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The Raw Review 6/1 - 6/7

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June 7, 1993

Shawn Michaels def. Russ Greenberg

Adam Bomb def. El Matador

Tatanka def. Peter Weeks

Irwin R. Schyster & Fatu def. Rick Steiner & Billy Gunn


June 6, 1994

Tatanka def. Crush in a Lumberjack Match; KOTR Qualifier

Bam Bam Bigelow def. John Paul

Razor Ramon def. Keith Davis


June 5, 1995

Savio Vega def. Kenny Kendall

Skip def. Barry Horowitz

Owen Hart NC Davey Boy Smith; time-limit draw; KOTR Qualifier

Jean-Pierre LaFitte def. Jerry Flynn


June 3, 1996

Steve Austin def. Bob Holly; KOTR Qualifier

Mankind def. Barry Horowitz

The Godwinns def. Team Techno 2000

Jake Roberts def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley; KOTR Qualifier


June 2, 1997

Faarooq def. Ahmed Johnson

Owen Hart def. Bob Holly; IC Title Match

Goldust def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

The Legion of Doom def. Shawn Michaels & Steve Austin by count out; Tag Title Match

Mankind def. Savio Vega; KOTR Qualifier

The Undertaker def. Sid


June 1, 1998

L.O.D. 2000 & Darren Drozdov NC The Disciples of Apocalypse in a Chicago Street Fight

Val Venis def. Papi Chulo

Marc Mero def. Steve Blackman; KOTR Qualifier

Owen Hart, The Rock, & D’Lo Brown def. Triple H & The New Age Outlaws by DQ in an elimination tag match

Jeff Jarrett def. Faarooq; KOTR Qualifier

Taka Michinoku def. Sho Funaki; LHW Title Match

Mark Henry def. Terry Funk; KOTR Qualifier

Kane def. The Undertaker


June 7, 1999

The Acolytes def. Gangrel & Edge; Tag Title Match

Kane & X-Pac def. Shane McMahon by DQ in a handicap match

The Rock def. Triple H by DQ

The Godfather def. Mr. Ass

Al Snow def. Droz; HC Title Match

Vince McMahon def. Ken Shamrock in a Lion’s Den Match

The Undertaker NC The Big Show; WWF Title Match


June 5, 2000

T&A & Val Venis def. Too Cool & Rikishi

Chris Benoit def. Road Dogg; KOTR Qualifier

Gerald Brisco def. Crash Holly; HC Title Match

The Rock def. The Undertaker and Kane in a Triple Threat Match

Eddie Guerrero & Chyna def. The Godfather & Dean Malenko

Hardcore Holly def. Faarooq; KOTR Qualifier

Edge & Christian, & Kurt Angle def. The Dudley Boyz & Chris Jericho

The Hardy Boyz def. The Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan

Triple H def. The Rock; WWF Title Match


June 4, 2001

Kane def Christian; IC Title Match

Jeff Hardy def. Matt Hardy; KOTR Qualifier

Kurt Angle, Hardcore Holly, & Crash def. The Dudley Boyz

Chris Benoit def. The Big Show

Rhyno def. Tazz

Trish Stratus def. Terri in a Bra and Panties Match

Steve Austin def. Chris Jericho; WWF Title Match


June 3, 2002

Bradshaw def. Steven Richards to win the Hardcore Title

X-Pac def. Goldust; KOTR Qualifier

Trish Stratus def. Terri in a Lingerie Match

Eddie Guerrero & Brock Lesnar def. Rob Van Dam & Bubba Ray Dudley

Booker T def. William Regal; KOTR Qualifier

The Undertaker def. Tommy Dreamer

Steve Austin def. Ric Flair

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Guest Choken One

Wow. I just hope they play up the One Year Annversery of Austin's walk out on raw...

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Guest Choken One

I was wondering that myself...



and it's odd to see all those "KOTR qualifyers" on there...

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Old recaps of main events/featured matches/major angle developments this week (grab a lunch):


1993 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


Billy the Scotsman and Rick Steiner v. Irwin R. Schyster and Fatu - Savage

wishes Howard Finkel a happy birthday, then wishes Mrs. Pritchard in Houston

a happy birthday (!). Savage does not wish me a happy birthday. Of course,

all nine guys come out. IRS gives Fatu a bill to start out against Gunn.

Fatu looks at it, gives it to Samu, who looks at it, gives it to Afa, who

looks at it, and eats it. Ho ho ho. Both faces have their way with Fatu,

getting two counts, until Fatu elbows Rick. IRS tags the upperhand.

Steiner is taken over to the corner for Fatu to hold him. Schyster bounces

off the ropes, but Steiner ducks out and Irwin nails the Samoan. As the

Headshrinkers advance on Money, Limited we take an ad break. During the

break, DiBiase and Schyster, forks over lots of money and Afa again eats it.

Ho ho ho. Rick gets thrown out of the ring, and while the ref is distracted

Dibiase and Samu take shots at him. Fatu tags in and does some more

demolishing. Quick tags. Finally, Fatu lands on Rick's knees. Both teams

tag and Gunn is a house on fire! He's a one man gang! Unfortunately, while

celebrating taking out DiBiase (who appeared on the apron), Schyster

clotheslines him from behind and pins him. The heels celebrate, the rift

healed and walk off, Afa carrying the Money, Limited briefcase.


1994 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


Crush v. Tatanka II, a lumberjack match (oh, and also a King of the Ring

Qualifier) - Everyone goes into the ring, and somehow referee "Blind" Dave

Hebner manages to get the lumberjacks back outside. Meanwhile, Crush has

taken control of the match, but Tatanka comes back until Crush throws him

out to the bad guys. IRS gets in a cheap shot, but that's about all that

happens before he's thrown back in. Crush with a 2 count followed by a lot

of offense. The good guys start pounding the mat hoping to spur on the

Native American. Crush with a slam, but he misses dropping the knee.

Tatanka comes back with a series of chops. Whip into the ropes, Mexican arm

drag (well, that's what Vince called it), and a dropkick, which sends Crush

outside to the good lumberjacks. They do nothing to him other than set him

back in. 2 count by Tatanka.


When we come back from an ad break, Crush is in an arm bar by Tatanka, and

it is the BAD lumberjacks pounding the mats. Let's examine this whole

rationale for a minute. Why would you want to root for one or the other

here? If you're in the tourney, you just might have to meet one of these

guys down the line. Do you REALLY want Crush to win knowing you'd face him

later? Or do you just root for Crush because of all that camaraderie that

all heels share with each other? While you're thinking about THAT, watch

Crush turn around this submission hold and put on one of his own, an arm

scissors. This hold, by the way, looks completely painless. The good guys

now pound the mat. The commentators mention that Lex Luger has been banned

from ringside, so we should probably expect to see him later in the match.

Tatanka pushed back, still in the hold, and gets a 2 count when Crush's

shoulders brush the mat. Crush breaks the hold and slams Tatanka for 2.

Crush with repeated 2 counts, applying a slightly better looking submission

hold this time. Tatanka powers out, though, and whips Crush into the ropes,

following it up with a clothesline for 2. Elbow by Tatanka for 2. Crush

with atomic drop. After shaking off the cobwebs, Crush covers, but only 2.

Repeat arm scissors, repeat good lumberjack mat pounding. Tatanka punches

out, then goes after IRS for no good reason. Crush attacks from behind (of

course). Savat kick. Headbutt. 2 count. Yet another submission hold by

Crush. 2 count. Another 2. Tatanka again escapes the hold and chops away.

Slam by Tatanka. Dropped elbow for 2. Let's take an ad break, I can't

recover from all this action.


It was all Tatanka during the ad break--kind of makes you glad there were

ads, eh? It's still all Tatanka. Crush gets caught in the ropes, and

Tatanka chops away. Finally, Hebner gets Tatanka to beg off while he undoes

the ropes. Crush pulls another atomic drop from nowhere, and follows it up

with an elbow off the second rope. Bam Bam hits the mat twice, and Tatanka

kicks out, before Hebner even gets in position for the one count. Good

thinking. Crush with an assortment of elbows and kicks. 2 count. YASH by

Crush. Pounding on the mat by the good lumberjacks has no effect this time.

Crush throws Tatanka out to Yokozuna, who hammers him. This triggers off

several skirmishes on the outside between the lumberjacks. Meanwhile,

Tatanka is put back in the ring for 2. The lumberjacks break it up, sort

of, while Crush takes over. Savage starts to wonder what happens if we go

the time limit. Tatanka with some feeble chops. Crush with a souffle

(Savage called it) and a leg drop o' doom--well, it's gotta be over. Nope,

only 2. Tatanka, desperate, tosses Crush out to the good lumberjacks. Of

course, instead of going right back in, Crush decides to take on all ten

faces right there. He does a pretty good job of it, too, until who should

appear but Lex Luger. One punch and one loaded elbow later, and the good

lumberjacks are putting a comatose Crush in to join the comatose Tatanka.

Hebner, who apparently has been discussing trade relations with Kwang this

whole time, turns and puts on the double count. EVERYBODY pounds on the

mats, and Tatanka comes to at nine. He lays an arm over the prone form that

is Kona Crush and gets the pinfall. The faces come in and surround Tatanka.

Hebner fails to notice Luger and DQ Tatanka. This match was probably a lot

better than I describe it, well maybe it's not. Tatanka claims the last

slot in the King of the Ring Tournament.


1995 - Kevin James Podsiadlik, RSPW Message Boards


Owen Hart (w/Cornette and Fuji) vs. Davey Boy Smith, KotR qualifier


I have to admit, Gorilla's nickname for Owen, "The Rocket King", has

its appeal, except it makes me worry that someone's written a song

called "The Rocket Sleeps Tonight". Meanwhile, the powers that be in

the WWF, having decided that Owen's request for a bye into the first

round was all too reasonable, have changed their story and now say Owen

wanted a bye all the way to the end, where he would meet the winner of

the tournament in a fourth match for that participant, and first for

him that night, to determine the new king. Since this style of

tournament is known as "king of the hill", this request still almost

makes sense.


Jim Ross spills the beans by admitting they are not in Struthers for

this match, and off we go. Bulldog gets an arm wringer, which totally

awes Gorilla. Owen untwists himself, then somehow gets himself right

back into it again. Owen lies down and discovers that this referee is

quick to start counting pinfalls. After dangling about for nearly a

minute in this useless, and frankly boring, position, Owen decides to

do something about it and reverses the hold with a little help from the

Bulldog's locks. Next the brothers-in-law trade hammerlocks, while

members of the audience trade glances, wondering when something is

going to happen. Owen decides he has to take the initiative, flips

over Davey Boy's head, comes off the ropes, and runs right into Davey

Boy's military press slam. Cover for 2, after which Owen takes the

heel's privilege of a trip outside the ring for rest. Owen gets up on

the ropes for re-entry, which the Bulldog provides in the form of a

rope slingshot. Now an armbar, providing further delay, broken up with

a bounce off the ropes into a shoulderblock, then a hip toss, then back

in the armbar we go. Owen breaks free and lands three uppercuts, the

last of which sends Davey Boy reeling to the canvas. Owen with a

headbutt, then a side headlock which gets him sent for a ride into a

kick flip, as Gorilla called it, and that seems right. Another armbar,

this with a bit more emphasis, then into a more standard armbar, from

which Owen can rise and counterattack. Backing the Bulldog into a

corner, Owen rams his shoulder into Davey Boy's gut a few times, adds a

slap for good measure, then cross-corner whips Davey Boy, before

ramming his shoulder again, this time into the ring post. Davey Boy

takes the edge and sets up for his patented half-hour slam. This one

actually takes a full half-minute, breaking down into five seconds for

the setup, twelve seconds of motionless anticipation, and thirteen

seconds of vertical exhilaration for the Rocket King. All in all, a

better deal than Cedar Point's Demon Drop, and less expensive, too, as

this only cost a two-and-a-half count. Reverse chinlock (ahem), which

Owen wastes little time in breaking out of. This ends, as so many

reverse chinlock scenarios do, with a knee to the midsection, though

this is the first time in my term here where it was the person who was

in the chinlock who gave his opponent the knee to the gut. Owen teases

a sharpshooter, then kicks at the Bulldog until he nearly slides out of

the ring. Owen jumps outside to deliver punishment to Davey's head at

a more convenient angle, then gets back into to tread on the Bulldog's

throat. After Owen if force to break this, the Bulldog flops to the

floor. With all due apologies from Jim Ross, we leave this engrossing

action to take an


-- ad break --


Owen sends Davey Boy for the ride and nails him with a nasty-looking

roundhouse kick that makes Michaels' superkick look like a ballet step

(sorry Shawn, but I calls em as I sees em). Another sharpshooter

tease, this time Owen goes for the direct method and rolls on top of

Davey Boy for a two-count. For those of you just tuning in, and

incidentally those of you who have been watching since the start, this

match has a fifteen-minute time limit, of which five minutes are left.

Oh, did we forget to mention that? Well, we didn't want to spoil the

surprise. Anyway, now that the cat's out of the bag and we know what

the final result must be, we can sit back and enjoy five solid minutes

of futility.


At any rate, Owen decides the best use of the limited time is to apply

a sleeper hold to the Bulldog. Well, to each his own. Davey Boy winds

down and so does the clock, to four minutes. After the obligatory arm

drops, Davey Boy busts out of the sleeper in grand fashion with a back

suplex. Owen rises just barely first, but on the ensuing whip, Davey

Boy lands a sunset flip for two. Owen counters by handing Davey Boy

his foot, then landing a roundhouse with the other. Two count. Three

minutes. Whip, Owen with the dropkick, or not, as Davey Boy pulls up

short and takes the proffered legs of the Rocket and uses them to

catapult Owen into the turnbuckle. Davey Boy wastes precious seconds

getting his ten head shots into the turnbuckle in, then nails a cradle

suplex, "as used by other athletes in the past", but not quite as well,

as Owen busts out at two. Davey Boy improvises a submission hold in

the form of standing on Owen's calf muscles while holding his feet up,

then pulling Owen's arms back. Two minutes to go. Davey Boy tries

rocking back, back, back... and eventually rolls onto his back and darn

near pins himself while hoisting Owen into the air. The Bulldog barks

at the referee for a moment before covering Owen for another two-count.

90 seconds to go. Cross-corner whip, Owen reverses it, and gets good

impact on it. Cross-corner whip, this time the Bulldog reverses it.

Owen tries flipping over the Bulldog's head, but instead lands exactly

where he didn't want to, right on Davey Boy's shoulder, in the

Bulldog's grasp, in the textbook position for a running slam. The slam

is duly performed, the cover... and Owen's foot finds the ropes. And

furthermore, the referee sees it. The Bulldog, dismayed at this last,

best chance for victory going by the boards, starts the match into

desperation mode by cinching Owen into a small package. Two-count, and

a minute to go. Whip, reversed by Owen, Bulldog hits a crucifix for

two. Another whip, and Owen suddenly tackles Davey Boy for a small

package for two. Davey Boy reverses it, two. Thirty seconds. Owen

tries for a piledriver, but gets back body dropped instead, but Owen

holds on tight and turns it into a sunset flip for two. Less than ten

seconds, and Owen takes the time to slap the Bulldog before loading him

into a backslide, for one-and-a-half, by which time the bell has



1996 - Kevin James Podsiadlik, RSPW Message Boards


Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Jake the Snake (w/bag) (KotR 1st round)


With relatively little fanfare, the match begins. Lockup, and Helmsley

gets a headlock on Roberts. Jake flings him off, only to get knocked

down in the ensuing battle of shoulderblocks. Helmsley celebrates his

first successful move with the exaggerated bow, and Roberts for some

reasons gets a real good laugh out of it. Or is that just a knowing

grin? Second lockup, second headlock, only difference is, Roberts sends

Helmsley the long way across the ring, in order to give himself time to

set up a hip toss instead of a doomed shoulderblock. Next comes a knee

lift, and Jake signals for the DDT! Helmsley is put into position, but

manages to squirm out at the last instant. Backing up, he nearly steps

on the bag. Not wanting hurt the innocent ophidian spectator presumably

within, Helmsley backs off of it, and right back into the DDT again.

Again Hunter just barely finds means of escape in time, and this time

decides to exit the ring before anything else can go wrong. At this

point, we have time for a quick interview with Helmsley's current woman,

Jennie Lee. McMahon attempts to play up her presumed lack of

intelligence, but Lawler comes to her aid. Helmsley, meanwhile, is back

in the ring, and after considerable hesitations on everyone's part, they

lock up and Roberts emerges with a wrist lock on Helmsley, which he

proceeds to exploit exceedingly well. Twist and turn, lift and drop.

Roberts, with a foot nicely in position, looks for something kickable on

the floor-bound form of Helmsley, but with the referee's constant

interference, the search proves in vain. Helmsley stands up, and

Roberts does the lift and drop thing again, still grasping the wrist.

Finally, for variety, he switches to the armbar. This eventually turns

into a hammerlock.


Meanwhile, an interesting sequence of discussion is going on at the

announcers desk. First, Jake is applauded for his successful (as far as

success goes) return to the WWF at age 43. This gets Lawler to talking

about "last hurrahs". Which leads McMahon to mention, probably for the

last time, Ted DiBiase, who has had his last hurrah with the WWF. Which

leads us to the matter of others who are officially no longer associated

with the WWF, specifically one Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall, and one Kevin

"Diesel" Nash. Which leads us finally to the point of this chain of

discussion (and yes, there is one), which is to get out the disclaimer

that despite any appearances one might derive from watch the wrestling

show of an unnamed rival wrestling organization, these two are no longer

of the WWF payroll and are not to be assumed to represent the WWF in any

manner whatsoever. I don't know, Vince, maybe if you said it while

wearing a neck brace...


While this is going on, Hunter elbows out of the hold, gives Jake a

turnbuckle shot, and puts the hammerlock on Roberts to see how he likes

it. Roberts likes it very much, as he is equally able to elbow out of

it, and grabs Helmsley's head for another shot at the DDT! Again Hunter

slips out of it and out of the ring altogether. While waiting for his

opponent to re-enter, Roberts gives his bag a little tweak, which

presumably, whatever is in that bag likes. Helmsley demands the bag be

removed, but gets nowhere with the ref on that score.


Time for another lockup, Helmsley gets behind Jake, waistlock? No,

somehow Roberts gets another wristlock out of it. This match is

becoming seriously annoying to Hunter. Roberts, meanwhile, grows

concerned that Helmsley is badly misunderstanding that bag of his, and

decides to get them closer together in order for them to get to know

each other. Oddly, Hunter balks at this, to the extent that he breaks

out of the wristlock in a big hurry and is quickly back on the outside

of the ring again. Again the request is made for the bag to be removed,

and this time the claim is backed up by some obvious movement inside the



-- ad break --


Helmsley has finally asserted some control in the match, with Roberts

stuck in the corner, taking whatever punches and kicks Hunter wants to

deal out. Roberts slumps over to be foot-choked. Lawler, meanwhile, is

having trouble picturing a snake wearing a crown, and this surprises me

since I'd have bet he'd heard of a King Cobra before. Hunter snaps

Roberts over, and casually lands a knee on Jake's head as McMahon brings

up the Warrior/Lawler confrontation one more time. As Hunter covers for

a two-count, Lawler decides to have a run at making jokes about the

Warrior being in a comic book. Roberts, after what seems like a full

minute's effort to get to his feet, goes right back down again after a

single blow from Hunter. Hunter with the elbow drop and a cover, but

only two. Psst, Hunter, try the Pedigree! Hunter goes to set up

something or other, whatever it was, we'll never know, as Roberts gets

his second wind and starts trading blows with Hunter, then adding a few

more as a bonus. Roberts goes for the short-arm clothesline, but

misses. He turns around, and runs his chin squarely into Helmsley's

fist. Down Jake goes again, but Hunter, completely off his game, shows

no clue how to continue, pressing on with some stomps, a choke, and,

worst of all, a reverse chinlock. Lawler meanwhile promises that he has

something to show the Warrior on next week's show. Better get a quick

look at it, because I think it will get destroyed pretty quickly.

Roberts, meanwhile, breaks out the chinlock the currently fashionable

way, making Helmsley's chin impact upon the top of Roberts' head.

Helmsley staggers off to see if Isaac Yankem is still in the WWF. Here

comes yet another resurgence for the Snake, as he lands blow after

uncontested blow before knocking Hunter down. Roberts with the

wristlock, short-arm clothesline, and this time he hits it. And once

again, Roberts signals the DDT. The pull-up, the set-up... and this

time Hunter breaks it up by charging into Roberts, pinning him in the

corner and breaking the momentum. Now Hunter with a cross-corner whip,

Roberts bounces out, and right into a Helmsley elbow. Cover, 1, 2, and

still no. So let's try a...


-- 900 line plug --


-- ad break --


And here we are again, with Roberts stuck in the corner, and Helmsley

landing blows at will. Pedigree, Hunter! Think about it! Cross-corner

whip, Hunter tries to toss Roberts on the bounce-out, Roberts slips

behind him, Hunter turns... and hey, the fifth time's the charm, as

Roberts finally gets that DDT he was looking for. And thus a thoroughly

disgusting match for Hunter Hearst Helmsley ends in a totally abhorrent

way, with Roberts rolling over for the cover and the easy pinfall.


And if that weren't enough, the bag decides it want to get a piece of

the action, too. With the DQ no longer a concern, Roberts opens the

bag, and sure enough, there was a snake in there all along. Roberts

tries the effect of waving the snake in Hunter's face to gauge his

reaction, but gets only one of comatoseness. Call for Dr. Goldust,

quick! And while we're waiting, time for some fun. A little song, a

little dance, a little python down the pants? Or is Hunter just happy

to see him? Finally the referee intervenes on behalf of good taste, and

Roberts raises the snake over his head in victory. I just hope he

doesn't try wrapping it around his waist...


1997 - G.P. Ryan, RSPW Message Boards


non-title) Sid vs. WWF champ The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)

Some fan with a decidedly poor grasp of grammar holds up a sign that

says "NWO and WCW SUCKS". Then again, this _is_ West Virginny...

--break-- Vince says the match has just begun as Sid chokes UT against

the ropes and pounds on him. He delivers some truly lame fists. UT

finally fires back at 1:35 but gets stuffed immediately. UT reverses

the whip but misses a clothesline and takes a good chokeslam for 2.

Sid corner whip, but UT delivers a two-hand choke, shoves him into the

corner and clubbers then chokes him. JR calls them 2 great super

heavyweights. UT whip, ducks and gets smacked. In a classic

understatement, JR says Sid is not a technical wizard. Sid pounds on

him, and covers for 2 then goes to a chinlock. Sid finally gets things

moving again with a whip and takes a flying lariat and Tombstone for

the clean pin.

WINNER: The Undertaker, at 4:47 3/4*


The NOD attack both competitors, but Sid chokeslams Crush & Savio in

rapid succession before Faarooq clips his knee. Crush & Savio didn't

sell it for more than 5 seconds or so. Some lamers hold up a BIG

"Bring Back the Warrior" banner. (Please, DON'T!) The Nation leave

both Sid & Taker lying in the ring.


1998 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


KANE (with Paul Bearer) v. UNDERTAKER, winner is #1 Contender - Undertaker is fists a flyin', and even takes a shot at Mike Ciota (misses), THEN goes outside to take a shot at Paul Bearer (lands it). It looks like McMahon has sufficiently fired up ol' 'Taker here. (Vince: "Now THIS is an ass kicking!") 'Taker climbs to the top rope, does that tightrope thing and hits the axehandle. Kane comes back and hits a chokeslam. Kane with short clothesline. Kane throws 'Taker out and follows. 'Taker's head meets the STEEL post. Back in we go. Throat chop by Kane. 'Taker fires back. Head to the post by Kane. Kane stays on Undertaker while McMahon and Austin trade verbal potshots, and while Ross occasionally calls the match. 'Taker with a brief flurry, Kane with a powerslam. Kick to the head by Kane. Irish whip, 'Taker puts a boot up. Kane misses an elbowdrop. Back to punches, back and forth. Whip, duck, Undertaker with the chokeslam. Austin is rooting for Undertaker - like he WANTS to face *either* of these guys again. Kane gets up. Undertaker with side Russian leg sweep (!) - Legdrop of doom! 1, 2, no, Kane kicks out. Undertaker stays on with rights. Whip, reverse, reverse, Ciota goes down after eating a whipped Kane. Undertaker pushes Kane into a post, Kane comes back out and 'Taker catches him in a tombstone. As the pinfall DOESN'T happen, out runs - MANKIND? And with a mandible claw, he inserts himself in the match. McMahon is smiling broadly - "*I* don't know what he's doing here, I *fired* him!" Undertaker pushes Mankind back outside. Kane is back up in the meantime. Tombstone! 1, 2, 3. (6:25) - Kane is the #1 Contender! McMahon gives Austin a salute, Austin flips McMahon off. Austin rips off his headset but Kane is there. He makes the "I want da belt" gesture, then lights up the turnbuckles. As they walk off, Undertaker is left to brawl with Mankind. McMahon: "I may change my mind about Mick Foley - he's really showing me some intestinal fortitude here, he's showing me some guts! He's impressing me! He's damn well sure impressing me!" They keep brawling until 2302, and we gotta go!


1999 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW v. UNDERTAKER (with Paul Bearer) for the WWF Championship - I haven't noted it until now, but the "real" WWF title belt has been displayed tonight instead of the "smokin' skull" belt. Big Show tries to strike first, but Undertaker takes control - he tries a belt shot but the Big boot is eaten instead. There's an elbowdrop for 2. To the corner, coming out - Undertaker hits hard. Double choke - back into the corner. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick. Referee "Blind" Earl Hebner tries to get it out of the corner with words - ha. Undertaker tries to fire back - punches are exchanged. Now it's back to the Big Show - kick, punch, kick. Foot on the throat. Undertaker finally comes back with rights, Big Show blocks one and hits a headbutt, and the Undertaker's off his feet. Yes, you MAY use the word "deliberate" to describe the pace of this match. Off the ropes, duck, Undertaker with the choke - Wight staves the attempt and puts on a choke of his own. This standoff is broken when Undertaker motions to Paul Bearer - causing Hebner to look that way, and when he does, Undertaker hits a low blow. Flying clothesline from Undertaker. Now stomping away. Big Show rolls out of the ring. Undertaker following. Right hand. Head to the steps - blocked, Undertaker's head DOES hit the STEEL. Headbutt. Now at the commentary tables. Right hand. Undertaker picked up alike a ragdoll - but he pushes off and Big Show's head hits the post. Off the apron - clothesline to the back and Big Show wipes out the top of the commentary table. Undertaker now has a chair - whack across the back ("kidneys"). Standing on the back of the neck. Hebner trying to get it broken but not having much luck. Right from the Undertaker - now chasing Hebner away. Succession of rights. Choke is on again. Big Show moving the entire commentary table with his flailin' kicks. Undertaker grabbing him by the scruff of the neck - now taking his head to the table again. Big time eye gouge. Elbow to the back of the head. Kidney punch. "You wanted the Undertaker, huh? You wanted the Undertaker?" Uppercut from the Undertaker. Holy cow, we're back in the ring! Undertaker climbing to the top - coming off - but landing in a choke! ahhhhhTHECHOKESLAAAAM! But that chokeslam was so monumental that Undertaker fell THROUGH the ring! Hebner calls for the bell and stops the match (No contest 6:51) - geez, if this was *ECW* they'd keep going! Anyway, the ACOLYTES & MIDIAN come in and get chokeslammed for THEIR troubles - to their credit, they DON'T fall through the ring. Here's some replays of the Undertaker falling through the ring just for kicks. Here's a live shot of Big Show. He looks unhappy. Here's the War Zone credits. GOOD NIGHT!


2000 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


WWF CHAMPIONSHIP: LA ROCA v. THE NEW MAN (with Stephanie Ono) - Challenger enters first - ohhhhhhhhhhh ohhh oh ohhhhh oh. Seriously though, the WWF is damned if they do and damned if they don't here. If they DO actually have this match complete with clean finish, I'd be well within my rights to bitch at them for giving this potential WrestleMania main event away for free; on the other hand, any kinda screwy finish pretty much deserves some general bitching as well. Rock brings in H over the top rope by the hair in mid-pose and we're on. Clothesline, HARD right (mistake?), right, out of the corner is reversed, Rock with a clothesline, right, right, into the opposite corner is reversed and H flies over the top to the floor. Rock is out after him. Right, right, head to the STEEL steps, head to the commentator's table, head to the ringpost, Rock pulls the top off the table and forcibly removes a monitor. Rock with a right, H on the table, H with a right, right, off the table but he's caught on the way down - H elbows out of the Rock Bottom attempt, but gets backdropped onto the table as he charges him. Rock is over - head to the tabletop, again, legs spread, punch in the jimmy, H rolls off to the floor. H put in the barricade - clothesline ducked, H manages a neckbreaker. H rolls into the ring - and as referee "Blind" Earl Hebner goes back in, HE rolls back out. Rock put shoulder-first into the STEEL steps. H back into the ring - and back out again. Off the apron with a sledge to the head. Rock rolled back in the ring, and H follows. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, H stands on the neck and Hebner ignores putting on a count and instead pulls H off of Rock by the hair. Words exchanged between the champ and the referee. H turns back to the Rock and finds that he's let him recover - right by the Rock, right, right, right, right, right, into the ropes, reversed, duck, high knee by H, clothesline by H, cover, 1, 2, no! H mounts Rock and throws four right hands. Vertical suplex coming up - and there we go. H with a crotch chop and running kneedrop. Leg hooked - only 2! H tries another cover - another 2. Another cover - and one more 2. H argues the cadence while the crowd chants "Rock E." Right cross from the champion. Rock brought to his feet, and another right hand puts him down. H goes outside - climbing the corner in typical Flair-esque fashion - and just as you'd expect, Rock pops up and beals him across the ring because THAT MOVE NEVER WORKS! HEY! Ross stole my line! Rock's whip is reversed, but Rock holds on - ersatz swinging neckbreaker! Right, off the ropes, Samoan Drop - leg hooked - 1, 2, NO!! Rock still on him, right, into the ropes, but H hits the facebuster and now both men are down and out. Triple H looks to be up first despite the big ol' "Rock E" chant from the crowd. H again has words for Hebner - shove - Hebner shoves back, into a rollup from the Rock - 1, 2, H kicks out! Clothesline by the Rock as the rest of the HOLLYWOOD SQUARES trickle out. Shane up on the apron - Hebner shoves HIM to the floor! Both men back up - Rock with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, right, right, NOW KISS THAT RIGHT! Over with a punch for X-Pac, one for Road Dogg, one for Shane, double leg takedown for H - oh, guess that was a spinebuster - and now it looks like there's nobody left to trip him up on those two sides so he WILL hit - the People's Elbow! Cover - leg hooked - 1, 2, X-Pac pulls Hebner out of position! Hebner with a kick that takes X-Pac down HARD to the floor! Dogg up on the apron - Hebner having a chat with HIM, setting up a reversed whip into a big ol' collision - Rock to Hebner to Dogg to the floor. Gutshot, DDT by the Rock. Everybody hits the ring and gets some licks in on the Rock - a chair is fed to Triple H, but before he can utilise it, out comes UNDERTAKER & KANE - it's ass kickin' time! Punches all around! Kane has Vince in a choke while Undertaker has X-Pac - Shane on Undertaker's back, Triple H over to try to chair Kane - Kane gets H in the choke, letting Vince go - chokeslam! Rock grabs the chair and swings for Shane, but Dogg pulls him off of Undertaker's back at JUST the right moment - and Rock hits Undertaker with the chair! 'taker turns around, feels some furious anger and chokeslams Rock (!), then stomps on Triple H. To the outside, where Undertaker levels X-Pac, Road Dogg and Shane for good measure. Meanwhile, Triple H has crawled over and gotten an arm on Rock - Hebner just conscious enough to make a trademark slow count - 1....2.......3. (9:32) Undertaker walks into the ring and puts H outside with one uppercut. Ross: "We started the night with three #1 Contenders - and now we have none!" The Faction walks off - H raising the belt as high as he can as they all back up the ramp - somebody got Vince and Brisco pretty good with some water. Kane, Undertaker and Rock are left in the ring - but our last shot is a victorious Triple H up on the stage. Hey, that ruled. Well, for me, anyway. Good stuff.


2001 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


WWF CHAMPIONSHIP: MY NAME IS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN (with Combos presents King of the Ring!) v. CHRIS MONDAY JERICHO - Champ enters first, because they REALLY want to put the challenger over. Take a drink every time someone says "ten German suplexes." As Jericho enters, I should note that the ONLY Triple H mention we have received to this point tonight...was in Jericho's promo, so I think we can lay off Triple H for his terrible, blatant, obvious attempts to worm his way onto WWF televison even while injured - all right? Austin's steely gaze hasn't left Jericho since he hit the apron - ahh, so he can strike as SOON as he parts the ropes - overhand clubbinf forearm, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, kick, kick, kick, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp. Finally the tag belt is off Jericho's waist. Head to the buckle by Austin - and again. One more time, Jericho's skull bounces off the turnbuckle pad. Second rope choke in the corner - referee "Blind" Earl Hebner vainly tries to get Austin off of him. Whip into the corner is reversed - dropkick by Jericho! Another dropkick! Gutshot, right, right, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, right, chop, chop, into the ropes, Austin fires back with a kick. Right hand. Into the ropes, Jericho ducks the clothesline - Austin wants the Austin press but Jericho shoves him off, catches his legs, and steps over into the Walls of Jericho! Austin reaches for the ropes - Jericho pulls him away! Austin crawls to the ropes again...and reaches the bottom rope. Jericho lets go and Austin goes outside. Jericho out after him - but Austin catches him with a forearm shiver. Jericho rolled back in. Austin with some words for Foley before returning to the ring - Jericho with a springboard dropkick as Austin hits the apron! Jericho out - head to the barricade - again! Austin kicks back, kick, Jericho right, Austin kick, head to the STEEL steps! Again Austin rams Jericho's head into the steps. Foley tells them to get it back in the ring - now Foley and Hebner are arguing - and Foley doesn't see Austin whip Jericho right into Foley, putting them BOTH down! Austin ready to run Jericho into the steps, but Jericho slips it and shoves Austin KNEE-FIRST into the steps! Gutshot - Jericho drops Austin on the barricade. Right hand, head to the barricade. Jericho back in the ring to break the count - Hebner keeping him from going out again as Foley rolls Austin back in! Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp - Hebner pulls Jericho back as Austin tries to escape - but Foley rolls him back in again! Must be a lumberjack match, too! Jericho off the ropes - trademark bulldog! Jericho to the ropes - Lionsault - HITS THE KNEES! Both men are down...and Austin is up first. Grabbing Jericho, Austin puts him into the ropes - BIIIIIIIG spinebuster. Off the ropes, Austin drops the hammer - that big elbow. Austin runs the knee along Jericho's face - stomps the hand - boot to the head - and again. Knee to the face. Austin laying in some verbal shots as well. Six kicks to the ribs. Austin looks to the crowd - and they let him know they want Y2J. Second rope springboard stomps - three of 'em by Austin. Snapmares Jericho over - knee in the shoulderblades and cranking back on the arms. Jericho screams but won't give up. Austin tells him to give up - no. Jericho tries to turn it...and manages to do so, but Austin's trick knee acts up at JUST the worst time for his opponent. Foley saw it, but Hebner didn't. Austin hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO! Austin quickly back on him with a stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp - they're rolling all around the ring with Austin's stomps. Crowd chanting "asshole." Another boot to the face by Austin - turning back to Foley - he takes a kick HIS way, bringing Foley to the apron - Hebner turns to stop him and Jericho sneaks in a jimmy punch while Hebner's back is turned! Jericho with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," again, again, again, again, again, Austin FINALY lands a right, Jericho right, right, right, right, rigiht, right, right, kick, kick, kick, mounting him in the corner - Ten Punch Count Along - make it twelve - yikes - into the opposite corner is reversed but Jericho gets the elbow up - perched on the second floor - missile dropkick!! Cover, leg is hooked, 1, 2, NO!! Jericho puts Austin in the corner, follow lariat, sat on top, right, right, Jericho climbing up, top rope, FRANKENSTEINER!! Again Jericho covers - 1, 2, NO!! Austin into the ropes, reversal, Jericho flies off with the flying jalapeno but Austin has that scouted - dropping down, HEBNER takes the brunt! He's out of the ring - Austin right, Jerich, Autin, Jericho, Austin, Austin, Austin, KICK WHAM Jericho shoves him off, double leg takedown...going for the Walls but Austin isn't - no, HE IS!! AUSTIN IS IN THE WALLS OF JERICHO!! Foley decides he'd better hit the ring and take over - asking Austin if he wants to give it up. Here comes COMMISSIONER REGAL...pulling Foley out and unleashing a barrage of left hands! Stomping away on the floor - Jericho lets go and comes out after Regal - THEY get to brawling, while Foley grabs a chair - running at Regal - duck, and Foley gets JERICHO with the chair!! TIMMMMMBERRRRRRRR. Regal back over with left hands to Foley, headbutt...meanwhile, Austin has Jericho - rolled back in the ring - Hebner is making his way back in - Austin has the leg hooked - 1....... 2.......... NO!!! Austin grabs Jericho - KICK WHAM STUNNER - 1, 2, 3, Austin has done it again. (10:56) Austin hightails it with his belt as Foley has turned the tide - Regal thrown into the ring...where Jericho puts on the Walls of Jericho! Regal taps (as if it'll help) as Foley produces...Mr. Socko! And there's a Walls of Mandible Socko! Play Jericho's music, hit the War Zone credits, it is OVER!


2002 - CRZ, slashwrestling.com


RIC FLAIR (Charlotte, North Carolina - 234 pounds - with Snickers Cruncher presents King of the Ring!) v. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN (Victoria, Tejas - 252 pounds) with closed fist punches causing immediate disqualification




Flair dares Austin to punch him during the feeling out process. Lockup, side headlock by Flair, chain wrestling to a hammerlock, Austin counters with a hammerlock of his own, Flair drops down with a drop toehold, floats into a headlock, Austin back to the hammerlock, to their feet, arm wringer by Austin, Flair balls up his fist and Austin points to his chin. Flair doesn't go for it - Austin gives Flair's arm another twist. Flair puts Austin into the ropes, Austin with a shoulderblock to take him down. Austin mounts Flair - rares back - but Robinson reminds him about what'll happen if he punches him. Everybody back up. "Woooo!" Austin lets him know he's number one. We go again - lockup, side headlock by Flair, Austin powers out, Flair with the shoulderblock. Up and over - Austin with a drop toehold - Austin grabs the right leg and locks in a half crab. Austin shakes his head when Robinson asks if he gives up - Flair backs him up and manages to grab the bottom rope. In the corner, Austin with a chop, chop, chop, chop, teases a punch but goes back to the chop. Flair begs off but manages a kick in the gut. Flair with a chop - Austin chops back - Austin chop, chop, into the ropes, big back body drop, hooks the leg - 1, 2, Flair kicks out. Flair puts a thumb in the eye to stop the momentum. Flair takes over - gutshot, chop, into the ropes is reversed - Austin press - Austin almost punches him AGAIN but stops himself, opting for a double-handed choke instead. Breaks at 4 - Flair manages to get the legs over the shoulders as he lets up and press him - 1, 2, no. Austin back up - chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, climbs to the second rope - Zero Punch Count Along...stopped too long - Flair walks him to the centre but forgets to put a move on him, so Austin lands on his feet and throws a lariat to take Flair down - leg is hooked - 1, 2, no! Here comes CHRIS BENOIT - Robinson immediately leaves the ring to get him from nearing the ring - too bad, Austin hits the Stone Cold Stunner off the ropes but there's nobody to make a count. Austin watches all this, not catching that behind his back and through the crowd, EDDIE GUERRERO hits the ring, knocks Austin down from behind, lands a frog splash and takes off - man, I hope Robinson isn't watching that giant screen in front of him! I guess not - Robinson sees two men down in the ring when he goes back in - after Benoit is good enough to leave, mind - and puts on the mandatory ten count. At four, Flair is up and Ross says we've got one ad break to go. Stick around!


Back from the break and Ross says it's been mostly Flair when we haven't been able to watch them - but it's Austin with the clothesline. Flair goes to the eyes again. Austin tossed through the ropes to the floor - Flair goes out after him. Say, if it's a double countout, what happens then? Status quo? Chop by Flair, chop - wants to put him into the post but Austin blocks it - chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, Flair with ANOTHER eyepoke. But Flair walks into a back body drop on the floor! Robinson decides to go outside rather than continue his count. Austin rolls back in the ring just in case. Austin pulls Flair to the apron - and suplexes him back into the ring. Flair begs off - not happening. Gutshot by Austin, open-handed slap, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, Flair points to his chin and Austin's gonna do it - but Robinson hooks his arm, preventing him from doing it - and while his back is to the action, Flair unloads HIS right hand! Robinson asks if he punched him and of course Flair shakes his head violently. Snickers Cruncher replay apparently isn't on the big screen. Flair puts his knee into the back of Austin's knee, chopping him down. Flair lays the leg across the bottom rope and sits on it, Potsie. Kick to the knee, chop, kick, chop, kick. Austin staggers to the adjacent corner - Flair stomps the knee, stomp, stomp, Austin chop, chop, chop, chop, but Flair turns it back - chop, chop, almost punches but stops himself - gutshot as Austin comes out of the corner - off the ropes with a stomp on the knee. Now we go to school! The figure four is locked in and Austin's a long way from the ropes - in fact, it's FLAIR grabbing the ropes for the all-important added leverage! Flair lets go just in time to stop Robinson from seeing it - but this gives Austin just enough to start the slow turn...yes...turning the figure four over and reversing it! Flair releases the hold as quickly as he can. Flair's up first, albeit limping. Flair with a chop, Austin chops, Flair, Austin, Flair, Austin, Austin with a side headlock, Flair power out, but their heads collide next time by. Robinson only gets to 2 before Flair is up - outside - climbing up - oh no, that never works!! Austin is up and bealing Flair off the corner to the centre of the ring! Here we go - kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp - running stomp! Austin pulls Flair up by his hair - chop in the corner - chop - chop - FLAIR FLOP!! Flair *again* goes with the thumb to the eye to stop him. Austin puts Flair into the ropes - but Flair grabs Austin with an inside cradle - 1, 2, NO!! Austin blocks a hip toss, hooks the arm, backslide is successful - 1, 2, NO!! Looked like a right hand from Flair but let's be generous and call it a forearm - Austin chops, Flair chops, Austin, Flair, Austin, Flair with, yes, an eyepoke. Flair with a chop. Into the ropes is reversed, KICK WHAM STUNNER! 1, 2, 3! (14:33) Just like that, and it can happen at any time. Does Flair yet realise the implications of this loss? Austin has a smile on his face. Austin picks up Flair - there's the right hand! Flair forgets to sell it - wotta pisser. Austin with a chop, into the ropes, big body drop - KICK WHAM STUNNER! Flair at least knows how to sell THAT. Beer me, beer me, beer me. Austin to the corner to chug. Beer me, beer me. In Texas, Austin drinks Budweiser! Raw Zone credits are up - see ya!

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"Vince McMahon def. Ken Shamrock in a Lion’s Den Match"


What the fuck?!

Okay I guess I'll add one more recap from CRZ:


VINCENT K. v. KING KEN SHAMROCK in the Lion's Den - Oh, boy! "No Chance in Hell!" I sure missed THAT little tune! Vince walks around the entire cage just to kill time, apparently. Anyway, Vince, upon hearing the opening notes of "Theme from Ken Shamrockm," proceeds to chain shut the door of the cage a little early. Damn, Shamrock got his summer haircut a little early, didn't he? Vince holds the chain together while Shamrock tries to force open the door. Now Vince removes the chaint, and wraps it around his fist - hey, here's JEDOUBLEF JADOUBLEREDOUBLET with a chair. WHACK! And a lifeless Shamrock falls into the cage, where Vince quickly applies an anklelock. Since Shamrock is unconscious, referee "Blind" Mike Chioda calls for the bell. (:07) I'll bet Shamrock will be PISSED when he comes to!

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Guest Choken One

I miss Shamrock...I still contend he could've been a star...

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Guest tank_abbott

I actually remembered that angle before he recapped it... Shamrock mark that I was!

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