Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 1, 2003 So, we know a few matches for Bad Blood, but not all of them. What is the final card going to look like you think? Here's what I think is going to happen: HIAC, World title match: HHH vs. Nash (already announced) Goldberg vs. Jericho (already announced) Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane (already announced) Shawn Micheals vs. Ric Flair (already announced) Booker T vs. Christian (already announced, I think) Women's Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Jazz (I think they kinda started a feud last week on Heat) Trish vs. Victoria (I'm guessing since Trish was out commentating Victoria's match. It might mean something) Hurricane vs. Lance Storm (just a random match I though of) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Space_Cowboy Report post Posted June 1, 2003 They'll stick some crap involving Test and Steiner on the card, to continue their epic feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Oh yeah...then move Storm/Hurricane to Heat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane Ugh... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I think La Resistance will win. I kind of see them as the Team Angle of Raw, as a young team who come in, get pushed, and win the tag titles quickly. Hopefully they can pick it up in the ring, now. Booker, HHH, and Goldberg will probably win, too. As for HBK/Flair, I really don't care who wins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest INXS Report post Posted June 1, 2003 There better damn well not be two women's matches! The on going Austin/Bischoff segments will take up 45 minutes of the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I too hope that La Resistance wins. It will FINALLy break up RVD/Kane. Seeing Kane leech off RVD's heat gets annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Decadent Slacker Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I find it funny...nothing in particular, i just find this whole event funny. So i'll offer my side anyway: Oz Vs Tera Ryzin: The match will either suck or be surprisingly watchable. Put money on suck. I look for the clique guy with the bad wheel to win. Booker Vs Christian: Doesn't matter, since it'll go 5 minutes, & both guys will just get buried later by either malice or negligence. Christian should win, just to prolong the feud. RVD/Kane Vs La Resitance (French for Cheap Heat: The evil Quebec guys, because Patterson has a hard-on for them, & wants them to get pushed too. Flair Vs Michaels: The only match i'd want to see if i got roped into ordering this show. Flair cheats like a motherfucker & wins. Shawn gets his win back next PPV. Goldberg Vs Jericho If you don't already know the result you have no business being at a place called TheSmartMarks. Anything else: Drink, piss, vomit, & do whatever normal people do during shitty PPVs. For historical sake, save time by popping in KOTR '95. Yes, i'm jaded & everything, but fuck it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jester Report post Posted June 1, 2003 HIAC, World title match: HHH vs. Nash -The very existence of this match depresses me. Things are bad no matter who wins. But I figure since Booker is probably taking the IC belt, "Well uh Vince a face is already winning uh, so I should probably go over-uh. Plus, uh, Kevin sucks." Goldberg vs. Jericho -some screwy non-finish to extend the feud. Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane -the Frenchies by massive cheating. They probably don't have anything for RVD and Kane to do, so they won't split them. This might be the beginning of a long, painful, agonizing feud. Shawn Micheals vs. Ric Flair -I think it will be Flair. Booker T vs. Christian -Booker. Women's Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Jazz -If it happens, it will be another pointless three or four way with Jackie, Victoria and Trish. Jazz retains. Trish vs. Victoria -I don't see this happening. Hurricane vs. Lance Storm (just a random match I though of) -Hurricane, hopefully Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest deadbeater Report post Posted June 1, 2003 (edited) Either Trish vs Victoria or Jacqueline vs Jazz should be Hell in a Cell. Edited June 1, 2003 by deadbeater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Space_Cowboy Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I too hope that La Resistance wins. It will FINALLY break up RVD/Kane. Seeing Kane leech off RVD's heat gets annoying. I think the Frenchies will win, but they'll keep RVD & Kane together and have them feud with La Resistance for about 6 months just to spite us all, Rob's going to be stuck with a Big Red Anchor on his career for a while to come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted June 1, 2003 HIAC, World title match: HHH vs. Nash - No good can come from this match. If Nash wins, we get another one of HHH's buddies holding a title that desperately needs credibility. If HHH wins or there's no finish (it can happen) we get another 2 months of HHH going over the entire roster. No good whatsoever. Goldberg vs. Jericho - Ah, yes. The old "Jericho sets 'em up, and HHH knocks 'em down" scenario. We've become quite familiar with this sneaky little device. As far as the match goes: Jericho beats Goldberg with his feet on the ropes, prompting Jericho to wake up from his coma and realize that the 'Berg almost ended his career. Oh and the 'Berg wins. Tag Team Title match: La Resistance vs. RVD/Kane - La Resistance win and I jump to my feet... realizing I've been sleeping throughout the entire show. Shawn Micheals vs. Ric Flair - Best match of the night. Shawn wins because Flair always jobs unless he's facing Jericho or Booker. Booker T vs. Christian - Christian. As I said in another thread, Booker doesn't win anything. And they can't afford to hotshot the title if they want to re-establish the IC title as anything worthy of competition. Women's Title Match: Jacqueline vs. Jazz - Who cares? Trish vs. Victoria - Ditto Hurricane vs. Lance Storm - *shrugs* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I too hope that La Resistance wins. It will FINALLY break up RVD/Kane. Seeing Kane leech off RVD's heat gets annoying. I think the Frenchies will win, but they'll keep RVD & Kane together and have them feud with La Resistance for about 6 months just to spite us all, Rob's going to be stuck with a Big Red Anchor on his career for a while to come. Oh god no. I would cry if that happened... Why must WWE continue to have Kane leech of people's heat? First X-Pac (believe it or not, he actually was popular at one time), than Hurricane, and now Rob. Damn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Wow, that was pretty negative. Oh well, *STRUTS~!* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wrestlingbs Report post Posted June 1, 2003 HHH vs. Nash: Mild Pain in a Cell: Nash, only because HHH wants that title saved from his fued with Goldberg. Jericho vs. Goldberg: Goldberg, So HHH can look good when he beats the guy. RVD and Kane vs. The French (well, two of them, well, not real Frenchmen): The Fake Frenchmen, because RVD and Kane have held the titles for two months, and that's a long time in the WWE. Christian vs. Booker T: Booker T, in a match I can't find anything wrong with. Test vs. Steiner: Test, when Stacy turns on Steiner. Rodney Mack & Nowinski vs. The Dudleys: The Mack, because I back him. Rico vs. Hurricane: Stand back, Hurricane wins. Trish vs. Somebody: Trish. Flair vs. HBK: Flair, because Flair is the man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Wow...So We're banking on two 40 year old Plus men to MAKE the show for once? Amazing. All we can hope is for Quad III and REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD COMEDY with Austin/Bischoff to MAKE something of this show... At least look at this way...They planned the shit in advance for once... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Wow...So We're banking on two 40 year old Plus men to MAKE the show for once? I thought Michaels was only in his late 30s... Flair is between 50 and 55, IIRC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kamui Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Wow...So We're banking on two 40 year old Plus men to MAKE the show for once? Amazing. Uh, you don't believe Shawn can still work after the match he had with Jericho at Wrestlemania 19, or the miracle he worked with HHH at SummerSlam? Flair, meanwhile, is Flair. He performed a similar miracle with HHH a few weeks ago (alebit a shorter one). That, to me, equals a very good, if not excellent, match, and the only reason why I'm buying Bad Blood. -Duo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Why I said 40 YEAR OLD PLUS! Nah...Shawn was born in 61 if I recall correctly..That's 42 years old... Does it really make a difference? Consider the top star (or in theory) for the other brand is only 25. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Why I said 40 YEAR OLD PLUS! Nah...Shawn was born in 61 if I recall correctly..That's 42 years old... Does it really make a difference? Consider the top star (or in theory) for the other brand is only 25. Hm. So RAW is becomming more similar to Nitro. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ViciousFish Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Raw has been Nitro for a while now. The talented guys are totally buried and the old untalented guys get everything but over. Well I'll make an exception for Flair after the last couple of weeks.....he's getting as over as he ever has to 'get' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Wow...So We're banking on two 40 year old Plus men to MAKE the show for once? Amazing. Uh, you don't believe Shawn can still work after the match he had with Jericho at Wrestlemania 19, or the miracle he worked with HHH at SummerSlam? Flair, meanwhile, is Flair. He performed a similar miracle with HHH a few weeks ago (alebit a shorter one). That, to me, equals a very good, if not excellent, match, and the only reason why I'm buying Bad Blood. -Duo First Off... Of course I think Shawn can perform on grand scale...Hell I called the WMXIX ****1/2 and every one jumped my ass about it. It's still standing as my personal MOTY, yes above The Benoit/Angle Rumble Match and Lesnar/Angle... So Yes, Shawn can still go and so can Ric Flair... This match could very well be ****+ or it could absolutly sucktatular but I wouldn' worry too much about the Latter. Ric Flair is rejuvenated and Shawn always wanted that BIG MATCH against Flair... and second off.. That statement I made was a Commentary on the state of WWE today..That a Match involving two 40+ year old men is the most ancipated match of a $35 Pay Per View... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Decadent Slacker Report post Posted June 1, 2003 OK, so where does the pool stand on HHH/Nash injuries? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Of course I think Shawn can perform on grand scale...Hell I called the WMXIX ****1/2 and every one jumped my ass about it. It's still standing as my personal MOTY, yes above The Benoit/Angle Rumble Match and Lesnar/Angle... As TSM's 1st self-proclaimed resident Jerichoholic, I am actually inclined to agree with you on that one, and I actually believe it was more along the lines of ****, being a bit harsh on Jericho because I know he is capable of sooo much more. Definitely above Angle/Lesnar (which in my opinion was around *** 1/2-****), but if the right guy went over in the HBK/Y2J match, I might be inclined to give it a higher rating. It's just that that match left me with such a damn sour taste in my mouth....Ugh... Wrestlemania was just like Summerslam last year...Great card, horrible booking. But that's WWE for ya. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Pretty low risk of any quad tearage. I don't really expect Nash or HHH to bump much in this environment. Maybe Triple H will throw Hebner off the cage or something. However, Triple H will blade like he always does these days at PPV. To a belt shot or hitting his head on the exposed turnbuckle or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest griffinmills Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Why I said 40 YEAR OLD PLUS! Nah...Shawn was born in 61 if I recall correctly..That's 42 years old... Does it really make a difference? Consider the top star (or in theory) for the other brand is only 25. IMDB is usefull for finding ages sometimes,,%20Michael Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the holy grail Report post Posted June 1, 2003 I can see a trend happening, the card for Bad Blood looks awful and most people would agree that it is gonna be awful, but i've got a little feeling that maybe, just maybe it might turn out to be a greatt PPV for what ever reason i don't know, just optimistic You have the right to abuse me in No Holds Barred i f i'm wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted June 1, 2003 There's not one match that I want to see. Congrats WWE, you fucks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest OnlyMe Report post Posted June 1, 2003 but i've got a little feeling that maybe, just maybe it might turn out to be a greatt PPV That can't be right... you should see a doctor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted June 1, 2003 No I can see where he is coming from...By us giving ourselfs LOW expectations...The show has the potential to surprise and be a good fun ppv... Considering that Shawn/Flair could be something great...Booker in his hometown...Quad Tearage...Austin/Bischoff hilarity... It could be one of those quirky entertaining crap ppvs... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites