LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted May 31, 2003 I think what it all boils down to is that the WWE has trouble KEEPING a wrestler looking strong. If they're not on top, they're usually stuck doing something stupid. They seem to not care about how a wrestler looks if he's not in the main event at the time. Then later down the line they want him for a main event spot again and they have to do a lot to make him look strong again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 I think what it all boils down to is that the WWE has trouble KEEPING a wrestler looking strong. If they're not on top, they're usually stuck doing something stupid. They seem to not care about how a wrestler looks if he's not in the main event at the time. Then later down the line they want him for a main event spot again and they have to do a lot to make him look strong again. That's the problem in a nutshell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dangerous A Report post Posted May 31, 2003 That and they don't realize Angle has done fairly well in pro wrestling IN SPITE of the writing, not because of the writing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 That and they don't realize Angle has done fairly well in pro wrestling IN SPITE of the writing, not because of the writing. I think that really pisses them which causes them to write worse and worse material for him. It's a vicious cycle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Hmm...Anglesault...slightly off topic...but what do you think of Kurt's boys, Team Angle? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 (edited) Hmm...Anglesault...slightly off topic...but what do you think of Kurt's boys, Team Angle? The Brock feud did SO much damage to them and they recovered so quickly. I like them and they seem to be durable. (Note to WWF writers: Just becase someone can bounce back from terrible writing, that does not give you the right to stop trying to write good stuff for them. (See Angle, Kurt) Edited May 31, 2003 by Anglesault Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 31, 2003 or Jericho, Chris. Angles first title run can be summed up like this: His only clean win that I can recall was against Essa Rios on Heat. The second one can be summed up like this: Really short. The thrid one can be summed up like this: Brock's bitch. Angle got pushed, ALOT, they just didn't push him as anything other than a mid-kard komedy akt. He was a clown when he should have been a king - or at least, he should have evolved beyond the milkman, cry baby and into a legit main event superstar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 mid-kard komedy akt. Are you trying to imply that he was in the Klan? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 or Jericho, Chris. Good point. I'm shocked by the amount of people on this board who justify the terrible writing for guys like Jericho or Angle with "Well, their heat is bulletproof, so what diference does it make if they are put into something stupid?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 31, 2003 KKKurt Angle. It's a surefire gimmick. He'd be the olympic cross-burner. What I find silly is how people can say "oh he's a 3 time WWE champ" or "he was the first undisputed champ" when their title runs were jokes. Winning a title doesn't mean they are handling you well - it just means that when they handle you poorly, it gets noticed by a lot more people. And when they drop you from the top, people see that and say "well, HE wasn't good enough". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted May 31, 2003 The problem is that the writers only write strong programs for guys named Austin/HHH/Rock, who they have invested SO MUCH time in. They still have not moved on and accepted the fact that they need to book Angle/Jericho/Benoit/Booker T strongly. The fact that a superstar such as Kurt Angle has maintained his strong heat for this long shows how truly talented he is. Anglesault's bitching, while outlandish at times, is justified. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Hamburglar Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Angle's first reign was awesome. I could care less about wins, credibility and all that shit because it was a reign that was consistently funny and entertaining. Angle winning the Cell match was all kinds of cool, because it had actually been booked in a way where you were sure this had to be the last straw for his title reign. And it ended with him seguing from his comedy character into the crazed Ankle Breaker in a fantastic match with Rock. It was simply a really fun title reign, far better than Jericho's weak-champion reign which was crippled by Jericho not being devious or funny enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Yeah! Who cares about credibility! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Austin3164life Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Comedic Wrestler = A joke in fans eyes Serious Wrestler Who Cares About What He Does for a living, thrives while being a World Champion = A real superstar in fans eyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted May 31, 2003 It was simply a really fun title reign, far better than Jericho's weak-champion reign which was crippled by Jericho not being devious or funny enough. Oh yeah, because he had PLENTY of opportunities to do that while he was on a Steph mandated "Moisturizers from Around the World" search and running over dogs, didn't he? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Hamburglar Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Oh, come on. If Angle was booked the way you guys wanted him to be we would never have seen the greatness that was his interview with the Rock, or his exploits with Edge, Christian and the kazoo, or any of the really funny stuff the guy was involved with. I realise that now is the time for Angle to be all inspirational face, but his heel character back then is what made everyone like him. To denigrate that character is to take away a vital and enduring part of Angle's greatness. Edit - Hey, I like Jericho, but he didn't do himself any favours in his title reign. He was booked terribly, but his mic work was also rather one-note and pedestrian. He wasn't as convincingly self-delusional as Angle was, and as a result wasn't as effective. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Angles first title run can be summed up like this: His only clean win that I can recall was against Essa Rios on Heat. Don't forget Crash Holly! And he broke Scotty 2 Hotty's ankle! btw, I got some of your pride stuff on Kazza. Watching people get thier noses broken by kneelifts is oddly amusing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Oh, come on. If Angle was booked the way you guys wanted him to be we would never have seen the greatness that was his interview with the Rock, or his exploits with Edge, Christian and the kazoo, or any of the really funny stuff the guy was involved with. I realise that now is the time for Angle to be all inspirational face, but his heel character back then is what made everyone like him. To denigrate that character is to take away a vital and enduring part of Angle's greatness. Edit - Hey, I like Jericho, but he didn't do himself any favours in his title reign. He was booked terribly, but his mic work was also rather one-note and pedestrian. He wasn't as convincingly self-delusional as Angle was, and as a result wasn't as effective. That was a good midcard character in 2000. The crack writing staff was STILL DOING IT in late 2002 when he should have been a main eventer. He wasn't as convincingly self-delusional as Angle was, and as a result wasn't as effective. Because Angle's self-dilusional idiot champion character made him a STAR! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 31, 2003 I think all champions should be booked strong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 I think all champions should be booked strong. Exactly. Hamburgler, you're a Brock fan. For his 1st heel reign, should he have gotten the Angle-Jericho Special? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest INXS Report post Posted May 31, 2003 First heel reign? Didn't the fans turn him face the night he won the title from The Rock? I remember reading he was getting more of a face pop then Taker on smackdown during that feud. Isn't that way they had to turn him face? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted May 31, 2003 They turned him face after the Taker series. I just don't really get the point of a weak champion. I can see them doing an angle where the champion ducks a certain opponent, but said champion still should be booked strong against everyone else. They couldn't even do that for Jericho when he won the undisputed championship (irony there). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 31, 2003 First heel reign? Didn't the fans turn him face the night he won the title from The Rock? I remember reading he was getting more of a face pop then Taker on smackdown during that feud. Isn't that way they had to turn him face? He got a big face reaction one night, then it all kind of went quiet again or about a month, and then he was getting pretty over a a heel. Sometime after No Mercy, he started to became a face and they actually turned him at SurSer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest INXS Report post Posted May 31, 2003 Yes I know he stayed heel but weren't they editing out his face pops to keep Undertaker over (and happy) and because of that they eventually had to turn him face? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted June 1, 2003 There are several angles/programs with Angle that I didn't like. They are as follows. The Love Triangle - While I do like it when heels feud with each other, this angle had some problems. First off, Angle is married. I, for one, don't like it when married wrestlers have on-air relationships or infatuations. Besides that, the angle had no real pay-off. It is mentioned occasionally, but mostly forgotten. Second Triple H feud - This was just pathetic. Angle was emasculated VERY badly in this feud. Putting over midcard wrestlers - Probably the worst one. Angle was used to get over midcard wrestlers (where was Triple H?). First off, Angle beats Edge clean in their feud. That should have been the end. Done. Instead, the victory is NEVER mentioned. Then, we have Angle beaten and shaved bald. And lets not forget Cena and Spanky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JDMattitudeV1 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 My main problem is the way that Angles first reign was booked as a side act to the Austin/HHH feud. However in the last couple of weeks in his run, and the first couple of weeks after they booked him perfectly, as a mad man who can break your ankle in a second for no other reason than the fact that he can. A month later he was back to the comedy character. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites