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Assault on Precinct 13

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I was searching for this movie for about a year and a half to rent after reading about From Dusk Till Dawn being slightly based on this movie. Well I finally rented the brand new released DVD and I must say that this movie ruled.


First off the score is fabulous as it sets an eerie tone and it isngle handedly did something that never happens to me during action movies: it was thrilling and I didn't expect some of the things that happened.


The acting is decent enough and some great quotes too.


I haven't seen The Thing but nonetheless this beats out They Live ofr best Carpenter movie IMO. A very underrated cult classic.


Any opinions?

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Guest ArkhamGlobe

I don't know if I would rate it as THE best Carpenter movie, but I would however rate as one of the best. I personally prefer Escape from New York, partly for sentimental reasons.


Anyway, Assault on Precinct 13 has a tight, extremely well-paced narrative, with a very effectively understated visual style. The acting is a bit dry at times, but nothing I can't overlook. And I agree, the score is excellent. I can still remember the first time I watched it when I was about 13 and how incredibly exciting I thought it was. The "silent" attack on the police station continues to impress me with how well constructed it is. Anyway, before I start rambling too much, I agree fully that Assault on Precinct 13 is one of Carpenter's best films.

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I agree with most of your points and although I don't like Escape from NY I could see why you'd consider it better.


BTW was I the only shocked, in an age where kids NEVER brutally die in action movies unless it's an explosion of some sort, at how nonchalantaly and graphically the daughter was killed?

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Actually, it's Ghosts Of Mars, I believe, that borrows many, many, MANY scenes/ideas from Assault On Precinct 13.


That said, I haven't seen it. I'll go as far as to say that it just may be the most well-known Carpenter film I HAVEN'T seen.


But, dude, nothing can top the awesomeness of The Thing. NOTHING.

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BTW watching that movie I figured where Tarantino got this part of dialogue in FDTD:


Kate: Do I save the last 2 for us?

Seth: No save the last two for the next two parasites who come at you.


In AOP13:


Secretary: Do I save the last two for us?

Wilson: No you save them for the next two fags who try to get in here.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Am I the only one who REALLY dislikes " Escape From LA " ?


I had no problems with NY, but LA was just ugh...

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Guest Vern Gagne
BTW was I the only shocked, in an age where kids NEVER brutally die in action movies unless it's an explosion of some sort, at how nonchalantaly and graphically the daughter was killed?

To this day that scene is one of the most disturbing scenes I've seen in a movie. Like you said, totally shocked me. I first saw it, even after seeing it a few times it still's uneasy to watch.

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Guest raptor

Why has no one mentioned Big Trouble In Little China? The ultimate low on substance, high on fun movie.

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