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Guest Ghettoman

Who else is enjoying Team Angle vs Eddie/Tajiri-

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Guest Ghettoman

This is my favorite fued/angle/story right now in the WWE hands down, and for one main reason-


Were getting character developement through there in-ring work. I mean it's like the little backstage segments are totally unneccesary, even though if there's anyone who deserves some mic time it's those two. Were finally getting a fued that's producing some fun matches, with some unique, smart booking, including just some hilarious finishes.


It's not like there just going out there to run through and go in the back, which almost every Raw match seems to be these days, it's actually as if there trying there damn'dest to get the story of the match across and it's making for some great TV.


Team Angle's the ideal tag-team, smart match scheme based on there characters alone, good double team work, and considering how early these guys are in there career it's as if we should be already pinning the Jannety....Still looking a little green, but at least they got some good booking on there side.


The one-upping on the cheating is just great, for the first time in a while when something I didn't get happened, I actually cared to know(who rang the bell), and was out of my seat going "What the hell". I haven't seen this much thought put into the actual booking of a match in a while.


So is anyone else loving this change of pace? Rather than a ten minute run-through with a badly placed commercial break, were getting a smartly booked basic story match with a well placed commercial break and a really unique finish, and personally I'm loving it....



EDIT: Oh and hello everyone I'm Ghettoman, I post at WZforums and that shithole Smarkschoice B-) . Lurked now and then and finally realized I needed an account to post, so here I am!

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Guest EternallyLazy

Eddie/tajiri vs. Team Angle is the only thing that's keeping me as a regular viewer of SD (well, until next week when Kurt returns) so yes I am enjoying it. I am just completely amazed at how good Team Angle is right now. Sure, I admit, at times they seem a little green, but with time, I have no doubt they'll become one of the greatest tag teams in years (assuming they keep them together)

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Guest Anglesault

Pre-J-Day, it was annoying me, but now I'm really getting into it.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They work really well together, Tajiri was a fine choice, stylistically, as a tag team partner for Eddie.

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Guest JMA

I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

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Guest EternallyLazy
I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

yeah, he tore his bicep??


or was it his tricep?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

yeah, he tore his bicep??


or was it his tricep?





Bicep = arm

Tricep = leg




I think...

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Guest CanadianChick
I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

yeah, he tore his bicep??


or was it his tricep?





Bicep = arm

Tricep = leg




I think...

No, they're different parts of the arm.

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I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

yeah, he tore his bicep??


or was it his tricep?





Bicep = arm

Tricep = leg




I think...

Bicep and Tricep are both arm...


Bicep is the top muscle, tricep the bottom muscle.

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Guest Choken One

The Smackdown tag team scene has been impecable since it's inception last Fall.


They haven't put the titles on Unneccesary teams and the angles have been good and not to mention the GREAT wrestling we've been getting...


I was hesistant with Tajiri as Eddy's partner but seeing what they can do with it...I'm glad it was him and not Benoit or Rhyno...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Tajiri and Eddie reeks of Heyman.

no no, it smells of Heyman. Reek is bad. Like "Torrie and Sable reeks of Heyman".


Personally, I think Tajiri is a great partner for Eddy. Thier styles (or lack thereof) are really similar. And the stupid skits remind me of Tajiri in the last year of ECW. (read: awesome)

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'm digging it so far. I'm going to be pissed when Eddy and Yoshi drop the belts though. Team Angle is only over cause they have Kurt's heat and they're dull.

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Guest Choken One

I believe that they are getting their own heat now...for the enterance...yeah that's Angles Heat...but during the match...They make their own heat...


Team Angle just might be the complete package as a tag team...

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Guest Downhome

I can't put into words how much I love it, so I might as well not even try.


I just love their matches, and to be honest, I've loved their SD matches a LOT more than their Ladder Match. I also love how Eddie/Tajiri keep winning, it's great. :D

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

How has the tag team division been 'impecable' when the first Tag Champs only held it for 2 weeks?


My intentions with the word 'reek' was to imply an intenseness, rather than unpleasantness. Anywho, the oddball pairing is classic heyman... plus who in the WWE would ever push for Tajiri?

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Guest Choken One

What does the length of the title reigns have to do with the thing?


It has had great teams...Great Storylines...and great Matches...


What's not impeccable about that?

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Guest AndrewTS
Tajiri and Eddie reeks of Heyman.

no no, it smells of Heyman. Reek is bad. Like "Torrie and Sable reeks of Heyman".


Personally, I think Tajiri is a great partner for Eddy. Thier styles (or lack thereof) are really similar. And the stupid skits remind me of Tajiri in the last year of ECW. (read: awesome)

No, Sable and Torrie reek of manjuice. :P


And yes, Team Angle vs. Eddy/Tajiri rules. If we're getting it next week, that, Angle's return, Matt vs. Rey Mysterio--if they give them a good amount of time the show automatically is a must-see for me.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah but we always run the risk of Mr. America and Sable to kill the greatness like it was KOTR 1995

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

When your first champions only successfully defend the titles once (or did they even do that?), then there are value issues that need to be dealt with. 5 Champions in 7 months, 3 champions in 1, am I the only person who sees a problem here?


Also, the Tag Team Division is a one feud division - there needs to be *more* teams, and these teams need to be wrestling more often. The credibility of a title not only comes in who has it, what matches they are involved in, and how long it is held; but it is also comes from who wants it.


Impecable: Without defect or error; faultless; flawless.

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Guest Choken One

I thought you liked good wrestling? So why are you looking for the negatives to ruin it all?

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Guest Kamui

I'm with all of you on Tajiri/Eddie-Team Angle. I loved Tajiri as Eddie's replacement (even though I was expecting Benoit), and this past week's tag team match was the best yet. I'd easily give that ****.


Team Angle is a GREAT tag team, and they're only going to get better. And I'm really surprised how well Eddie and Tajiri have been working as a team.


I'm only worried that last week's match might not be top-able, but I'm certainly willing to watch them try.



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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
I didn't get Judgment Day. Why is Tajiri replacing Chavo? Was Chavo injured?

yeah, he tore his bicep??


or was it his tricep?





Bicep = arm

Tricep = leg




I think...

Bicep and Tricep are both arm...


Bicep is the top muscle, tricep the bottom muscle.

It has been brought to my attention that I am an idiot, and know nothing about science.

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Guest Choken One

what does That have to do with Science?


If anything it's something you learn in either Physiology...Health or Weight Training...

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Guest Matt Young

Now by science, you mean anatomy... Anyway, I have yet to view the tapes of these tag matches, but I will reply with my opinion soon. I just had to correct Mr. Jenkins.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
I thought you liked good wrestling? So why are you looking for the negatives to ruin it all?


How is calling a division weak when the division is weak "looking for the negatives to ruin it"? Yes, they have some great tag matches - I've said for a while that the two best things (see, the two only good things) the WWE does is Production and Multi-man matches - but that does not make for a great division, ESPECIALLY when those great matches are spread between a few select guys, most of whom are established *singles* wrestlers.

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Guest deadbeater

Sigh...many good wrestlers make great tag partners. As there is a dearth of individual belts the male over 225# group can fight for, the tag belts are more important.

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