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The Smackdown Review 6/1 - 6/7

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June 1, 2000

Too Cool NC The Hardy Boyz; Tag Title Match

Kurt Angle def. Bradshaw; KOTR Qualifier

Chris Benoit def. D’Lo Brown; IC Title Match

Terri def. The Kat in an Arm Wrestling Match

The Undertaker def. Road Dogg & X-Pac in a handicap match

Chris Jericho def. Hardcore Holly

The Rock def. Edge & Christian in a handicap match

Crash Holly def. Albert; KOTR Qualifier

Kane def. Triple H


June 7, 2001

Kurt Angle def. Hardcore Holly; KOTR Qualifier

Jeff Hardy def. Jerry Lynn to win the Light Heavyweight Title

Kane def. X-Pac; IC Title Match

The Dudley Boyz def. The Radicalz

Edge def. Test; KOTR Qualifier

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. A.P.A.

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. The Big Show & Rhyno by DQ

Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Steve Austin & Vince McMahon; Tag Title Match


June 6, 2002

Triple H & Hulk Hogan co-winners of 20-man battle royal

Billy & Chuck def. Rikishi & Rico in a tag team elimination match to win the Tag Titles

The Big Valbowski def. Christian; KOTR Qualifier

Kurt Angle def. Hardcore Holly

Lance Storm def. Billy Kidman

Triple H def. Hulk Hogan

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Old recaps of main events/featured matches/major angle developments this week (credit: CRZ, slashwrestling.com):




THROUGH HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE IT'S KANE v. THE NEW MAN (with Stephanie Ono) in a nontitle, #1 Contender match - Cole spells it out for me: on Monday, all those mysterious attacks must have been perpetrated by Kane, and Rock and Undertaker WEREN'T lying when they said it wasn't them. OHHHHHHHHH....you know, that hadn't even occured to me. Thanks! Kane goes outside and grabs the mic again. "You - referee - leave - NOW!" White hotfoots it outta there. "Triple H...there's been a change. This match...now has a special....guest...referee. ....... EARL HEBNER." Hebner gets an entrance, and comes out to the SmackDown! theme. Hebner wastes no time pointing to the WWF logo on his shirt. H gives a buncha lip to Hebner but he can't get disqualified or we WILL have three #1 Contenders. H turns back and finds himself head to chest with Kane. Uppercut, uppercut, right, into the corner, double choke. Kane drops him before the count of 5. Big right, H ducks and throws a right - no effect - double choke - back in the corner, rights and lefts, into the opposite corner, follow clothesline. Big right hand. Into the ropes, head down, facebuster by Triple H - no effect. Kane clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor...and follows. Right hand. Uppercut. Gonna drop him on that barricade there, yup. H's head hits the STEEL steps. H rolls back in the ring - Kane on the apron, and H manages a high knee, sending him off the apron to the commentary table. H comes to, goes outside and unleashes a series of rights on Kane. They try to take out a cameraman in the process, with marginal success. Kane into the post. H rolls in to break the count and rolls out. Kane into the STEEL steps. H again rolls in and out. Kane put back in the ring, H following. Right hand by H, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, Hebner pulls him off, H shoves him back, Hebner warns him. H walks back to Kane and eats an uppercut. H manages a kick, kick, kick, into the corner is reversed by Kane, but Triple H gets an elbow up - H pops up on the second rope - but gets caught in a choke - H with rights, and the choke is broken - continuing with the rights, but Kane won't go down. H off the ropes...and into a clothesline. Kane with another clothesline. Kane blocks a right and hits one of his own. Another punch. Off the ropes, big boot. Sidewalk slam. Kane outside - climbing to the top - but H runs to the rope, crotching Kane. H goes outside and gets a chair...hey, that ain't too smart. Hebner tries to wrest the chair from him, H shoves him by the chair. H turns to Kane - and gets caught in a choke - and chokeslam. Leg hooked. Hebner over for a trademark slow count...1, 2, 3. (5:19) Kane is the ....well, one of the three #1 Contenders. Hebner goes to give the belt to H, but Kane intercepts it, strikes a dramatic pose with the flashpots flashing...then drapes the belt over H's prone form and walks off. Credits are up and I'm outta here




WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: CHRIS BENOIT & CHRIS JERICHO (already in the ring) v. MY NAME IS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN & BILLIONAIRE VINCE - Hmmm, I guess I was wrong about that ad break. Jericho is out cold on the floor and Benoit ain't moving in the ring. Austin is in - no, wait, McMahon wants to get the pin on Benoit. Austin complies and McMahon covers - 1, 2, NO! Jericho pulls Austin off the apron and now THEY'RE going at it on the outside - Austin puts Jericho in Cole's lap. Another cover by McMahon - another 2. And now Benoit has Vince in the crossface! Will he tap? Will Austin save him? Austin saves him with a boot to the head. Austin back to his corner - McMahon staggers over to tag out. Here comes Austin - KICK WHAM NO Benoit holds the waistlock - German suplex! Holding on for two! Holding on for three! Holding on for FOUR! McMahon decides he'd better do something and comes in with a forearm to the back. McMahon slapping away on Benoit's head - now booting him repeatedly in the gut. Crowd chants "asshole." Finally, Hebner gets McMahon back to his corner. Benoit with a right to Austin, right, into the ropes is reversed...and Austin tosses Benoit out, where he crumples in a heap next to Jericho. Austin out, grabbing Benoit - front suplex onto the commentary table! Austin runs at Jericho with a lariat. Jericho gets a taste of commentary table as well. Austin back in, bringing Benoit with him. Benoit sat on the top buckle - Austin with a chop, slap of the face, chop, slap, chop, merciless - Austin to the second rope - Austin to the TOP rope - SUUUUUPEEEEERPLEEEEEX!!!!!! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, BENOIT KICKS OUT!! Austin can't believe it...but he's got one trick left. Austin locks Benoit in the CROSSFACE! Amazingly, McMahon doesn't have anybody ring the bell. FINALLY Jericho is pulling himself back in the ring - running elbow breaks it up. McMahon in - Jericho with a double leg takedown - and the Walls of Jericho!! McMahon taps (well, "pitty pats") - but he's not the legal man! Hebner wants him to break it up, McMahon is screaming - behind his back, KICK WHAM STUNNER and Austin has the leg hooked! Hebner misses it - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Austin lets go and gives Jericho a lariat to break his hold on McMahon. KICK WHAM STUNNER for Jericho. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, Jericho rolls outside - Austin giving Hebner the badmouth - but backing into a schoolboy from Benoit - BENOIT HAS THE TIGHTS - 1, 2, 3!! Champs RETAIN and Benoit just pinned Austin! (4:17) Austin can't *believe* this bullshit - Vince sneers - Benoit & Jericho stand in the aisle, each with a championship belt raised above their head. That's our final shot.




HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN (Hollywood, California - 285 pounds - with EARLIER TONIGHT! - and Mr. McMahon on "ByTe ThiS!" hype) v. TRIPLE H (Greenwich, Connecticut - 272 pounds - and the cover of FLEX magazine) in a #1 Contenders match

referee: Hebner

Tazz says this is the first time he can remember a non-bodybuilder being on the cover of FLEX - wait, so H is NOT a bodybuilder? Then just *what* the hell IS he, pray tell? Man, these entrances sure eat up a lot of time, don't they? Wow, a rematch of Backlash - I wonder why people pay for PPVs anymore. HERE WE GO! Lockup, jockeying for position - H takes him to the corner - Hogan rolls out and they head for the adjacent corner. Neither man will let go and Hebner isn't having much luck separating them. H with a right hand over Hebner - right, right. Into the opposite corner, but Hogan pops out with a clothesline. HOGAN with a right - right - into the ropes, axehandle puts H down. Hogan with a right - riles up the crowd and winds up the right - H through the ropes and sure to land on his injured elbow on the way to the floor. Hogan's out after him, but H strikes first with the kick in the gut. Tries to take him to the steps but Hogan blocks - elbow - *H* into the steps. Hogan takes H into the barricade - right, chop, right and H goes over and into the crowd. Hogan brings him back over the hard way. Right hand. Hogan with another right. Into the post - reversed - Hogan hits the post and goes down! H rolls into the ring - but only long enough to bring Hebner back in - he's back out again. Hogan rolled in, H in by 4. Crowd chanting for Hogan - maybe. H with a right - chop - right hand. Kick in the gut - standing on the neck. Now straight to the blatant chokehold. Right hand, and daring him to get up. Another right. Into the ropes, back elbow. H off the ropes with an elbowdrop. Leg is hooked - 1, 2, Hogan kicks out. Hogan slowly back to his feet - blocks the punch - right hand! Right, right, into the ropes, reversed, H clamps on the sleeper and Hogan starts to falter. Hogan down to a knee - now down to his back. H lifts his legs and adds some torque. One more time, H puts his body into it. Hebner grabs the arm - that's once. Arm falls twice. Could this match be over? Not while he still has a pointer! Hogan back to his feet - back elbow, back elbow, shoves H into the ropes - Hogan with the sleeper! H wastes no time rocking back into the suplex to break it up. Hooks the leg - 1, 2, NO! Hogan starts to shake his head - H with a right - no sale. Right hand, no no. Right hand, he's back up and he's working his invisible jackhammer one more time. H really should stop throwing the right hand - HOGAN POINTS TO HIM!! WAG THAT FINGER! Block, right, right, right, into the ropes, big boot, off the ropes and the legdrop MISSES!! H back to his feet - gutshot - Pedigree? NO! Hogan with a backdrop! Off the ropes - LEGDROP HITS!! 1, 2, H KICKS OUT!! But Hogan thinks he's won! Hebner tries to let him now - Hogan is in SHOCK - H from behind - gutshot - Pedigree!! Leg is hooked - 1, 2, 3!! Triple H is the #1 Contender - also improving his record to .500 against "the REAL Triple H." (6:44) H gets a bit of posing in but decides to help up Hogan - but Hogan shoves him away! H says "hell with this" and takes off. Hogan is beside himself, I guess - wait, he's got the stick. "Triple H, get your ass back in here! Get your ass back in here! No, I'm not done with you, get back in here!" Here he is. Hogan looks to and fro. "You know something, Triple H - I don't have a problem shakin' the better man's hand, brother!" Handshake and hug. Hogan raises H's hand - oh man, when we all hoped he was gonna put over the younger superstars, was *Triple Freakin' H* who we had in mind for that? (Maybe Triple H did.) Hogan goes to leave, but H pulls him back. "Seems to me like you and I still have some unfinished business..." and Triple H cups his ear to the crowd. They play the Hendrix one more time so everybody can cup their ears all four walls - Triple H matching Hogan pose for pose - well hold on just a minute - KURT ANGLE is out and maybe things will get interesting - even better, THE AWESOME UNDERTAKER punks out Triple H from behind! Hogan right, right, but Angle gets HIM from behind and now the heel beatdown is on with Undertaker working over Triple H while Angle puts the boots to Hogan. Taker gives H the damn chokeslam! Angle with an Olympic Slam on Hogan! Taker has a look for H, who is trying to pull himself back up - Taker with a gutshot...and the Last Ride powerbomb! Play Taker's music! Credits are up - this show... and my thirty-first year on earth... are OVER!

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Guest Damn You Helmsley
Jeff Hardy def. Jerry Lynn to win the Light Heavyweight Title


I don't remember that. Probably just as well.

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Jeff Hardy def. Jerry Lynn to win the Light Heavyweight Title


I don't remember that. Probably just as well.

WWF LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: JEFF HARDY (with Lita & wwf.com logo) v. JERRY LYNN - Lockup, live event crawl, Lynn to a hammerlock, Jeff counters with one of his own, to the side headlock, Lynn powers out, shoulderblock by Hardy. Up and over, leapfrog by Lynn, ducks a crossbody and Hardy sails outside. Lynn runs the ropes to try a baseball slide dropkick but Hardy's back in - HE tries a dropkick between the ropes - that hits. Ready for the pescado - but Lynn is back in the ring, so Hardy lands on his feet. Hardy takes the stairs back up and back in the ring. Here we go - lockup, Hardy shoves Lynn to the corner - referee "Blind" Tim White works on getting the break - and finally does - Lynn with a right, right, kick, into the opposite corner, but upends Lynn onto the apron as he charges in. Hardy with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine," going for a shoulderblock through the ropes but Lynn jumps up and spins around into a guillotine on his way down. YIKES. Lynn back in - right hand. Stomp. Another big stomp. Head to the buckle - into the opposite corner, follow lariat. Death suplex. 1, 2, Hardy kicks out. Kane vs. X-Pac tonight! Test vs. Edge! Hardy counters with his sitout jawbreaker as Lynn tries to pick him up. Hardy with "Iblockyourpunchyoudon'tblockmine" again, right, right, whipped into the corner, scooped up into a front slam on his way out, front somersault legdrop, 2! Double Feature of the big leg. Hardy with the corkscrew moonsault off the second rope - 1, 2, NO! Jeff is limping as he stands up. Right hand to the back, right, into the corner is reversed, Hardy up and over, dropkick to the back - coming in but Lynn clotheslines him down - 1, 2, Hardy kicks out! Lynn with a kick, right hand, into the corner is reversed but Lynn evades the splash - Hardy lands on the second rope - Lynn springing up, and down with a - WOW, a powerbomb - 1, 2, NO!! Lita starts some rhythmic mat pounding, firing up the crowd. Right by Lynn, gutshot, running the ropes for the tornado DDT but Hardy shrugs him off - Lynn lands on his feet - and runs into a spinning heel kick! Hardy coverse - 1, 2, NO! Hardy with both legs - double legdrop between 'em. Now going up top - playing to the crowd all the way up - Lynn up with a punch, though - climbing up after him, wanting the superplex - Hardy right, right, shoves him off, tries again and DOES hit the swantonbomb! Hooks the leg - 1, 2, 3!! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new light heavyweight champion. Back to ECW for you, Lynn! (3:40) MATT HARDY comes out to join in the celebration - Jeff climbs the ropes, looks at the crowd, looks at his belt, looks at the crowd, looks at his belt...well, you get the picture. Both Hardys with singles titles, huh?

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Guest Damn You Helmsley

3:40? Geez. Cruiserweight title matches these days even manage to squeeze in a few more minutes than that.

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