Bored 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 June 3, 1996 John Tenta def. Big Bubba by count out The Faces of Fear def. High Voltage Sgt. Craig Pittman def. Disco Inferno Steven Regal def. Jim Duggan Kevin Sullivan def. Prince Iaukea Ric Flair & Arn Anderson def. The Rock n Roll Express The Giant def. Ice Train Scott Norton def. Hugh Morrus Sting & Lex Luger NC The Steiner Brothers; Tag Title Match June 2, 1997 Glacier def. Alex Wright Buff Bagwell def. Joe Gomez Prince Iaukea def. Hugh Morrus The Great Muta & Masahiro Chono def. The Steiner Brothers Dean Malenko def. Michael Wallstreet; U.S. Title Match Damien & Ciclope def. Harlem Heat Chris Benoit def. The Barbarian Ric Flair def. Scott Hall by DQ June 1, 1998 The Cat def. Jerry Flynn Raven & Saturn def. The Public Enemy Alex Wright def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. Konnan def. Lenny Lane Fit Finlay def. Eddy Guerrero by DQ; TV Title Match Chris Jericho def. Juventud Guerrera Chris Benoit def. Booker T Diamond Dallas Page def. Scotty Riggs Goldberg def. La Parka; U.S. Title Match Kevin Nash & Lex Luger def. Hollywood Hogan & The Giant by DQ June 7, 1999 Hak def. Prince Iaukea Scotty Riggs def. Lenny Lane Chris Benoit & Saturn (replacing Ric Flair during match) def. Diamond Dallas Page & Bam Bam Bigelow La Parka & Silver King def. Damian & Ciclope The Cat def. Horace Rey Misterio Jr. def. Bobby Duncum Jr. by DQ Buff Bagwell def. Disco Inferno Sting def. Randy Savage by DQ June 5, 2000 Shawn Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo def. Kronic by countout; Tag Title Match G.I. Bro def. Billy Kidman Eric Bischoff def. Terry Funk to win the Hardcore Title Scott Steiner def. Vampiro; U.S. Title Match Goldberg def. Tank Abbott Sting def. Jeff Jarrett Diamond Dallas Page & Ms. Hancock def. Mike Awesome & Kimberly Hollywood Hogan def. Horace in a Steel Cage Match Vince Russo def. Ric Flair in a Steel Cage Match Kevin Nash in a Gauntlet Match def. Disco Inferno, Chris Candido, Johnny the Bull, Big Vito, Rey Misterio Jr., then NC (I guess) Juventud Guerrera, Shawn Stasiak, Chuck Palumbo, Vampiro, Shane Douglas, Mike Awesome, and Konnan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Old recaps of main events/featured matches/major angle developments for this week: 1996 - Michael T. Tyler, RSPW Message Boards As the show goes off air, Scott Hall walks up to the podium where Bischoff is alone. Hall grabs Bischoff and tells him to take it easy. Hall says, Bischoff started it and now he will finish it. Sting comes up and gets laughed at. Hall says he wants 3 of the best WCW has to offer. Sting replies, "All I see is you and me." Sting wants to fight now. Hall accepts fight, but nobody tells where and when. Hall makes that decision. Sting then backslaps Hall. Hall then says he has a surprise for next week (Diesel.) Finally, after a little shoving match, Doug Dillinger & the Boys in Brown make sure nothing happens. 1997 - G.P. Ryan, RSPW Message Boards Scott Hall (w/Sean Waltman) vs. Ric Flair --break-- I sure don't see Flair/Piper as tag champs, FWIW. RF works over his left knee. When Sean gets on the apron, Ric decks him and continues pounding on Hall, who gets him into the corner and chops him but Flair counters with some of his own. SH corner whip, Flair Flip and he jumps Sean and chokes him but gets nailed by Hall. He gets pushed back-first into the apron. Heenan says Hall is one of the top 5 wrestlers in the world. Hall stomps him some. Big "Ric" chant. While Hall argues with the ref, Sean runs in and jumps on Flair's face. SH hits the fallaway slam, and RF lands on his shoulder. SH corner whip and charge. SH back suplex. Hall applies an abdominal stretch and selectively holds hands with Sean. Flair hiptosses him out of it. RF gets up and gets decked, again, and again. RF fires back with chops, whip is reversed, Hall applies a sleeper, RF escapes to a kneebuster, but takes a standing lariat and both are down. Hall drapes an arm over him for 2. A series of punches send Hall down. RF hits an inverted atomic drop and again sends Sean off the apron. Sean goes up top and gets crotched (one thinks he might have liked it). RF delivers a low backwards kick, whips Hall into that corner, Sean falls to the floor, RF hits a suplex. Sean comes into the ring and gets smacked again. The bell finally rings after Hall smacks Flair with apparently the CW belt. Mongo and Jarrett finally make the save. It's just sad at this point to watch Flair in the ring. When's he going to get the sense to retire? WINNER: Ric Flair, via DQ at 7:49 **1/4 (-1/4* for cheap finish) 1998 - CRZ, YOU KNOW WHO & GIANT (with Booty Disciple & Bret Hart) v. KEVIN NASH & THE NARCISSIST in a "Loser gets Sting" match - just kidding. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that we don't see a definitive victory here. Luger and Hogan start. Hogan does the Luger pec jump! Luger takes the ripped T shirt and wipes himself with it, then throws it to Nash, who also wipes HIMself with it. Lockup, Luger with the big shove, Hogan to the mat and shows how the pec flex is done. Hogan complains of a hair pull (if you're playing along at home, make a bald joke here) - Lockup, big headlock by Luger, Hogan powers out and Luger hits a big shoulderblock whic BARELY hits, but Hogan goes down. Hogan wants the test of strength - what's he thinking? Eyepoke from Hogan to take charge. Oh... Repeated throat shots from Hogan. Rake of the eyes, rake of the back. Arm wringer, big reversal, big tag to Nash. Hogan breaks free and is ready to tag the Giant - but Nash signs "no, no, you 'n' me" and Hogan complies. Crowd gets louder and louder. Lockup, Nash pounds Hogan into the corner. Repeated knees to the gut. Big elbow, repeat. Irish whip, follow clothesline, Irish whip, reverse, HOGAN with a clothesline. Now Hogan with the punches, tag to Giant. Lockup, Nash pushed into the corner. Giant misses a following blow and Nash hits a lot of forearms and punches. Whip into the corner, kick as Nash comes out and he's down. Headbutt by Giant (crowd is doing Hall's old Giant imitation - funny!) Another Giant headbutt and Nash goes down. Giant misses an elbow drop. Luger is tagged in. Giant begs off but Luger doesn't fall for it. Big punches in bunches. Big Irish whip, but Giant runs out with a lariat. Tag to Hogan, who chokes away, then let's Giant keep the choke on while he distracts referee "Blind" Charles Robinson. This is enough for Nash, who comes in, broadsides Hogan from behind and taunts the Giant, who is happy to run at him, which is also a bad idea. Nash pounds away until Hogan, who has picked up the WCW Title from the Disciple, whacks Nash with it in plain sight for the DQ (I hate being right - 6:36), then a whack for Luger while he's at it. Robinson is thrown out. Nash is choked by Hogan, then Giant stands on him - we're all waiting for SOMETHING to happen - and there we go, it's (THIS IS) STING, rappeling from the rafters. He avoids Luger, gets in the ring and faces Giant and Hogan - and removes his trenchcoat to reveal - AN NWO T-SHIRT. Of course, he looks like he's got more than one shirt on - after hugging Hogan, he clotheslines him! Whoa! He BODYSLAMS the Giant! He rips away his T-shirt - wait - he - he - ok, he RIPS away his T-shirt to reveal - A WOLFPACK shirt! He climbs the rops to unleash a battle cry - Luger picks him up in an embrace. The NWO (including NWO Sting!) is out to hold back Hogan and the Giant - the Wolfpack is out to celebrate in the ring. Tony says "Sting is in the Wolfpack!" about fifteen thousand times and Sting - is smiling. "The balance of power has shifted." "Don't mess around with the Wolfpack," my new favourite song, plays several times, we see a replay of the T-shirt change Heard Round the World, and we gotta go. 1999 - CRZ, RANDY SAVAGE (with Madusa 6) v. (THIS IS) STING - "Big Sexy's gone - and now - another one bites the dust - Sting is finished oooh yeah!" You know, sometimes I almost forget that Savage is bald. Just kidding. Sting rushes the ring and they scatter. Wowwwwww! Gorgeous George jumps on Sting's back to start - Savage with punches. Eyegouge. Outside we go - Sting meets the STEEL barricade - now with his throat. Miss Madness with a sleeper while Madusa kicks away. Four on one - yeah, Sting'll win. Back in the ring, choke is on, much to referee "Blind" Johnny Boone's dismay. Savage runs Sting's face along the top rope, oops leaving no makeup on the rope. We just had an earthquake at 0912! Savage standing on the neck. Well, it felt like it. Savage makes threatening motions to Boone, then goes back to Sting. Stinging jabs with the lefts. "We want puppies" chant? Heh. Savage distracts the ref, so there's a tripleteam from the ladies. Savage stands on the neck for 4, then does it again. Sting thrown through the ropes. Savage follows. Sting's head meets the commentator table. To the barricade, clubbin' blow on the back. The women up on the apron again - here's the international object - no, it's powder - right in Sting's eyes - hey, how did Boone miss that big CLOUD when he turned around? He's a professional! Sting set up on the top rope - FrankenStarla? No, Sting shoves her off! Savage just leveled Boone with a right. PILEDRIVER! I think this match is effectively over. MICKEY J. comes out to ring the bell. (DQ 4:14) So Savage chucks HIM out of the ring. Right to Sting - Sting FINALLY comes back, and with a vengenance. Savage in the corner - Savage pulled Miss Madness in front of him to block the Stinger splash! Another corner - Madusa thrown into the corner by Savage! Gorgeous George stands between Sting and Savage - Savage at least pushes HER away (hey, which one is he sleeping with again?) and takes the Stinger splash this time. RICK WOOF WOOF is out, though, and he's on Sting. Here's SUPERSTAH SCOTT STEINER as well, here's a belt shot to Sting's head - ahh, there's THE NARCISSIST come out wielding a baseball bat. Sounds like a good time to duck out before Luger turns heel on us again. (Luger wears FUBU?) See ya at the Great American Bash! 2000 - CRZ, VIC VENOM v. THE MAN (with Beth & Reid Fleihr) within the confines of the steel cage - And another thing...Russo's voice has been *cracking* all night! Y'know, that's not exactly the type of character trait you associate with "toughness." Lockup, side headlock by Russo (ha), powered out on the ropes, shoulderblock by Russo, who celebrates - so Flair walks over and grabs him - jostling for position in the corner, Russo's trick knee acts up. Russo chops (ha) Flair. Mocking strut and pose - Flair rips off Russo's shirt (noooooooo) and chops him. Chop! Chop! Flair off the ropes with a big kick to the...does he have one? Flair with a backdrop suplex. Flair with a kneedrop to the face that looked a LOT like it wasn't pulled...we could only hope Russo's nose was broken, but you gotta think Flair's too much of a professional to do it. Flair follows outside and runs Russo into the wall of the cage. Another gunshot chop. Into another wall. Russo's chest looks like hamburger. Another chop. Six piston rights. Flair poses with Russo for the camera, then runs him into another wall. DAVID FLAIR appears from...somewhere. Only Vince Russo can write a run-in for a steel cage match. Russo backhands referee "Blind" Charles Robinson and goes for the door, but Reid stops his attempts to open the door by gnawing on his finger. In the ring, Flair backdrops his son. Chop! Into the corner - DAVID FLAIR FLIP! Flair runs the apron and clotheslines him to the floor - strut - and now he's out after David. Into the cage wall. Into another cage wall. Right hand. Meanwhile, Russo has a ladder in the ring. Chop by Flair to David - right. Chop and mute, Russo has the ladder set up after several false starts. Flair over to try to stop him, but Russo kicks him away. Russo pulls a roof panel down. Russo rakes Flair's face and climbs up to the top of the cage. Flair follows. Flair making the "I'm gonna chuck him" motion - ohhh, I WISH. Flair has Russo - chop! Russo with another "almost" eye gouge, which Ric sells. Russo climbing back down to the ring - Flair steps on his hands and Russo falls to the mat. Robinson gets the ladder back in place and Flair climbs down. Flair removes the ladder from the ring. Stomping for David, stomping for Russo, figure four coming up. Russo writhing around - he probably should have tapped by now - got David's hand - he's pulling him to the bottom rope...well, no he's not. A big batch of red stuff dumps on Flair and Robinson. David puts a figure four on his father and Russo covers - David counts a quick three for Russo - Robinson comes to and counts one as well...I think. (9:23) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Stunt Granny Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Kevin Nash in a Gauntlet Match def. Disco Inferno, Chris Candido, Johnny the Bull, Big Vito, Rey Misterio Jr., then NC (I guess) Juventud Guerrera, Shawn Stasiak, Chuck Palumbo, Vampiro, Shane Douglas, Mike Awesome, and Konnan Wow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2003 Vince Russo def. Ric Flair in a Steel Cage Match Eric Bischoff def. Terry Funk to win the Hardcore Title And people wonder why WCW sucked? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bored 0 Report post Posted June 2, 2003 Yes Russo's booking was out of control around this time in 2000 and obviously Kevin Nash still had pull. Here are the recaps of the Funk/Bischoff match and the Nash gauntlet match from that show (Flair/Russo match already posted): TERRY FUNK v. CRACKA EAZY-E (with the New Godfather of Soul) for the World Hardcore Championship - Champ enters first because I don't really care. Let Us Take You Back to Spring Stampede, Thunder two weeks ago, Last Week's Nitro, and Last Week's Thunder - it's been a lotta fun for Terry Funk. Cat leads the way for Bischoff - here, catch this chair - cartwheel kick van Daminator. Cat gives nunchuks to Bischoff - Funk uses the garbage can on Cat. Bischoff threatens with the 'chuks - but only gets the can. Funk dares him - another shot to the can. Funk parrying them pretty well. Can to Bischoff's head! Cat rescues Bischoff and they walk down the raised entryway. Funk throws a can at them. Funk decides to follow them - well, throwing the can at them again. Everybody's gone. (No contest?) *recap snip* Back to the ring, where Funk promises to not only show Bischoff his wrinkled old ass, but give him "a bird's eye view" - as Funk pulls down his tights - Jesus - here comes the MAMALUKES into the ring - Funk does all right with Johnny, but Vito manages to get the better of him. Now the doubleteam kicks in - chair across Funk's face - Vito with an elbowdrop off the second rope onto the chair. Johnny puts the trashcan lid on Funk's privates, and Vito makes martial with a broomstick. The beating will continue until morale improves. Vito with a DDT. Hey, how about that C.G. Afi on ECW, huh? That was some SICK bumping going on. Mamalukes put Bischoff on top of Funk - Techer over to count - 1, 2, 3. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new hardcore champion. Boy, this show is sucking. (8:30 - sorta) KEVIN NASH runs the Gauntlet - Quick prediction: Nash squashes everybody, ostensibly burying everybody that people SWEAR are getting pushes. Hey, let's hope I'm wrong... Russo's music plays one more time - out come the NEW BLOOD ORDER. Russo, still covered in red, has THE STICK: "Nash...I'm here to reiterate the rules, ya big .... you get pinned by any one of the New Blood, and you lose your shot at the Great American Bash. And if any of the Millionaires attempt to help you, you lose your shot at the Great American Bash." DISCO INFERNO is first - hey, remember when these guys were friends? Inferno climbs on Nash's back, but Nash falls backward and sideways into a sidewalk slam for the pinfall (:08). Here comes CHRIS CANDIDO. Big boot. Truckstop powerbomb. As JOHNNY THE BULL comes in, referee "Blind" Mark Johnson drops and counts to three - despite the fact that NO part of Kevin Nash is touch ANY part of Chris Candido. What the HELL kinda rules are THESE? He doesn't even have to COVER them to get the fall? Why isn't HE getting pinned? THEY'RE not touching HIM either! Ugh. (:25) Johnny gets a powerbomb following the knee. (:30) BIG VITO is in - knee, knee, powerbomb. Nash at least tries to put a foot on his chest while Johnson counts to three (:47) He doesn't have to cover him! RAYMOND STEREO is in - well SURELY the Giant Killer will take care of Nash...big boot stops the charge. Nash steps on his chest - 1, 2, 3. (1:02) DE JUICE runs off. I guess Johnson will someone work a quick ten count to take care of him, right? PERFECTSHAWN is in - THE EVENT, JOBBIN' VAMPIRO, SHANE DOUGLAS, AWESOME MULLET, COLD BEER's music hits and HE comes lumbering out...double spear for the tag team champs. Douglas and Vampiro kick Goldberg, but Nash and Goldberg manage to work over both of them - and clear the ring. Play Goldberg's music! It's over. (2:13) Yeah, Nash went through a dozen New Blood members in just over two minutes. Now, keep in mind that this is only MY opinion - it may not necessarily be yours. THIS WAS A FUCKING JOKE. Now CRACKA EAZY-E is out. "Goldberg - Goldberg, I warned you - I warned you - and Wednesday at Thunder, I will SUSPEND you - I warned you!" "Hey Bischoff! You suspend me...and your ass is next!" With this camera shot, we miss the pyro from the corners - oh well. Tony: "What a moment! What a program we've seen! What a sendoff to Wednesday on Thunder...and to the Great American Bash this Sunday! GOODNIIIIIIIGHT!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites