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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

How Precious Is Life?

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Guest Insanityman

1.) Could you ever kill a human being out of personal revenge?

~Yes, has to be an extreme case.


2.) Could you ever kill a human being for money?



3.) Could you ever kill a human being for religous reasons?



4.) Could you kill a person because a siginificant other wanted you to?

~...No, unless it's an extreme case like rape and beaten- even then a beat down seems more of an answer.


5.) Could you pre-meditate the death of another person, planning it out to the last detail?

~Maybe, it'd have to be if I was in some organization.


6.) Could you kill just to "get another person out of the way?"




7.) Could you die for your country?

~Hmm, maybe. If I was extremely into a cause.


8.) Could you die for another person?

~I know a few people that I would (considering I think there's nothing after death it doesn't seem nearly as bad to take one for a loved one- I wouldn't realize I'd be dead anyway).


9.) Could you die for your religon?



10.) Why or why not do think killing is wrong?

~I think it's wrong, but not unexcusable. For the right cause, I could see myself taking another's life, and war doesn't really irk me. So it's wrong, but I don't think much of it.


I'd kill in self defense, however.

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