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Guest goodhelmet

Kevin Kelly on...

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Guest goodhelmet

Great interview on www.betweentheropes.com about the current state of wwe from a recent employee.


seriously, he places blame on hhh, talks about the writing staff, and comes off as honest and sincere without being bitter. good stuff!

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Guest Dangerous A

Shit, I'm at work and I can't listen to it right now.


I'll have to try later.

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Guest goodhelmet

sorry brother, i am not typing everything he said. if you have real player, you can listen to it from the comfort of your home in front of the computer.

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Guest TheGame2705

It's an hour long. So far what I've heard has pissed me off.


He mentions how proud he is to have seen Batista on TV. :-\ He should be shot for even implying he'd want him on TV.


"The business would have picked up anyway regardless of Stone Cold and Attitude. "

Uh huh, suuure.


"The business always picks up at the beginning of the decades." Because this decade has been such a fucking boom period..


"Lex Luger was what most of us thought he was, a steaming turd." A steaming turd that bombed because in what was supposed to be his big heroic match, he won by countout. He's also such a steaming turd that he was a main focus of WCW and had amazing crowd heat during the boom period.

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Guest TheGame2705

I'm done with it. Hour gone by. It was a waste. He contradicted his earlier statement about how the business goes in cycles no matter what by saying "Who knows if it would have gone into another good cycle if XFL hadn't failed" He talks about how Triple H is the top guy on RAW so he's to blame for everything. Overall it was mainly bitter and anything you'd expect from someone who got the boot. Funny how he also said that there was no purpose for all these nostalgic returns but said it would be good if Sting returned for nostalgia purposes.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I always forget that Kevin Kelly knows his shit because I only know him as a shill dude. That was a good interview, good use of an hour.


And the ending was hilarious.

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop

Kevin Kelly's an snobbish asshole who honestly knows little-to-nothing, and thinks he does because he was the lowest T.R. guy in WWE at one point. Don't believe me? Ask any of the guys in Memphis, where he got a rep for "playing" Vince McMahon, acting like he owned the world, or ask any of the really good indy guys who got passed up for look-sees so Kevin's buddies could steal all the tryouts (that includes that major league ass-kisser Vito Denucci, who was hosting BTR).

Edited by Phoenix Fury Legdrop

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Guest Kid Kablam
I'm done with it. Hour gone by. It was a waste. He contradicted his earlier statement about how the business goes in cycles no matter what by saying "Who knows if it would have gone into another good cycle if XFL hadn't failed" He talks about how Triple H is the top guy on RAW so he's to blame for everything. Overall it was mainly bitter and anything you'd expect from someone who got the boot. Funny how he also said that there was no purpose for all these nostalgic returns but said it would be good if Sting returned for nostalgia purposes.

I believe what he said was that Sting was an exception because he could still go, and was still in good shape. I thought that his praise of Batista was more in relation to the farm system, and that it was a triumph of OVW.

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Guest papacita

I don't necessarily agree with him about the cyclical nature of the business, but most of what he said was on point. I didn't sense any bitterness from him.

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"Lex Luger was what most of us thought he was, a steaming turd." A steaming turd that bombed because in what was supposed to be his big heroic match, he won by countout. He's also such a steaming turd that he was a main focus of WCW and had amazing crowd heat during the boom period.

Not really. Given how Luger did jack shit save be the #1 whipping boy for the NWO during the bulk of WCW's boom period, you could have anyone put in Luger's spot and they would have drawn massive face heat...

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Guest TheMikeSC
It's an hour long. So far what I've heard has pissed me off.


He mentions how proud he is to have seen Batista on TV. :-\ He should be shot for even implying he'd want him on TV.


"The business would have picked up anyway regardless of Stone Cold and Attitude. "

Uh huh, suuure.


"The business always picks up at the beginning of the decades." Because this decade has been such a fucking boom period..


"Lex Luger was what most of us thought he was, a steaming turd." A steaming turd that bombed because in what was supposed to be his big heroic match, he won by countout. He's also such a steaming turd that he was a main focus of WCW and had amazing crowd heat during the boom period.

Umm, no offense, but the pops Luger got during WCW's "boom" wasn't great face heat on his part --- it was that nWo had such massive heel heat. Heck, DDP got good pops LONG before he even SNIFFED being over on his own right.


Lex is, quite possibly, the worst worker I've ever seen and the are guy who got WORSE as he got more experience. It is completely fitting that in his last major match, he was squashed in less than a minute. Few get the professional fates that they richly deserve. He only got countout win over Yoko at SummerSlam because, in spite of the WWF doing all they could to get him over --- Luger was NOT over.


And, had he learned to not shoot his mouth off, he WOULD have won the title at WrestleMania X.


And, WWF WAS hot as heck when this decade started. 2001 was a rather good year for business, even with the economy doing poorly.


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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The interview was good, but at times really goofy. Esp. with the stuff about wrestling being 'cyclical'. That is such a wide-brush and doesn't do anything to explain why companies rise and fall.

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