or knowing who you are. I've just been waiting for you to realize it.



I won't be able to protect you if we lose the titles, Amanda. I'll lose my ability to float. I did some research, and The Dark Poet hasn't signed a brand-specific contract. He has eighteen weeks to decide which show he wants to be on, but he can float until then. He's going to come after you . . .



We'll handle that as it comes.



(Regards her for a moment before pulling his mask back down to the way it's supposed to be. He walks to the door and opens it, but stops in the doorway and looks down.) I hope you're right. (He leaves)



(Whispers) I know I am. I hope you figure it out soon.



Michael Cole and The Coach are standing by.


MC:"You know, this whole Widow thing, after last week, with the fire..."


Coach:"It just gets weirder with this Dark Poet lurking around."


The fans in the arena turn their attention to the AngleTron as Jim Cornette and The Purist are backstage, standing in-front of the HeldDown logo.


Cornette: A few nights ago, at School's Out, for the first-time The Purist got pinned, and in the process lost the X-Title to the Amazing Rando. We admit it, Rando got us off-guard with his skills. But one loss means nothing to the Purist's career.


During The Purist's X-Title run, he brought backstage credibility to a title known for brutal gimmick matches. While it's well-known, holding a championship means more money, the X-Title was just a small step towards the OAOAST Championship. With brings us to tonight -- The Purist...Zack Malibu...OAOAST Championship.


Crowd cheers.




Cornette: Malibu, you represent EVERYTHING wrong with the OAOAST. Looks, movie and TV spots doesn't make you a great wrestler; what you do in the ring does. And while you've done some impressive stuff, you have nothing on The Purist.


Crowd boos.


Coach: I think some would say otherwise.


Cornette: Pal, that's a wrestling ring out there, not the set of a Peter Engel teen show. So be ready, punk! The Purist's is gonna come at you at 100 miles per hour, at 100 percent. Tonight, pretty boy, in front of all your preps, especially all your fat, pimple-face female fans, will cry as The Purist breaks your pride and take your title. I'm so sure The Purist will beat you, if he loses, he'll leave the OAOAST FOREVER! See ya. Haha


Cole: Wow! The Purist vs. Zack Malibu, if The Purist loses, Jim Cornette says he'll leave the OAOAST forever.


Coach: That match is sure to be off the charts!

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Guest Zack Malibu

Some Guy is walking through the hallway, somewhat dragging his leg due to the damage his ankle took at School's Out. He turns a corner, and nearly collides with his opponent from that night...Anglesault.


AS:"Easy there, chief. You nearly knocked me over."


SG:"You mean like this?"


Some Guy gives a powerful shove to Anglesault, sending the ex-champion back a few steps. AS winces, and moves forward, gritting his teeth. He looks to have sprained his ankle.




Anglesault lunges forward, but before he can get at SG, Tim Moysey and several security staff members are on the scene.


TM:"SG, lay off him for now."


Tim turns to Anglesault.


TM:"You. Get to the ring. Wuss."


Some Guy, Tim, and the security guards all walk off in different directions. Anglesault stares at Tim as he walks away, not too pleased with the treatment he's gotten.


MC:"Tim Moysey on the scene! Honestly, I can't blame Some...for...wha..."



::Once again, another feed starts to interrupt HeldDOWN's broadcast! After a bit of static on the screen, the picture becomes clear.::


::This week, the room is a bit more visible. It appears to be a classroom. The same lone figure is standing to the right of the blackboard. Still can't tell who it is, as the lighting sucks. It's the end of the day, the lights are off, and the shades have been drawn. School's out.::


:on the blackboard, the following is written in big letters...


Graduation's going to be bitchin'! I'm glad the year's over. Make sure to keep in touch; you're such a cool kid!


::He walks slowly around the classroom, and stops at a desk near the front.::


Chaunce Venuto. What a friend you were to me! You were so very nice to me... when I was around. Playing practical jokes and the like. It was all in good fun. But it was when I wasn't around that you really had you fun. You made me look like a jackass! The things that you'd say about me.. to Linda.


::He walks over to another desk, near the back right corner of the room.::


Linda Covington, the would-be love of my life. You would have been mine if you hadn't believed everything that Venuto had told you! I'd always believed that you weren't like them.. that you weren't so shallow. Obviously, I was wrong. You believed Venuto's lies and went to the prom with him! Not me! You said that you'd go with me, you lying whore! ...Instead, I spent my senior prom in the parking lot, hanging out with Ryan.


::Another desk, this one in the back row.::


Ryan Miller, the upstanding citizen. I always took the fall for you, because you were my closest friend. Every stupid thing you did, every time you got in trouble, I took the blame! I always went along with whatever you wanted to do. I gave in to your every whim. ...So when you wanted to go driving after drinking prom night away, who was I to argue? And when you crashed head-on into that semi-truck and died upon impact, hey, big deal. I'm sorry that you're gone.


The entire senior class came to your funeral. You would've laughed if you'd seen all those people standing around, crying... Well, maybe not, but still.


One person was notably absent. Paul Stanley.


Where were you, Paul? What was your excuse? Was Ryan so beneath you that you couldn't be bothered to offer condolences? Perish the thought. Of course Mr. Paul Stanley couldn't be bothered to seem the slightest bit affect by a tragedy. Paul Stanley is the big man around here, he can't cry.


You didn't have to talk to us. With the silver spoon in your mouth, it was probably impossible anyways. But you avoided any emotional ties. That's why you didn't go to the wake. You didn't want to have anything to do with Ryan. Myself. You didn't want to have any connection. We were children of a lesser God in your eyes. The small. The weak. The forgettable.


That's why I came to you, Paul. The years of ignorance, of pranks at my expense. You forgot all about it. I was forced to endure, forced to remember the events of my young life everyday. I'm not like you Paul, I couldn't forget. I didn't forget.


Now I'll make you suffer. Allow you to endure torture of various kinds. Most of all,...


I shall make you remember.


::The camera starts moving forward, closing in on the person, perhaps giving us a visual, an idea of who this could be...::


*fade to black*

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Guest Zack Malibu

MC:"Guess who's back, Coach?"


Coach:"Haha, I have to say, I missed our resident rock star, Michael!"


Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Foshi's music hits as Mongoose makes his way down to ringside to a good pop.


Announcer: Introducing first from Japan: Mongoose Foshi!


Foshi gets in the ring and waits as his music dies down and Anglesault's starts up.


Announcer: And his opponent from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Anglesault!


The crowd erupts in massive boos for AS. He favors the injured ankle as he makes his way to the ring. He climbs in still favoring the ankle and looks over at Foshi. He smirks in disapproval. Foshi meets him at the center of the ring. AS wastes no time and shoves him away. Foshi comes right back and AS answers with a punch, which Foshi blocks and answers with two punches of his own. He whips AS off the ropes, AS ducks the clotheslines, and Foshi takes him down in a drop toe hold on the rebound. Foshi stands up and stomps on the injured ankle for good measure. AS writhes in pain and grabs the ankle. Foshi picks him up, but AS quickly gets a poke to the eyes and quickly takes Foshi down into a crossface. He lets go shortly after and drives knees to the back of Foshi before applying a quick anklelock and then letting go of that as well. He stands up and raises his arms to the crowd which gets massive boos from the crowd. AS returns his attention to Foshi, who is slowly getting back to his feet, and kicks him in the head sending him back down. AS whips him into the ropes, leapfrogs over him on the rebound, but Foshi stops short and sweeps out AS's injured ankle and quickly goes into an anklelock. AS screams out in pain. Foshi manuevers to the middle of the ring to eliminate AS's chance of making the ropes, but AS manuevers and turns it into an anklelock of his own. He does not hold it for long before Foshi turns over and kicks him into the ropes and gets the inside cradle on the rebound.






Kick out.



AS has trouble getting right back to his feet after being in the anklelock. He ducks a kick from Foshi and throws a punch of his own which Foshi ducks. Foshi hits a kick to the midsection and delivers a tornado ddt. He covers.






Kick out.


He sets AS up and whips him into the corner. Foshi runs at him and jumps up into the monkey flip position but gets pushed off and goes down. AS goes to the outside and climbs up slowly. Foshi kips up, runs to the second rope slightly to the side of AS, and hits a devestating kick which knocks AS off the ropes. Foshi hits a springboard moonsault off the second rope and covers.






Kick out.


Foshi goes to the outside and climbs up. In a sudden burst of energy, AS ignores the ankle pain and runs up and hits the belly to belly superplex. Both are down. AS manages to cover.






Kick out.


They slowly get up. Foshi hits a kick to the midsection and whips AS into the turnbuckle. He comes at him with a stiff dropkick, but AS throws the ref in the way. The ref goes down. AS clotheslines Foshi down and rolls to the outside. He grabs a chair and comes back in with it. He measures up Foshi, when suddenly Some Guy comes down to ringside. AS, chair in hand, challenges him to come into the ring. SG keeps a small distance between him and the ring. AS turns his attention away for a brief second to check on Foshi and the ref who are both recovering. In that brief moment, SG jumps up onto the apron. AS turns his attention back to him and swings the chair but SG jumps out of dodge and the chair hits into the ropes and rebounds into AS. He staggers back into a roll-up from Foshi.










Announcer: Here is your winner: Foshi!


The crowd erupts in a huge pop. Foshi rolls out of the ring as AS stands up looking extremely frustrated. SG backs down the aisle with a huge grin. AS is furious.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Coach:"OK Michael, are you ready for this one?"


MC:"I'm not sure, but the Machines have promised us something big tonight! Let's cut to the back, where they are in their locker room."


(The Dream Machines are seen in their locker room talking. Parka has a bandage on his forehead from the glass that was shattered on it at School's Out)



So we're all in agreement?



Are you sure about this Parka? This is pretty dangerous.



I'm sure. Totally Endorsed has left us no choice. This is the way it HAS to go down!



Leroy I don't know if I like the attitude you've taken lately, but I also realize that this is the most alive I have seen you since we have met. I know that this flies in the face of all that I have learned and taught, but I am behind you 100%.



Then that settles it. I'm going to the ring and I am going to shock the world and Totally Endorsed.


(The Parka leaves the room as PK and Eddy look somewhat worried, but at the same time they nod knowing that this is what they have decided on)


(Parka walks to the entranceway and gets ready as his music starts)


CUE: California Love


MC:"They're coming out here!"


(Parka walks to the ring instead of driving. He looks determined as he takes a mic in hand and steps through the ropes)



At School's Out I had a revelation. For the second time in a week I had glass shattered over my body. After another night of staring at blood stains and cleaning wounds I realized that I was going about this all wrong. I have been so focused on curbing my anger that I forgot what makes me happy. Wrestling makes me happy. Winning makes me happy. Down and dirty violence for the sake of competition makes me happy. Most of all being pushed to greater things makes me happy. I don't want to sit around and phone it in. That's the easy way out. Doing as much as needed to get the job done and leaving it at that is not in my nature.


(Parka feels the bandage on his head that covers the stitches as the crowd applauds what Parka is saying.)



Anyone who thought that this issue between The Dream Machines and Totally Endorsed was over is dead wrong. I'm not happy with a DQ victory. And I am certainly not happy with lying in a pool of my own blood. Totally Endorsed obviously wants to hurt PK, Eddy, and I. They want us gone for good. By any means necessary they attempt to get that job done. So being the kind of person who always wants to go all out I have come up with an idea.


(The crowd cheers as the wait anxiously to hear what the idea is. Parka removes the bandage so that everyone can see the stitches.)



You see this? (Parka points to the stitches) This hurt, but it did not break my spirit. You see this? (Parka points to some wounds on his arms from the Wal-Mart Window) These hurt, but they did not break my spirit! (The crowd is cheering loudly as Parka starts to talk louder) These are battle scars. Reminders that I give my all and YOU CANNOT BREAK MY SPIRIT! (The Crowd erupts) Totally Endorsed I want you to look in your mirrors at your pretty little faces. The faces that could sell any product, or so you say. Are you willing to take on a few battle scars? Are you willing to go all out?


(The fans are on their feet applauding as Parka gets a smile on his face)



I have a challenge for Totally Endorsed. At The Great Angle Bash we shall see if they are willing to take on a few scars. After that night no one will be the same. No one will come out unharmed. At The Great Angle Bash PK and I want Calvin and Colvid in a GLASS...TABLE...MATCH!! (The crowd erupts in an insanely loud pop) One of the two teams is going to be thrown through a table made of glass and from that point on will never be the same. Blood will be spilled. Totally Endorsed remember this. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword!


(Parka throws the mic down and leaves as the crowd is still buzzing over the announcement.)




Coach:"I guess it really was Earth SHATTERING news!"


MC:"I can't...oh wow. Fans, we'll be back! Don't go away, because things are getting VERY interesting!"

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Guest Zack Malibu

MC:"Coach, a Glass Tables match? That's going to be a near-death experience for everyone involved, at the BEST!"


Coach:"Let's see what T.E. has to say about this Mikey!"



(A stoic Calvin cuts a short promo in front of a black screen)

"Dream Machines . . . you want a rebuttal . . . you want a response to your challenge . . . you want an answer . . . you'll get one . . . NEXT! C'mon guys. (The rest of TE pass by to follow Calvin's lead.)




(I Ran courtesy of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City blares through the speakers as the entire stable comes to the ring, almost as if they are preparing for a war. Calvin and Colvid are leading the way, while Simmons and Candie follow about 3 paces behind, and Slacker is behind them even looking halfway concerned himself. TE enter the ring while Calvin grabs a mic.)


Calvin --- You're going to have to excuse us for not being in the mood to promote for our sponsors because to be perfectly honest, if they heard what we are about to say, I don't think they'd want their fine name attached to Totally Endorsed or the OaOAST. Parka, earlier tonight, tonight you came out here and challenged us to the most grusome, barbaric, and violent match I have ever heard of . . . The Glass Table Match!


(Crowd pops just at the mere mention of the match.)


Calvin --- (Dead serious tone) Shut up. For you fans that came here tonight and actually cheer the thought of not only careers, but lives being shortened in this kind of match makes me sick. But there's only one answer I can give The Dream Machines . . . (Calvin starts to have 2nd thoughts when Colvid, Candie, and Simmons all pat him on the back adn urge him to continue.)


That answer is . . . (Getting hyped up) You see THIS face?!? (Points to Colvid) You see THAT face?!? (Points to Candie, Simmons, and Slacker) You see THOSE faces?!? Those faces are MONEY!!!


(Getting more wound up) And if YOU think you're gonna back us up in a corner and have us whimpering for mercy, YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING! Great Angle Bash . . . Glass Table Match . . . Most brutal match of ALL TIME . . . You want an answer? The answer is . . .


Calvin and Colvid: YES!!!


(Crowd pops for the offical announcement for the match.)


Calvin: You see Dream Machines, when you challenged Totally Endorsed to a match at The Bash, you didn't just challenge Calvin and Colvid, you took it upon yourself to challenge any and all members of Totally Endorsed to step up to the plate and do whatever's necessary to keep our corporation strong.


(Calvin turns to Terry Simmons.)


Calvin --- Terry, can I count on you to put PK through a table made of glass if need be?


Simmons --- (Looking more meanacing than ever) Yes, sir.


(Calvin turns to Slacker who's staring up at the lights.)


Calvin --- Slacker, can I rely on you to spike Parka so hard that whenhe finally comes to, he'll be in a hospital gown.


Slacker --- (More put off by the fact he may have to some work at GAB than anything else.) I guess I'll try.


(Calvin looks at Candie who's nervoulsy looking around to avoid eye contact with Calvin.)


Calvin --- Candie . . . Candie . . . please look at me. (Candie looks into Calvin's eyes.) Listen, I know this must be difficult for you, but you have to promise me . . . promise us . . . that if the going gets tough, you'll get going.


Candie --- Umm, sure. Of course I'll be there for you guys, but . . .


Calvin --- Hey, look at you. You're beautiful. I bet you hear that all the time. (Candie subtly nods) You know what? You're also pretty brave. Odds are you don't hear that one too often. (Candie shakes her head.) I mean here you are, a lovely lady in what is generally considered a man's world. And wile you are gorgeous, I bet you get tired of being dismissed as anything other than a pretty face.


Candie --- Well, kinda.


Calvin --- Well close your eyes and imagine us at the GAB in trouble. You see all the TE guys on the floor, while Parka is standing triumphantly on a table. What do you do? Do you stand there and look worried? Do you help us up? Or do you hop up on that table and DDT his ass right through the pane?!?


Candie --- (Opens her eyes) I'll cripple him!


Calvin --- At a girl! (Hugs Candie, while the rest of TE join in a group hug. The hug ends and Calvin has some closing words.)


Calvin --- Dream Machines, you're not just messing with a tag team. You're not messing with a stable. You're not even just messing with a franchise. You're with a FAMILY!


(I Ran hits and TE exits the ring.)



(Shattered Dreams is seen walking down a hallway. He ignores the wrestlers and crew members that try to greet him, but he stops when he sees a female member of the production crew)


Shattered Dreams: Hi there sweetie!


Production woman: Oh. Hello. Hello, Shatt..or I mean Mr.Dreams. Hello. Sir. Hi


Dreams: Oh, please! Call me Dreamy-Dream. All my famous friends do. What's your name darling?


(The production woman nervously adjusts her crooked collar before answering)


Production woman: Alix


Dreams: Oh my God! That's my favorite name in the whole wide world!


Alix: Thank you sir. Thank you.


Dreams: No prob. Say, where did you get that lovely brown shirt? It totally screams rebellious sex goddess.


Alix (blushing): Sir, I got it at K-mart. It's funny because normally we have to wear OAOAST gear. But my little sister spilled coffee on my normal shirt and...


Dreams: Anyway. I totally need a major favor from ya.


Maria: Yes sir!


Dreams: Here's the 411, some insensitive prick stuck me in a six man tag match with a bunch of midcarders. Oh my God it's total bullshit. I mean how am I supposed to display my magnificent blend of in your face aggression and finishing school finesse when there's five other losers in the ring? So, like this is where I need your help.


Alix: Yes sir. I can do that


Dreams: I haven't even told you what I wanted you to do! Damn it Amy!


Alix: Alix


Dreams: Whateva. Here's the deal, I need the camera entirely focused on moi during tonight's match. When I'm in the ring showing of my unique and deadly moveset the camera needs to be on yours truly. In the unlikely event that I'm getting beat up, God forbid, Focus on all the pretty babes in the audience who have been reduced to tears at the sight of their sex symbol getting man handled. If I'm not in the ring keep the focus on me and tell the commentators to talk about my wide range of facial expressions. Of course the only one I'll be showing tonight is that of extreme boredom, considering the total lack of talent of the other five competitors.


Alix: What about them? What about their camera time? Sir.


Dreams: Hey, don't tell anyone I said this, but those guys are on a one way ticket to nowhere ville. Population: El lameo! None of those dorks will ever amount to anything. That's why they're all stuck in stables and meaningless midcard tag teams.


Alix: Sir you're in a stable.


Dreams (checking his watch): Look at the time! I gotta go. Call Selma Blair, tell her I won't be able to make it for breakfast tomorrow, but we can do lunch or dinner. Whatever works. Alix you've been a dear. Keep up the good work and you might become my personal assistant.


Alix: Yes sir!


(Dreams walks away from the smiling Alix, as the camera cuts to commerical.)

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Guest Zack Malibu

(We return to HeldDOWN~!, with a visual of the city lights at night. Cut to the rooftop of the arena, where we see SpiderPoet kneeling, looking down at the rooftop. He has two fingers tracing the charred line of the spider design that nearly burned Widow alive last week, one hand thoughtfully stroking his chin. He seems lost in thought, ignoring the pigeons cooing all around him, half asleep as they sit perched.)



Hmm . . . design looks so familiar. Knew what he was doing . . . knew where she needed to be. I’m not entirely sure he was going for the kill yet . . .


. . . or maybe he’s just toying with me. If it’s him, I don’t put it past him.


(SP stands and survey’s the remaining charred outline in it’s entirety, though we cannot find any emotion in his eyes, hidden as they are under his mask. After a moment, he turns and walks over to the edge of the arena’s roof, and crouches. Thinking aloud.)



He speaks of masks yet he wears one himself. My height, my build, my wordplay. So dark and twisted. An evil perversion of myself, I fear. Stephen Joseph throws us out, we may lose our titles this Monday . . . (SP looks up at the night sky) What have I done? What have I gotten myself into? I wanted to serve you . . . that’s all. I wanted to please you, to make you proud. My brother and I had no father, and you were all I knew. ‘Good job,’ ‘Well done,’ is all I want. All I crave. But I’ve failed you. I’ve failed everyone. I don’t know why she still believes in me . . . I know you can’t at this point . . . I don’t even believe in myself.


She tells me that she knows what really lies inside of me, what I’m truly capable of doing, of becoming. I don’t know if that’s true, if there’s anything else. But if there is . . . unlock these secrets in me, please.


(Suddenly, the pigeons seem to go nuts, cooing and coming to life. SP turns to see THE DARK POET walking towards him, making quite the dark entrance as he sends the pigeons scattering. Spidey rises and turns to face him, fists clenched, guard up.)



Spider Poet . . . surprised to see me? Take this as a warning, a message. I can find you anywhere, I can show up anytime. Your life is about to change irrevocably, everything will be different by the time I’m through with you. You will be cleansed, you will be free, my brother.


(TDK stops in the middle of the roof as Poet nears him. He cocks his head, his face obscured by his own dark mask. It doesn’t obscure the sense of darkness and dread that rolls off of him in emotional waves like steam.)



Who. Are. You. (It is a demand, not a question.)



(His tone indicates a dark smile underneath his mask, though this is only suspicion on our part) Oh . . . we few, we happy few. We band of brothers. (TDK steps in close) You know who I am. You know who you are. You have only to fight the good fight to understand it.



(Shakes head) I don’t know who you are, or what you’re talking about.


(TDK throws a methodical punch, but SP blocks it easily. The stand frozen, TDK’s fist in Poet’s hand.)



Then fight, and lets jog your memory!


(TDK withdraws and lashes out with a straight kick, but SP steps back and swats it away. TDK begins throwing punches left and right, and the two dance back and forth in violence. Punch, block, punch, block, punch, block. They near the edge of the roof and SP comes to the edge. TDK tries to sweep him, but SP leaps to avoid and KICKS TDK IN THE FACE!


TDK goes limber and rolls with the force of it, using his legs to push him up in anticipation so he moves with SP’s foot and backflips away from a harder impact. TDK lands crouched and SP charges. TDK is up and the two begin trading punches and blocks, going beyond wrestling and into a whole other realm of battle. It is methodical and heated, neither gaining a true advantage in fistplay. TDK leans back to avoid a punch and continues the motion, backflipping again but this time kicking SP twice in the chin as his feet come up. Spidey falls back, stunned, and lands on his back. He lifts slightly on his elbows and the two gaze at one another.


TDK steps back and holds a hand out in a, ‘Come On,’ kind of gesture.


Spidey obliges. He kips up and the battle continues, both men trying to best the other with punches. Nothing comes of it, so SpiderPoet waits for a window and flares out a quick kick to TDK’s midsection, and a jump kick to his face. TDK falls this time, but takes no rest. Instead, he kips up himself and leaps right back into the fight. Punches and kicks are deflected left and right for some minutes, neither man giving in.


Then TDK unleashes. The punches become faster, the kicks harder, and Poet cannot block them all. A kick to the side of his left knee causes him to buckle, but he still blocks an oncoming punch. He doesn’t however, see the roundhouse kick sailing his way, and it rocks his jaw. SP snaps around to try and keep his feet, and TDK is there, wrapping his arms around SP. GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE CONCRETE ROOF!







TDK finally lets go, and Poet rolls over, barely moving. TDK straddles and takes his face in his hands and leans in close.)



Remember now? We mesh so well together, don’t we? I’m watching . . . and waiting. She will no longer be a hindrance . . . I will see you reach your true potential . . . even if it kills her.


(TDK chuckles before releasing Poet and standing. We fade out on SP rolling over, ripping his mask up above his nose and coughing up blood in between wheezes. He looks out across the rooftop to find nothing. TDK has returned to the darkness . . . where he is waiting.)



*OAOAST School's Out-The Replay! Your last chance to see it before the bell rings is This Saturday on In Demand!*

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Guest Zack Malibu

MC:"I feel like I'm watching a horror movie. Evil Poets...this is getting to be too much to handle."


Coach:"And I can understand cutting to backstage, but since when did the roof become the hot spot of the arena!?"




"I Ran", courtesy of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


The fantastic five of Colvid, Candie, Calvin, Slacker and Simmons hit the stage, Candie and Simmons holding mics while the other three are dressed in wrestling gear, Calvin's singlet tonight airbrushed with the Coliseum Video logo to match tag partner Colvid's tights. The five jog down the ramp, Candie and Simmons handing out product samples as the other three slide into the ring, discussing plans for the match.



"Fighter" by Christina Aguilera


Shattered Dreams comes out, jogging down to the end of the ramp and pausing, waiting for...



"California Love" by Tupac and Dr. Dre


The Parka and Peter Knight come out, nodding to each other before charging down the ramp, SD joining in as the three of them slide into the ring. A brawl starts, with SD taking Slacker and the DM's taking on TE. Knight throws Calvin outside, following him out, and Colvid grabs Parka by the hair and throws him outside, leaving SD and Slacker in the ring.



They're going at it early, here!



It's a peer six brawl, brother!


Dreams takes the advantage early on Slacker, drilling him with a DDT, but as he lifts him up to suplex him Slacker slides down his back, grabbing Dreams around the neck and bringing him down with a neckbreaker. Dreams' head bounces off of Slacker's shoulder, and Slacks quickly drops down for the pinfall attempt.








Dreams gets the shoulder up, and Slacker grabs him by the hair, lifting him to his feet and dragging him over to the TE corner, where he tags in Colvid.



First tag of the night to Colvid.



Actually, the first tag of the night was you tagging the ring boy's ass. ZING!


Colvid steps into the ring, and as Slacker puts Dreams in a full nelson Colvid gives him a swift punch to the exposed stomach. Dreams doubles over, and Colvid quickly puts him into a standing headscissors. Colvid grabs Slacker around the waist, lifting him up and drilling him with a quick powerbomb.



That powerbomb was brought to you by Skittles - taste the rainbow!



And the rest of TE make themselves verbally known in this match!



I love the rainbow, Cole. Don't you love the rainbow?



Yes, I back the rainbow.


Colvid grabs Dreams by the arm, whipping him into the ropes - where Parka makes a blind tag in! The crowd roars as Parka gets into the ring, angrily chasing down Colvid and slamming him to the mat with a monster lariat. Candie and Simmons, watching on the outside, note the move and see the vulnerability of TE - and not wanting TE to lose once more, they slide into the ring! Parka turns around mid-ring - and gets smashed with a full glass bottle of Pepsi! The crowd boos as Dreams gets to his feet - and is floored by another glass bottle, this time courtesy of Slacker! The ref calls for the bell, trying to restore some order.



It's madness in the ring right now!



Totally Endorsed is ripping these fools apart!


As Calvin joins in the melee, Knight grabs him by the short blond hair, throwing him out of the ring! He hops over the top rope, going to Calvin and making the cover in an attempt to win the 24/7 title...








The ref calls for the bell again, and Knight leaves, the 24/7 title held up in his right hand! Dreams and Slacker, seeing Knight bailing, do the same, and the crowd erupts as the three celebrate with Knight's newly won belt as we...




WINNER: Shattered Dreams, Peter Knight, and the Parka via DQ


MC:"T.E. broke out the glass, but PK kicked some ass. The Dream Machines get another one up on T.E., as Peter Knight is the NEW OAOAST 24/7 Champion!"


Coach:"I cringed with some of those bottle shots, Michael. I can't fathom to think of the PPV!"

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Guest Zack Malibu

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" echoes through the arena. It is the first time in a long time that song has been heard on an OAOAST show. The fans reaction is just like when the glass breaks on Steve Austin's music, as they jump to their feet for the reappearance of OAOAST cult favorite Cobainwasmurdered!


::CWM enters the ring to a standing ovation. He beckons for silence and waits for the fans to stop screaming.::



CWM: I'm glad none of you have forgotten me. I know one person in particular who seems to want to see me in this ring...The Blacker Scorpion. I don't know who the hell this creep is but all I know is I've been recieving death threats in the mail. This guy is bent to get me back in the OAOAST.


There's nothing I enjoy more than performing in front of all my fans. I would love to do that again. But The Fact i...


::THe Lights go out, and when they come on The Blacker Scorpion is in the ring::


TBS: But what Cobainwasajunkie? There's no but to it. You are destined to fight me, just as you are destined to lose. What's wrong? Have you turned into a COWARD?


::CWM just stands there listening to TBS yell at him::


TBS: That's it isn't it. You're past your prime and you're too Scared to face me.


CWM: I'm not scared of anyone!! I've been Tag Champion, hardcore champion, and even the WORLD champion. I was the best in the business! But...my time is over. I don't want anything to do with the OAOAST anymore. I've been burned by men like Tony149 and Big Poppa Popick one too many times and I won't EVER wrestle here again. That's what I came here to say tonight.


:CWM turns to the fans::


CWM: You will never ever see my in a ring again.


::CWM drops the mic and walks out of the ring and right past a crying child wearing a "Come Back CWM" shirt.::




Coach:"I was so psyched Michael. I thought it was the big return too. But CWM wants nothing to do with HeldDOWN or The Blacker Scorpion!"


MC:"Fans, after this last commerical break, it's time. Zack Malibu vs. The Purist, it's Title vs. Career!"

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Guest Zack Malibu

MC:"The challenge was laid out by the Purist several weeks ago. He felt Zack Malibu was dodging worthy competitors. Folks, these two men are meeting for the first, and what could be the last time!"


The screen goes to black and white, as James E. Cornette walks to the ring, swinging his tennis racket and a smile from ear to ear. He steps into the ring, and is handed the mic by the ring announcer.


JC:"Ladies and gentlemen, this next match, scheduled for one fall, is for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship!"


*Large crowd pop at the announcing of the title match*


JC:"Introducing first, the challenger. He is a man of true talent. A throwback to the days when scores were settled by two men in the ring, and nowhere else. He exemplifies a strong determination, and a will to win. He is a former X Division titleholder, and tonight, he shall leave the arena as the NEW OAOAST World Champion...I give you...THE PURIST!"


The Purist walks out from behind the curtain, and stands at the top of the ramp, fixing his wrist tape and twisting his neck to loosen up. He begins on his walk to the ring, keeping up a slow pace, as the fans jeer him on his way. He turns to acknowledge several of them, but turns away before he can respond, simply making it to the ring, and entering via rolling under the bottom rope. He gets to his feet, and continues to warm up, as Cornette hands the mic back to the announcer, and heads over to his protege for some last minute words of encouragement.


MC:"Well Coach, it's time to do or die for that man right there. He's wanted a shot at the World Title for the last few weeks, and tonight is his first, and possibly last, shot."


Coach:"Purist accused Zack of ducking him, and finally Zack has answered the call. Is this the result of a man who is title-greedy, as he's only recently lost the X Title...or is it a final effort to save face, to prove himself? We're about to find out."


The screen goes from black and white to black, as Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" starts up.


MC:"I heard Zack got to hang with Evanescence again this past weekend, Coach."


Coach:"What!? And he didn't call me!? I HAVE to get Amy's number from him!"


MC:"You're getting as bad as Lawler."


The commentary is then cut off by a BOOM~!


"Wake me up"


Wake me up inside


"I can't wake up"


Wake me up inside


"Save me"


Call my name and save me from the dark...


Pyro bursts out from either side of the stage, as the picture regains it's normal, colorful state. Zack Malibu and Alison come out of the back, greeted by a hero's welcome from the crowd! After working the crowd up even more, the couple hold hands, walking down the aisle to the ring, where Purist stands as Cornette rubs his shoulders. Alison gives Zack a quick kiss for luck, then lets go of his hand and stays ringside, slapping hands with a few fans. Zack enters the ring, but never takes his eye off The Purist. He knows he's desperate tonight, and isn't about to give him an easy advantage.


Both men stand in the center of the ring. Zack hands the belt to the referee, who shows it to Purist, and then raises it up for all to see, signifying that it is on the line. The ref calls for the bell, and the main event is now underway!


The two men lockup, and Purist quickly drops to a knee, and throws Zack over with a fireman's carry. As he goes for Zack, the champion hooks one of Purist's legs, and then carries him over with the same manuever. Purist quickly gets back up, and both men make their move, locking up in the center of the ring. Purist goes behind with a waistlock, and then lifts Zack up, using a waistlock takedown to force him to the mat. Purist grabs Zack's left arm in an armbar, but Zack is able to stand up, and then flips forward, countering the hold and armdragging Purist to the mat! Purist gets up, and when he does, Zack waylays him with a stiff chop, causing even Jim Cornette to flinch. Zack tries another chop, but Purist keeps his arms tucked in close, blocking the shot. He boxes Zack's ears, stunning him momentarily, and then fires back with an open hand slap across Zack's chest. Zack turns away from Purist, absorbing the blow, but Purist turns him around and whips him into the ropes. Purist ducks down for a back body drop, but Zack jumps over his back and grabs him by the legs...Sunset Flip! Before the referee can make a one count, Purist rolls backwards,and grabs Zack by the legs...Catapulting him over the top rope...NO! Zack Malibu SKINS THE CAT~! He waits for Purist to turn around, and then rotates 360 degrees, catching Purist with a ROARING ELBOW~! Cornette SCREAMS "Roll out!" and Purist obliges, going under the bottom rope and to the floor, avoiding any ensuing pin attempts. Zack works the crowd a bit, while Cornette helps Purist up.


MC:"Quick thinking by Cornette, getting his guy out of there."


Coach:"Cornette has as much to lose as Purist does. If Purist loses this match, not only does he walk, but James E. is going to be out of a job! Zack's dealing with two desperate men here tonight."


Irritated, Purist climbs back into the ring, and motions for Zack to lock up with him. They do so again, and this time Purist grabs a headlock, and then uses the hold to take Zack down to the mat. He keeps it locked on, but Zack manages to manuever himself and get a leg scissors around Purist's neck, then breaks. Both men get to their feet, and Purist charges at Zack, who sidesteps him, grabs his arm, and forces him down to the mat. Zack tries to cinch in the armbar, but Purist slides out so that he's sitting up, in front of Zack. He reaches up, grabs Zack by the head, and snapmares Zack over. Purist locks Zack in a full nelson, and the champion moves from side to side, trying to break free. Zack then jumps up, kicking his legs off the top rope, but just as he does, Purist breaks the full nelson, and slams Zack to the mat headfirst! Purist dives onto Zack, hooking the leg, and gets a 1 1/2 count!


MC:"Great scouting job by the Purist. He saw Zack going to counter, and was able to stop it."


Purist picks Malibu up off the canvas, and Irish Whips him into the corner, where Zack hits with great impact. Purist walks over, and lifts Zack's head up by the chin, and then smacks him on the chest with another open hand chop. Purist kicks Zack in the ribs, knocking the wind out of the champion, and then turns from him. He walks around the ring, looking out to the fans who dislike, then turns and charges the corner, ramming his knee hard into the ribs of the OAOAST Champion! Zack falls out of the corner, slumped over and holding his ribs. Purist pulls Zack up, and lifts him up with a military press, holding him over his head. The Purist looks to have a scowl on his face, and then drops Zack forward, stomach first, across his knee!


MC:"My God! He could have broken a few ribs!"


Zack is on the canvas, curled up into a ball. His ribs are bruised, maybe even broken. Purist picks him up off the mat, and quickly locks on an abdominable stretch, capitalizing on the injured ribs. Zack grunts in pain, and when the referee goes to check if he wants to give, Purist reaches back, and grabs the top rope for leverage! The referee comes back up, and Purist quickly lets go, not wanting to get caught. Zack, gritting his teeth due to the pain, tries to hiptoss Purist over to break the hold, but again Purist reaches back and uses the top rope to his advantage. This time however, the referee sees it, and kicks Purist's arm away, causing Zack to take him over with the hiptoss! Purist gets up, and so does Zack, and Zack stops him in his tracks with a few right hands, then grabs his arm for an Irish Whip. Purist puts the breaks on and counters the Irish Whip, pulling Zack in by the arm and kneeing him in the gut. With Zack hunched over in front of him, Purist grabs Zack in a facelock, lifting him up for a suplex, but falling forward and slamming Zack facefirst onto the canvas! Zack rolls onto his back, and Purist comes off the ropes, landing a fistdrop on the forehead of Malibu! Purist again makes a pin attempt, but victory is thwarted when Zack gets a shoulder up before the three count!


Purist picks Zack up, and with both men standing far from the ropes, he locks his arms around Zack's ribcage, and squeeze with a bearhug!


Coach:"It's obvious Cole, Purist has come into this match with a strategy. He's not only trying to weaken Zack by targetting those ribs, but he could very well be trying to eliminate any future challenges should he win this match tonight. Those ribs have taken quite a pounding."


Purist, while holding Zack in the bearhug, backs up near the corner. With his arms still around Zack, he throws him into the corner hard, smashing Zack's lower back against the second turnbuckle. Purist then grabs the ropes with his hands, and starts slamming shoulders into Zack's ribs. Zack slouches in the corner, and Purist grabs him by the hair, dragging him out. He readies him in a position for a piledriver, but Zack quickly grabs his legs out from under him. Malibu falls backwards, sending Purist up and over with a CATAPULT~! into the corner! Purist slams his face on the top turnbuckle, and turns around, walking right into an STO by the champion! It takes a moment for Zack to get up, but when he does, the intense determination is apparent on his face. He picks Purist up, and throws him backwards into the corner, then kicks him several times in the gut to stun him. Zack then goes up to the second rope, and starts firing off punches one at a time, while the crowd counts along. Purist shakes the cobwebs loose, and throws Zack off of him, but Zack lands on his feet and comes right back at him, hopping up to the second rope and firing off more punches. Purist again throws him off, but Zack again lands on his feet, then comes at him and monkey flips him out of the corner! Purist scrambles to his feet, and looks up to see Zack running, then leaping at him, blasting him with a flying forearm! Zack lets out a war cry, and the fans in the arena shout right back, as their hero is back on the attack! Zack picks Purist up, but Purist nails him with a kidney punch to stun him. Purist grabs both of Zack's legs and lifts him up, then drops him over the top rope onto the apron! Purist goes for a punch to knock Zack to the floor, but Zack blocks it, then goes between the second and top rope and shoulders Purist in the gut! He signals for a sunset flip, but Purist recovers in time, and he shoulders Zack as he stands ont the apron! Purist grabs him in a facelock, and lifts him over the ropes for a suplex, only to have Zack shift his weight and land on him! Zack hooks a leg and Purist is squirming....CORNETTE PUTS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES!


Jim Cornette RAN over and put Purist's free leg up on the bottom rope, not wanting his prodigy to be outdone. Zack gets up, and looks out to Cornette briefly, before picking Purist up off the mat. Purist knocks Zack's hand away, and then clotheslines him, sending both competitors over the top rope and to the floor! Zack pushes himself to his feet, and Cornette is waiting on him, running forward and jabbing him in the ribs with the tennis racket! Zack folds over, his injured ribs taking the impact of that racket. Cornette spins his racket in his hand, and looks to slam it down on Zack's back, but Alison comes from behind Cornette, and takes it out of his hands! Shocked, James E. turns around, and Alison BLASTS him over the head with it, knocking the Prince of Polyester out!


Purist sees this incident as he's getting up. He wipes the sweat from his brow, and starts yelling at Alison. He checks on Cornette, and seeing that he's knocked out, is enraged. He starts walking towards Alison, following her around the side of the ring, and not paying attention to his opponent. The crowd pops as Zack gets up, and jumps up to the apron, watching this go on. A few seconds later, Purist turns to head back, and is met with the Apron Run Diving Clothesline by Zack! Zack soars through the air and drills Purist with the clothesline, so hard that both of Purist's feet come up about 2 feet in the air! Zack makes sure that Alison is OK, and pulls the Purist to his feet. He throws him back into the ring, and then climbs up on the apron himself, however he is met with a running shoulderblock through the ropes by Purist that sends him flying backwards, his back smacking the security rail!




Purist snaps out of his daze, and rolls out to the floor. He pulls Zack up off the floor, and lifts him in a back suplex position, but then throws him forward, smashing his ribcage on the apron! Zack falls back to the floor, and Purist simply picks him right back up, and rolls him in under the bottom rope. Purist steps through the ropes, back into the ring, and stands above Zack, stomping him. He pulls him up, and with Zack in the center of the ring, again locks on a bearhug!


Coach:"This could be all it takes, Michael. Zack's ribs have withstood a LOT of punishment. He's visibly sore right now, and even the slightest pressure from this bearhug could force him to tap."


Purist squeezes, keeping the pressure on Zack. Alison starts pounding the apron, and the fans stomp and clap along, as a "Let's Go Zack" chant breaks out in the arena. Every time Zack tries to fight his way up, Purist squeezes harder, fueled by the resistance of the champion. Finally, Zack pushes himself to stand upright, and fires an elbow into Purist's face. Another one, and finally a third phases Purist enough to let go off the hold. He quickly takes a shot at Zack, but Malibu ducks, and grabs him by the waist...BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX! 1...2...KICKOUT!


Zack gets to his feet first, and kicks Purist in the stomach as he's getting up, and grabs him for a POP DROP~! NO! Purist slams a forearm to Zack's side, again using those exposed ribs to his advantage. He kicks Zack in the gut, and pulls him into a standing headscissors...PILEDRIVER! ZACK BOUNCES OFF THE MAT! Purist hooks the leg...NO! ZACK KICKS OUT AT 2 3/4!


Angry, Purist grabs Zack and pulls him up, right into another Piledriver...NO! Zack pulls Purist's legs out, and then stomps him where the sun don't shine! Purist wiggles on the mat, and Zack regains his senses, and starts heading for the top! He perches himself up on the third rope, and is set to leap off...WAIT WHAT? CORNETTE IS UP! CORNETTE IS ON THE APRON AND HAS ZACK BY THE FOOT!


Zack kicks him away, and then jumps down to the canvas. He grabs Cornette, who begs off, and brings him into the ring the hard way! Cornettte fumbles around, pleading to Zack not to hurt him. Zack grabs him by the collar, and looks into Cornette's eyes, showing him that he's not playing anymore. Cornette begs off, and Zack let's him go!?


MC:"Jim Cornette's life was just spared, and I don't know why. Hit him Zack!"


Zack lets go of the annoying manager,and even brushes him off a bit. Zack turns his attention back to the Purist, as Cornette continues to brush himself...SCHOOL'S OUT TO JIM CORNETTE~!




Cornette is OUT on the canvas! Zack heads back for the Purist, but the technical wonder comes at him, charging him and lifting him up off the mat. Purist puts Zack on the top rope and slaps him to daze him, but as he mounts the second turnbuckle Zack shoves him off. Purist again tries climbing up, but Zack kicks him off, holds onto his arm, and then jumps off the turnbuckles, delivering a TORNADO SINGLE ARM DDT~! Zack wastes no time in covering the Purist, who GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES JUST BEFORE THE THREE COUNT!


Zack is in disbelief. He gets to his feet, as Purist struggles to get up, pushing himself up on all fours. Zack sees his opportunity, and bounces off the ropes, slamming his knee into the side of Purist's head...ZACK ATTACK~! Malibu again lays himself across The Purist...2 7/8 COUNT~! PURIST IS NOT GOING DOWN!


Zack slowly gets up, and picks the Purist up as well. The near lifeless body of the Purist suddenly gets a spark of energy, and grabs Zack Malibu, spinning around and drilling him into the mat with a powerslam! Purist hooks the tights for good measure...KICKOUT BY THE CHAMPION!


MC:"SO close Coach. This match is ready to end at any given moment!"


Purist picks Zack up, and again, sets him up for the Piledriver.


Coach:"He could do serious damage to Zack's neck if he hits this again!"


Purist readies him, but Zack falls to the mat, his body limp due to all the punishment. Purist reaches down and picks him up...SMALL PACKAGE BY ZACK!


MC:"He was playing possum!"








Coach:"Incredible! Love him or hate him, Purist's career in the OAOAST is at stake tonight, and he hasn't taken this match lightly at all!"


Zack rolls off of Purist, and lays on the mat, looking at the lights. Suddenly he KIPS UP~!, but then his face scrunches in pain, as he clutches his side.


MC:"Even the slightest move can irritate those ribs. Purist did his part in wearing Zack down."


Zack crouches down, eyeing The Purist as he gets up off the mat. Purist slowly stands up, his eyes glazed over. Zack shifts forward, and Purist sees his foot flying at him...SCHOOL'S OUT...NO! Purist catches Zack's foot,and spins him around...ZACK COMES TURNING AROUND WITH A LARIAT! Purist falls to the mat stunned, and Zack again waits on him...SCHOOL'S OUT! SCHOOL'S OUT!


Coach:"Never mind the glass ceiling Michael...Zack just shattered his glass JAW!"


Purist drops to the mat, and Zack pretty much collapses on him for the cover...








MC:"It's OVER!"


Winner:Zack Malibu in 18:44


Coach:"Michael, The Purist is OUT OF HERE!"


"Bring Me To Life" is cued, signalling Malibu's victory. The crowd cheers wildly, and some of the fans start doing the "Na na na na, hey hey hey, GOOD BYE" chant for The Purist. Jim Cornette is just now getting to his feet, and hears Zack's song. He looks in the ring and sees The Purist down, and starts screaming, tearing at his hair. The referee is exiting the ring, and Cornette chases him down the aisle, arguing with him about his officiating all the way up the ramp.


In the ring, Zack and Alison are celebrating, when Purist comes to, behind their backs. He staggers over to Zack, obviously spent, and spins the champion around. The two lock eyes for a second.


MC:"What's he going to do?"


Coach:"He's got nothing to lose here, Michael. He's quite capable of anything right now."


Purist looks at the title, draped over Zack's shoulders, and then returns to meet Zack's gaze. Purist then sticks a hand out, waiting to see if Zack accepts it.


He does.


The crowd goes wild, as The Purist raises Zack Malibu's hand up high, showing the crowd a sign of good sportsmanship. Purist shakes Zack's hand on last time, and then exits the ring.


MC:"He was the OAOAST X Champion, and tonight, he put up a hell of a fight. What a way to go out!"


Coach:"Speaking of going out, that's what we have to do now, because we are out of time! I'm Jonathan Coachman, alongside Michael Cole, and we'll see you next Thursday on OAOAST HeldDOWN~!"

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Guest Zack Malibu

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Mystery Guy



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